Thursday, February 15, 2024

Architecture With Elephant and Hummingbird

The one downside of Lucy and Ricky's Getaway is that the Internet connection is dicey. I can write a blog post -- especially now, in the middle of the night, when no one else is online -- but browsing is a challenge. So if I'm scarce elsewhere in blogland at the moment, that's why.

Yesterday was the busiest Valentine's Day I've had in a while! Dave wanted to rest in the morning, but I was eager to get out and get some exercise, so I left him lounging in the room while I took a long walk. I headed south through downtown and then back north again on the two main streets, Palm Canyon and Indian Canyon. I imagine I walked a couple of miles.

Palm Springs is known for its mid-century modern architecture, so I was paying special attention to the buildings and lines. Once I got away from the stucco-and-barrel-tile-roof section of downtown, everything was more as I remember it -- sleek, low and white. I like this look and this time period, and of course the desert light was beautiful, so I had fun taking pictures.

Of course, the problems of the world have not bypassed Palm Springs.

In late morning I went back to the room, and Dave and I set out for lunch. He really wanted to go to In-N-Out Burger, and there wasn't one in our immediate vicinity. We had to drive several miles south to Rancho Mirage, and on the way we passed a Goodwill in Cathedral City. Woo hoo! I bought a shirt and Dave, to my surprise, bought THREE!

Lunch was fantastic. In-N-Out seems like a well-run place with well-trained employees, who seem cheerful and attentive. We both marveled at how good the food was, how polite and friendly the staff. Apparently Anthony Bourdain was a fan, which put it on Dave's radar, and I understand why -- the food is really made there, not frozen and packaged somewhere else and simply re-heated. I watched a guy making fries from whole potatoes, and the meat was grilled right in front of us. Fast food the way it was meant to be.

As we were walking to the car, Dave exclaimed "Look!" He pointed to a low bush in the parking lot...

...where this little hummingbird was feeding on nectar. Amazing! I think it's a Costa's hummingbird, though I am no expert and my slow Internet connection is making it hard to do very comprehensive identification.

Oh, and remember how I wrote about the Elephant Super Car Wash sign in Seattle? Well, they have one in Rancho Mirage, too!

We headed back to Palm Springs, to buy a map of the modernist houses there and do a little self-guided architecture tour. It started before we even got the map, when we passed Bob Hope's former home, sitting like a spaceship on a mountaintop above the city:

We picked up a map at the visitor's center and it was very comprehensive. There were about a hundred buildings listed. We got a helpful flier with an abbreviated "must-see" list, so we followed that instead.

These steel houses -- which are literally made of metal -- were built in the north end of town in the late '50s. I love the design! It seems like steel might get hot but maybe with insulation they work well in the desert.

We also saw several grander structures, like this house formerly owned by Dinah Shore. I think I read that Leonardo DiCaprio owns it now. (Dave quipped that it "looks like a funeral home.")

Anyway, I'm glad we didn't try to do the whole tour. We saw enough to get a sampling and that was enough for me.

In the evening we had VERY STRONG drinks at a bar recommended by a friend of ours -- if there was any tonic in my gin & tonic I sure couldn't taste it -- before going to dinner in yet another rooftop restaurant, this one overlooking the mountains. I had scallops but to tell you the truth the whole meal was a blur!

Today it's back to L.A. for one more night.


  1. What a splendid day Steve! I love the first picture of those very spindly palms and of course the hummingbird too. Fantastic!

  2. So palm Springs is where the rich and famous live? Interesting views, and the light is wonderful.

  3. Another glorious day in paradise! (The sobering George Floyd reminder notwithstanding.)

  4. I've heard of In and Out but I'm not sure I've ever seen one. But we have the Wahlburgers, created by the Wahlberg brothers so I'm probably not missing out.

  5. It sure looks amazing, Steve! Your photos are fabulous! I love the blue skies and mountain views. It sounds like a perfect vacation!

  6. When I hear "Palm Springs" I always think of Bob Hope and Frank Sinatra. Didn't he have a house there too? So thank you for the photo of Bob's house. Really cool. Yeah. I would not mind visiting that place. I know that Linda Sue loves it. SO glad you got to go to In-And-Out. I know everyone out there sings their praises.
    I bet you're just having so much fun looking at the architecture and soaking up that sunshine. The little hummingbird was exquisite. Good shot and good eye, Dave!

  7. Wow! What a great adventure! Those names brought back memories! You know, sometimes it seems as if money insulates people from what is happening 'out there'. The George Floyd reference was good to see.

