Sunday, February 2, 2025
Desk Hygiene
I shot this image of the moon and Venus yesterday evening in our western sky. According to this very informative website, the moon was in a Waxing Crescent phase with 11 percent of its surface illuminated. A beautiful night!
I had a pretty low-key day. I spent several hours in blogland, reading others' blogs and responding to comments on my own. I think I'm more or less caught up.
I was amused by John Gray's post showing his "untidy desk" (which was not at all untidy). It made me think about the reporters I used to work with and their appalling desks. If there's any industry that creates a less tidy culture than a print newsroom, I don't know what it is. Reporters, at least in my day, were constantly scribbling notebooks and legal pads full of handwritten notes, and stacking them up around the margins of their desks, along with police reports and depositions and old newspapers and all manner of paper detritus. I worked with one guy, Tom, who had years worth of paper piled on and around his desk -- he was notorious even in our messy environment -- and how he ever found anything I'll never know. I wish I had a picture of his desk now because it was truly remarkable. A paper mountain, or fortress, with a chair in the middle.
I guess the fact is, for the most part, we reporters only ever needed our most recent notes. After that, the notebooks and paperwork could be consigned to an "archive," in whatever formal or informal sense we maintained one. After all, news was a daily business, and we could always go back to our earlier published stories if we had to rehash older information.
I worked with another guy early in my career, Sam, who was notorious for leaving half-consumed mugs of coffee sitting atop his piled-up paperwork. Those cups sat there so long that they became biology experiments. I guess he must have cleaned them at some point but I remember them being pretty gross.
Personally, I always keep a tidy desk. I can't stand piles of paper. I remember reading somewhere that having too neat a desk sends a negative message to supervisors -- that you aren't busy enough. But I still kept mine clear. I saved my notes until a story published, or maybe for a few weeks or months afterwards, and then I'd periodically throw them all out. Even now, I keep my desk at work mostly empty -- which is hard because it's the main circulation desk in the library and it tends to be the place where people flump stuff down as they're passing by. Whatever's on it is what needs to be done imminently, and then it gets shelved, filed or tossed.
I don't even have a desk at home. My laptop is my desk.
Here's Olga navigating the narrow path along the side of our house. It leads to the garden gate, which opens onto the street (except it's always locked). Every morning she has to go sniff around over there as part of her "rounds." Maybe foxes wander through? Or squirrels? Something keeps her intrigued.
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I have always liked my environment to be neat and tidy, and even more so my work place, be it a home, at the office or at a customer‘s. It is very rare for me nowadays to have paper to work with, as about 99% of my job is done online. I still take notes by hand on notepads, though, and after a meeting or call transfer them either to digital notes or I do whatever task I have jotted down and then throw the paper away.
ReplyDeletePapers do accumulate..but I try to follow my father's advice...touch each piece of paper...once...i.e. deal with mail as soon as it arrives!!
ReplyDeleteJust seen the moon and Venus is beautiful sight.
I saw the moon and Venus last night when I was out but only had my phone with me so didn’t bother trying to get a good photo (like yours). I have always tended to keep my desk neat and tidy. SG would be the guy with the moldy coffee mugs.
ReplyDeleteHow cruel to make Olga walk up and down that narrow alleyway! She seems to have been doing it interminably - poor creature! As for desks, I belong to a certain camp whereby stuff accumulates on the desk and you have a clear-up or purge about every six weeks. Then the cycle is repeated.
ReplyDeleteOh, you have brought back an unwelcome memory of a work colleague who had the desk that faced mine. We sat face-to-face. He was just past retirement age but not quite ready to go and over the years had developed some unsavoury habits, which I could not help but observe, being directly in front of him. My least favourite was when he got out his nail clippers and proceeded to clip his fingernails, with splinters flying here, there and everywhere. I had to cover my coffee cup.
ReplyDeleteLet's just say, lunchtime was a trial.
Ugh! That is exceptionally bad office hygiene!
