Thursday, February 27, 2025

Fact Check Please

I found this graffiti on my walk home last night. It's similar to another bin I found a few years ago, also bearing a Twitter-related message. We could use some fact-checking in our modern culture, that's for sure, rather than following a political leader who believes if he says anything enough times it becomes true.

My own personal dictator, Mother Russia, has won the front garden battle. The gardeners returned yesterday and did a much harder prune on everything:

It's clear she was standing out there giving them directions while I was at work -- as I expected -- because several areas that she specifically targeted have been hit hard. That poor Cotoneaster to the left of the front door, for example. Mrs. Russia wants enough space adjacent to the wall to put up a ladder so the front of the house can be painted, and she made sure to get it. The house does need painting so I can live with that.

For the most part I think it's OK. The first go-around was too gentle, and we wanted to see some definition of the bushes, which will fill in more in coming months. Afterwards she sent me a satisfied e-mail that said "I am happy with the result of the work," and paid me her share of the bill.

At least it's over. We've been talking about front garden pruning for at least a year, and I filed the maintenance request last August! Perhaps now life can move forward.


  1. It doesn't look bad to me at all, but then of course I do not have the day-to-day view that you have, with the direct "before and after" comparison.
    Anyway, as you say, it's done, and the bill paid.

    1. It's a dramatic change, but I think after I get used to it it will seem less stark.

  2. At least she's happy, and might not bother you again for a few weeks, but I suppose at some point the painters and their ladders/scaffolding are going to show up. Forget I said that and enjoy the peace while you have it. lol

    1. She wants her husband to do the painting, which should be interesting! (Our house is very tall.)

  3. I am sure those shrubs will soon fill out again. That's what P always tells me when he has decimated ours anyway.

  4. Spring and summer growth should make up for the Russian devastation in your own Donbas region. However, as Jenny suggests, ladders or scaffolding could prompt another dramatic episode in the long running West London drama, "They Must Be Russians".

    1. I can live with ladders and even scaffolding if need be. I wonder if they will ever be satisfied with where we live?

  5. It will all bounce back defying Mrs Russia soon enough.

  6. It looks good and if it accommodates her needs so much the better.

    1. Well, exactly -- it keeps her happy and in the long run they're not my bushes.

  7. It looks nice. I wonder what her next big complaint will be. To quote: "It's always something!"

    1. Yeah, exactly! They still haven't finished their terrace project, so I imagine more is coming on that as soon as the weather warms up.

  8. Score 1 for Mother Russia. What nerve to withhold your money. And now you have painting to look forward to!

  9. Sure enough, Mrs Russia will find something else to annoy you and the rest of the world in due course. I think fact checking is no longer a priority for men in power. It seems that bashfully spreading obvious "alternative truths" gets more approval and applause even.

    1. A disturbing number of people seem to believe they make their own truths, regardless of any objective information to the contrary. I think this has something to do with reading too many self-help books.

  10. Tick Tick Tick until Mother Russia finds another "thing."

  11. When those shrubs fill out again I wonder if she'll be at it again? Anyway, peace for now and you got paid. I really don't envy you these endless negotiations with neighbors. I'd be inclined to insist she deal with your landlords, and remove myself from the situation, but that's me.

    1. I think she will, though I hope by then the painting will be done, at least.

  12. Our landlords came by last month and did a brutal pruning of the bushes in front of our house AND our forsythia. Granted, all of that was totally out of control, but it was a shock to come home to. I should get a photo of it to compare when everything starts filling out again.

    1. This is not the time of year to prune forsythia! Oh well.

    2. Yeah that's what we were thinking. Come to think of it, the wife is Ukranian. That might explain it!

  13. It's best to focus on your back garden where you have created a lovely sanctuary for yourself.

    1. I agree. That is all ours and Mrs. Russia cannot lay claim to it! (Though I'm sure she'd like to try.)

  14. That looks pretty naked to me. Good but naked. What is the lowest level used for? Looks like it may have been a garage at one point?

    1. There is no lower level. It's just a driveway that ends with a wall, beyond which is solid dirt. There's a small crawl space below the house but not nearly enough room for a garage, now or ever.

  15. Well, yes. Done and dusted. You might want to print out and frame that e-mail. She is satisfied! This could be a first. And a last.

    1. Ha! It's true. That e-mail is a collector's item.

  16. I'm happy to hear a truce has been made before they invaded your apartment.

    1. Ha! You got to laugh to keep from cryin', as the expression says.

  17. The shrubbery does look much cleaner . Trimming is a never ending job.

  18. You are right, we could use some serious fact checking going on.
    The front of the house looks great. They did a good job the second time around. If Mrs. Russia is happy, all is well.....for now.

    1. It looks a bit more bare than the photo lets on, but I think as soon as the buishes grow in a bit it will be fine,.

  19. I could not believe that he sat right next to Macron and claimed that Europe was lending the money to Ukraine and would get it back. Macron corrected him on the spot, and he did that dismissive hand wave and smirk thing he does AND REPEATED HIS LIE. That's pathological, there.

    You're a very good neighbor. Really.

    1. He thinks he makes his own reality. He is delusional.

  20. I think it does look more defined and it must be a relief to get it over with! Fact checking and reliable news seem to be a thing of the past here; it's very frightening.

  21. Re the front garden, it will grow back. The silver lining is it will keep Mother Russia (hopefully) out of your hair for a while. I have to hand it to you, Steve, you handle that woman way better than I would.

    1. And that's just her! The husband is the same way, but fortunately during the week he's away at work.

  22. If the Russians are responsible for the front, why are you involved in this at all? If she wants something, give her the phone number for the management company, and tell her to have at it. It does look a little sparse, but it will probably grow back.

    1. Well, that's a good question. I foolishly volunteered to get an estimate from the next-door neighbors' gardeners. I'm not doing that again!

  23. In my view, today, leaders like to make wild public statements. The facts are secondary and that's not good. DT has set the stage for this, and many others are following his lead.
    It appears your front garden has a total of 6-7 separate bushes growing in a relatively small space. Seeing them individually is an improvement. From a garden design perspective, the shrub that reaches into the bay window should be reduced in height bringing it below the window frame. Don't tell Mrs. Russia!

    1. The problem is, reducing it that much would in all likelihood kill it. Mrs. Russia wants to remove it completely, but I like it. It may die after this latest prune.

  24. Now breathe and relax until Baboushka dreams up another complaint.

  25. Like hair, it will grow again! But yes it will give access for wall painting.

    1. And the wall DOES need painting, I'll concede that much.

  26. As you noted, at least it's over. Hoping life will be drama-free from your neighbors for a while.

  27. A satisfactory outcome all round. Don't forget to show us the difference when the bushes leaf out again.