  8. It looks beautiful. One of our docs owns a home there, now I can see why.

  9. wow, great set of photos of places looking very familiar. Your hummingbird photo is great. I love that top photo. My first thought seeing it was "that's me, the short one". There is an In-N-Out burger very close to me. I might have to go there for lunch today. Whenever I drive home from California, I stop at the one somewhere around Rancho Mirage. If the one you stopped at was not far from Interstate 10, that's the one.

  10. Your hummingbird picture is really good. Jim and I are In-and-Out fans. If we're going to expend calories on a burger and fries, that's where we go. The architecture in Palm Springs is so great, it's good that it still exists.

  11. Another day in paradise! Your photos are fantastic. The first one (very modernist) could be enlarged and framed. Mid-century modern homes are great and they are especially lovely in the desert with a pool in the garden, palm trees and desert landscaping throughout. I can see you and Dave living in such a home!

  12. Having the food made fresh in house makes a world of difference. That was worth travelling extra to find

  13. The hummingbird picture is a definite keeper!

  14. What a great time! I recognize the houses, buildings, and elephant. You guys know how to do things. That first photo of the wall and palms is wonderful.

  15. I am enjoying your posts on your trip to LA even if I am not commenting on them each day.

  16. Your digs look idyllic and wouldn't it be great to see Bob Hope's place close up?
    (BTW, a fellow blogger is there in Palm Springs at the same time as you: )

  17. I'm sure glad your dicey internet connection didn't interfere with posting photo. I love this collection today! Any place that hand cuts fries is good, IMO.

  18. That short palm in the first photo offends my eyes. It must be removed.
    There are some interesting sights, and who would have thought there would be so many palm trees in Palm Springs.

  19. The architecture is SO retro. Although I'm not a fan, my older daughter is. :) Fantastic tour and great food; that drink would have put me under the table though.

  20. Palm Springs is different than any other place.

  21. The hummingbird photo is great! I used to be impressed by huge fancy houses, but now all I think is "who cleans all this?" I still wouldn't mind wandering around and looking though. The Spaceship house is weird.

  22. In and Out sounds great. A fun place with good food. A wonderful recommendation. I just love that hummingbird photo. Aren't you glad you brought the good camera? It's lovely. The architecture is fun. I can see why it is an interseting place.

  23. YP: That hummingbird was so lucky, and I'd have missed it if Dave hadn't pointed it out.

    Boud: Yes, it's historically a celebrity retreat from Hollywood.

    Bug: Palm Springs pretty much IS paradise, at least at this time of year. (Maybe not in August!)

    Ed: I've never heard of Wahlburgers! That's new to me!

    Ellen D: It's been great so far. The sun has been therapeutic!

    Ms Moon: Yes, Sinatra was there, as well as Liberace, William Holden, Steve McQueen, Elvis and lots of other mid-century celebrities.

    Debby: Although there are a lot of rich people in Palm Springs, there's also a fair amount of poverty in the California desert. So it's a mixed area.

    My Life: We have some friends who are retiring there, and yes, I can see the appeal!

    Sharon: We didn't go to the Interstate one. We went to one off Hwy 111 in the town of Rancho Mirage. I didn't even really notice that short palm tree! LOL

    Allison: It was lucky I brought the big camera. I'd never have gotten a photo with the phone.

    Susan: The flat roofs work well in the desert, but they can be a problem in areas with more moisture! I'd LOVE to have a house like that.

    GZ: It was so refreshing to see -- unlike the frozen and microwaved fare at many fast-food places.

    Marcia: Such a lucky break!

    Mitchell: Yes, so much of this must look familiar to you!

    Rachel: Glad you're liking them! Hopefully I'm bringing a bit of desert sun to Norfolk. :)

    Marty: I guess it's the time of year to be in PS! The Hope house is not open to the public, and in fact I don't think we could even get to it. I think it's in a gated area. Not sure.

    Kelly: The Internet is weird -- it cuts out then comes back then cuts out again. Somehow I can usually get a picture through, but having a sustained connection is hard.

    Andrew: It's so funny that you and Sharon singled out that short tree. I honestly didn't even see it, except as an element of the whole composition.

    Margaret: Those drinks were too much even for me, martini lover that I am.

    Red: It definitely is distinctive!

    River: Oh, I'm sure they have people who clean. I don't see Dinah Shore doing her own vacuuming. (Certainly not now, but even when she was alive.)

    Jeanie: I am SO GLAD I brought the big camera. Let this be a lesson to me whenever I debate that question!