DeleteI didn't think the desk of John Gray of Wales was untidy.
ReplyDeleteA late friend had the messiest desk you can imagine, but he knew where everything was on the desk. My desk is well organised and clear of what is not needed.
I love the Olga gif.
Night-viewing is absolutely wonderful right now. I'm a freelance writer/editor. My desk is overrun w/papers, notes, etc. And 2 coffee cups.
ReplyDeleteOlga doing her rounds reminds me of every dog we've ever had; first thing in the morning they go out to the yard and check things out, getting their sniffs in as my Dad would say.
ReplyDeleteOur little dog Ozzo would do his rounds but sniffing out an entire acre of yard was daunting so he'd do it in stages.
Olga is doing her job, patrolling for intruders and canine email.
ReplyDeleteI've always had a pretty clear desk even when I was running multiple activities, and could put my hand on what I needed. This was vital because of all the telephone contacts from people reporting or needing info and instructions, without waiting for me to riffle through a mass of papers.
But my late research chemist husband was always in a clutter, and could always find what he needed, except when some zealous assistant tidied up his lab!
Olga is paw patrol!
ReplyDeleteAt my workplace we have (had, I am thankfully retired) very strict rules about what can and cannot be left on a desk or an open screen, due to data protection and also to safeguard sensitive research material. Every two weeks everybody has to watch a video on how to keep data safe, what not to do (like pick up and check out a flash drive you may find next to the printer or on your way to the cafeteria) and so on. There was a new video every time and we actually had fun watching and doing the test answer session afterwards.
I suppose my "desk" is the table on my back porch where I mostly live. And it is stacked with New Yorkers I have not read along with catalogs I have not looked at. Or, as it is now, strewn messily with those things. I thought John Gray's desk looked very tidy too.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that Olga is just reading the daily morning news on those little walk with her amazing dog nose.
I try not to let filing pile up so my desk isn't too messy. Although, I noticed a pile of scrap paper that I just slipped into the drawer to make it look even neater! ;)
ReplyDeleteGood morning, Miss Olga!
The older I get, the less able I am to work in a cluttered environment. I think it's why I've moved from my bedroom desk to the dining room table by the window, where I try to keep the paper buildup to a minimum. My mind is usually in such chaos, it's hard to have chaos both within and without. Computers have definitely helped keep reporter's clutter down.
ReplyDeleteI love the GIF you made of Olga! I need to try taking some photos of the moon now that I have a new phone with a better camera. First I need to look up how to do that, though. I don't think it's just point and click.
ReplyDeleteOlga is a responsible dog making regular rounds. It is her duty! (If she wasn't walking on four legs, I'm sure she would salute!
ReplyDeleteAnd...of course you keep a tidy desk! Honestly, there was no question in my mind.
I LOVE your moon shot. Very nicely done! And your magical Olga shot is great too.
ReplyDeleteYears ago when I was working for Wells Fargo, I lead a team of people scattered all over the Wells Fargo territory. I would periodically have to fly to other cities to work with those employees. One of my employees in Minneapolis had a work cube next to a guy that sounds just like your colleague Tom. I had never seen such messy and piled high desk. I'm not sure how he could actually work at that desk.
"any industry that creates a less tidy culture"...artists. I'll just leave that there.
ReplyDeleteMy Desk is a Hot Mess and every once in a while I do make it presentable. *LOL* Mine gets mostly cluttered with small Notes on Paper I scribble when I want to remember something and it piles up... or Earrings I take out before Bedtime. *Smiles* I just now tidied it after reading your Post, it was Time. *Winks* The Moon shot is lovely and I didn't know you used to be a Reporter, it always seems like exciting Work, but could also be very dangerous, depending on what you're covering. I do feel sorry for the Media who report accurately and truthfully, they're under attack right now for doing their jobs with integrity and not just for entertainment and ratings. It's odd tho' that many of the Young folks don't watch The News or Read Newspapers anymore, their Generation gets everything from TikTok or Podcasts it seems. I think Politically that is making more and more of a difference to inform the Public. Folks are heading to their Echo Chambers mostly. And I do agree with Ellen, Artists have untidy spaces, including but not limited to our Head Spaces.
