Monday, February 24, 2025

Settling In

We are jumping back into our London lives! In fact the trip to Florida seems so short it's almost dreamlike. The blueberries we left in the refrigerator didn't even have time to shrivel. I had them on my cereal yesterday and they were perfectly fine.

I spent the day unpacking and organizing -- doing laundry, that kind of thing. The devil dogs have been given a bath and are now perched in a prominent spot in the kitchen. I haven't hung my woodpecker plaque yet but maybe today.

The garden is looking springlike, with the daffodils and crocuses blooming. The snowdrops are all open and hanging like upside-down moths from their stems.

The gardeners are supposed to come today to trim the front garden and get the ivy under control in the back, but it's pouring rain at the moment and the forecast doesn't show that changing. I wonder if they'll want to reschedule. I suppose an English gardener is used to working in the rain.

Here's Olga, curled up next to me on the couch. It's very dark in this room, with only light from the hallway casting a dim glow, so I'm impressed that picture worked out. She seems very glad to have us home. She slept soundly on the couch next to me all afternoon, and she was out like a light last night.

Or maybe that was me, honestly. I resisted sleeping during the day, to try to get back on track, but once 9 p.m. rolled around I climbed into bed and had no awareness of anything until 5:30 this morning. Again, I think we were gone such a short time that jet lag didn't even have time to kick in.

Well, we'll see what happens with the gardeners. I really hope they come because our roses are starting to show new growth, and if they're going to prune them they need to do it now. Plus today is a professional development day at work so I can come in a bit late without ramifications -- unlike when we have kids around (starting tomorrow).

Oh, by the way, my Gulf of Mexico t-shirt did arrive at Dave's parents' house, just as we were preparing to leave. I wore it home on the plane, and I'm wearing it now.


  1. It's nice to see Olga looking so content.
    How cool to wear the Gulf of Mexico tee on the way home. I hope you walked a bit on the plane, so that it was noticed.

  2. The daffodils and snowdrops all joined forces to give you a proper welcome home.

  3. A picture like this of Olga evokes a need to be able to read a dog's mind.

  4. Gulf of Mexico tee shirt?? Hope Trump hasn't got spies around in London!

  5. I smiled imagining you in your Gulf of Mexico T-shirt. Glad you’re home with Olga.

  6. "I suppose an English gardener is used to working in the rain."
    Expected annual rainfall in Tampa: 52 inches
    Expected annual rainfall in London: 23 inches

  7. Bulbs flowering already? Wow, that is mild weather. Olga looks so happy now, simple needs: my people, my blanket, done.

  8. Ah, the way our pets settle us back in after time away; I love that.
    I also love that the daffodils are springing at Casa Bob y Carlos.

  9. We are still weeks away from blooming flowers so it is nice to see yours. Hope your week goes smoothly, Steve.

  10. Such pretty daffodils. They are like pansies- just the sweetest, happiest flowers.
    You really did do a short trip! Blueberries still plump and juicy, eh? I bet it seemed like forever to Olga but she's probably almost forgotten you were ever gone. You're here now and that's all that's important.

  11. I really (really really) wish I would go to bed at 9:00.

  12. Good for you for wearing that t-shirt. I got a meme last week that said "Gulf of America, the space between Trump's ears". I love the daffodils. It sounds like spring is making an appearance in your garden.

  13. My daffodils have buds but none open yet, probably in the next day or two since it's warming up but another wet day out there today. Olga looks like she feels safe.

  14. Excellent Olga Girl Capture And Quite Pleased With Her Fluffy Blanket These Days - All The Best With The Rest Of February

    Stay Groovy ,

  15. It's always nice to get back home after a trip.

  16. Our dog always stayed close to us for a day or two upon our return. It was always gratifying to be needed again.

  17. Great t shirt. Saw one with "Gulf of fragile masculinity" yesterday. But it's carneval season here.

  18. It looks like Spring with your beautiful daffodils in full bloom. My daffodils are under 4-5 inches of snow. Sigh.
    Olga wants to be close to you. She's happy to have you home and sharing the couch with her. Sweet Olga.

  19. A pic of you in your statement tee-shirt please?

  20. I loved that about being in UK: the blooming was so far ahead of us. I loved walking along and admiring the little gardens. I walked today. It was in the 40s and I felt as if the ice was soft enough that I was not going to do further damage to my knees. Sadly, no flowers, but I saw buds on trees, and that made me happy.

  21. We don't have any spring blooms yet although daffodils should be coming up in a couple weeks. Glad you aren't feeling jet lagged. That can be miserable! The worst one for me was between South Korea and Seattle. It took me weeks to recover completely.

  22. Thank you for the Olga photo. She looks very content. Now we need a photo of the new Gulf of Mexico shirt!

  23. I love the idea of a Gulf of Mexico t-shirt!

  24. I had to chuckle at your shirt. How many Brits know of the fiasco of Trump wanting to change the name? Well, I guess the educated ones who are tuned into our sad state of political affairs.

  25. the daffodils are such an uplifting sign. I'm glad you're well settled and the jet lag isn't too bad (I find it worse going TO the US from UK than otherwise. Glad your shirt arrived in time, though it would have been fun to wear it in Florida! Olga looks pooped out. So glad you're back home. Now onward!

  26. I hope the gardeners do come even just to prune the roses a little. Funny how time away seems like a dream just a few days later.
