Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Wow, did I sleep soundly last night. I went to sleep at 10 p.m. or so, and next thing I knew it was 6:30. I was still exhausted from all the painting and walking I did over the weekend. Now I really feel refreshed!

Had a nice visit with Barbara and her husband David yesterday. I gave them a 10-cent tour of The New York Times and then we had lunch in the cafeteria. They were in town to see "Hair," and I was happy to see later on David's Twitter that they thought it was "amazing"!

(Twitter is interesting, but I can't imagine using it regularly. I can barely keep up a daily blog, much less zapping regular posts to the Web throughout the day! But as David pointed out, it can be good for letting people know what you're up to on vacation.)

(Photo: Door with a discreet curlicue in SoHo, Aug. 2008)


  1. A freshly painted condo, sweet dreams, and lunch with friends?

    Life is good! Bravo!!

  2. I'm exhausted today from being such an enthusiastic tourist. I guess it's time to catch the bus and go home to Washington, which now seems just a little slower after being here in NYC for a couple of days.

    Thanks again for being such a good host. We won't wait so long for a return trip!

    Hope to see you in DC sometime soon!

  3. You;re a good man Steve, for so many reasons. Painting? Yuk!

  4. Steve is a fabulous person. In so many ways--Merle you just have to visit NY.

    first day of school --yippee! my friends with kids have more time to hang out!

  5. sounds like a great time!