ReplyDeleteThat is a glorious photograph.
ReplyDeleteIt's satisfying to see an empty/tidy desk but I don't often achieve that. I like to have everything 'to hand' in case I need it, which I rarely do.
Olga is very purposeful. Dogs do like to plan their own routines.
John's 'not untidy' desk and your/others comments remind me of a co-worker who had the office next to mine. The man never, and I do mean never, threw anything away. Not only was the entire surface of his desk completely covered with two+ foot high random piles of paper (his computer was off to the side on a pull-out), but surrounding his desk and all the office walls were old file boxes stacked four-five feet high. This despite the fact the agency had a large, locked archive room available. You could barely get in his office (I never tried). It drove our boss crazy. So one day when my (then) city firefighter son dropped by--in uniform--to have lunch with me, I had him go to the co-worker's office (he didn't know my son) and inform him he had one week to clear out the excess boxes/paper as they were a fire hazard--not a lie--or the agency would be fined. He very seriously told my son he would, but of course, he never did. I'm sure he used his office chaos to keep people away. Frankly, and sadly, it wasn't necessary. His very bizarre personality already did the trick.
ReplyDeleteI was a messy desker. I tried to be neat but it never worked for very long. My computer desk has all kinds of notes and they sometimes spread to the printer.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the neat desk camp. Clutter makes me crazy. When we lived in the RV, paper management was critical because there was nowhere to put it. It came in, it was dealt with, it went out.
ReplyDeleteTeachers often have messy desks. Mine was in between! If I had an early planning period and collected a bunch of papers after it, the desk would have piles of stuff on it. At home, my bar counter has always collected junk--not so much now that I live alone though.
ReplyDeleteThe crescent moon against the dark sapphire colored sky is spectacular.
ReplyDeleteJohn's desk looked perfect to me. My desk is neat too.
Olga has her favorite patrol. Something must pass through there to keep it of interest.
Thanx A Million For The Olga Photos And The Moon Site - You Rock
ReplyDeleteHappy February ,
I let my desk get out of control until I feel like I'm losing control & then I organize it. It's a constant cycle.
ReplyDeleteGreat photo! So happy I can comment here again, switching my browser to safari seems to have helped my blogger woes immensely. Love the Olga photo too.
Olga knows. I've seen foxes and cats in your yard via your outdoor camera.
ReplyDeleteMy desk is somewhat tidy. Often there are bits and pieces of lego on it, a half drunk glass of water (mine), things that I need to attend to and a pad of paper to write on so I don't forget something. There is another pile of paper on my kitchen island that ebbs and flows with year. I hate untidy, but if it has to exist, I try to limit where it is untidy, with only some success:)
ReplyDeleteNeat desk guy here, our desk in the office of the Spokane house has a printer, an in-basket, and that's it.
ReplyDeleteMy late husband was a messy-desk guy, and I am a messy-desk gal, but we could both find anything on our desks. But the last few years, as the paperwork I'm responsible for has skyrocketed , I've been tripped up a few times trying to find stuff against a deadline, so I've been working on a "system". But it doesn't come naturally to me and it's like swimming against the current to keep at it :) Love the Olga gif and hearing about her dedication to her routine!
ReplyDeleteI had a look at John's desk and it isn't at all untidy. My own desk is also my dining table and everything else that needs a table gets done there too. Also Lola won't eat anywhere else but on the table so her bowls are up in the corner of it.
ReplyDeleteNice to see Olga checking out the corners of her world.
I like a neat desk as well. I also like a neatly organized filing cabinet which helps me retain things of importance and keep my desk neat.
ReplyDeleteThe sky has been doing lovely things lately -- so they say. Here it is too cloudy to tell. I fear my desk would fall midway between the two. Definitely not tidy but there is some organization to it!