Monday, February 12, 2024

Take Fountain

I'll say this for Beverly Hills -- it has some of the most beautiful, lushly landscaped streets I've ever seen anywhere. This is Hillcrest Road off Santa Monica Boulevard, where we pulled over yesterday morning almost randomly to turn the car around. Other streets might feature different types of trees, but they all look amazing.

We started the day with breakfast at Norm's near West Hollywood. We wanted an authentic diner experience, and this branch of Norm's was opened in 1957 and remains the chain's longest-operating restaurant. We got a table by the window (pretty much all the tables are by the windows) and I had a veggie omelette, while Dave had a lumberjack breakfast and ate almost all of it.

We then went to chop down some trees in Beverly Hills. KIDDING.

We drove into Hollywood, following Bette Davis' possibly apocryphal advice for hopeful starlets trying to get there: "Take Fountain." (My friend Christopher, who lived in West Hollywood before he died last year, loved that joke. I was telling Dave yesterday that I feel Christopher and Gerry, his late partner, all around me on this trip -- which is to be expected since I visited them here several times.)

We drove along Hollywood Boulevard past the Walk of Fame and Grauman's Chinese Theatre and the Pantages and the Capitol Records tower.

We stopped only to take a photo of this amazing motel sign. We might come back and look at that area more closely, but because we had such a clear, sunny day we wanted to get up to the observatory at Griffith Park to check out the views.

Of course half of Los Angeles had the same idea, so parking up there proved to be a challenge (and cost $10 an hour), but we managed to get this breathtaking vista of downtown and everything to the south and west. This is a pano shot taken with my phone, and you'll have to enlarge it to really get a sense of how much we were seeing, all the way to the Pacific Ocean on the right.

Here's a shot taken with my big camera. (Yes! I brought my big camera, with which most of these pics were taken.) Note the people walking one of the park trails below the observatory at lower right.

Behind us was the legendary Hollywood sign, up in the hills. The observatory, you may remember, was the setting for some of the critical scenes in the movie "Rebel Without a Cause."

We saw these acorn woodpeckers on our walk to and from the car -- and we heard yellow-rumped warblers, a mockingbird and a dark-eyed junco. (I know this because of my Merlin bird app!) There were also several hawks soaring overhead.

We had to get back to the hotel by noon in order to Skype with Dave's parents on our weekly call. We then ran an errand to Target in Westwood and got some tacos for lunch before coming back to the room and resting a couple of hours. I watched most of "The Graduate" just to refresh my memory of the film after reading the book -- it's surreal to watch it just a mile or so from where many scenes were filmed. (Of course that could be said of hundreds, if not thousands, of movies!)

Finally, last night we went for a drink at The Abbey, a huge gay bar in West Hollywood, which was having a Super Bowl party. We didn't stay long, not caring at all about the Super Bowl. We went to a French restaurant on Melrose for dinner and then came back to the hotel. I got slightly more sleep last night, but my jet lag is still pretty intense!


  1. Sounds like you got quite a bit done in a single day, jetlag and all.

  2. You've seen and described the America as I knew it, including the classic motel. From a very young age the unevenness of the Hollywood sign has annoyed me.
    The acorn woodpecker is a very attractive birds.
    I was a member of something online that closed down, and I was recognised as being in West Hollywood. Was it something to do with MSN? I had my own website and there was some primitive html system that was made easier for users.

  3. Because of the hundreds of hours we've all watched in our lives of film in movies and TV shot in Hollywood, I think we all feel as if we know it. It's so familiar. Same with NYC, really.
    I want to stay in the Downtowner Motel and eat at Norm's.
    It must be bittersweet to feel Christopher and Gerry all around you.

  4. Jet lag sucks. “They” say a day for each time zone. You’ve got 8 days total!

    You’ve already done such wonderful things. I hope your memories of your friends are sweet. The last time I was at Norm’s was when we lived in Marina del Rey in ’82-’83!

  5. A great blogpost though I had been hoping you would have hiked up to the famous Hollywood sign to snap some Reedesque images. Two young American fellows with no interest in Superbowl? That's absurd!

  6. Lovely shots of the evil that is LA (according some people in my church growing up - ha!).

  7. I love the bright blue sky in most of your photos. I am glad you are having such great weather.

  8. I love all your explorations. The view from Griffith Park are amazing. Great photo of the woodpecker too! It looks like perfect weather too.

  9. lots of stuff crammed into the day. LA is just immense.

  10. Loving these photos, can't wait for more LA pics.

  11. So much of this is familiar from movies! I'm glad you had clear weather for the obligatory views.

  12. Oh man! this all makes me miss L.A. , which , having lived in that area for too long made me swear "never again". For having jet lag you guys are moving around incredibly well. NORMS !! How utterly cool of you- Dave's breakfast , I read, was about 1700 calories- enough to get him to ...lunch.
    The Downtowner sign is so fabulous- I may try to draw it, paint it- felt it, haha.
    Carry on- what a fab trip!!!!

  13. I love seeing all the photos of the places you've visited, but I'll admit my favorite is the bird. I've never heard of an Acorn Woodpecker! I'm not sure we have anything other than Red-Headed or Pileated around here.

  14. I love the Observatory and the view from there is spectacular, although I've only been there at night. You're eating at some great places! I had some of the best meals of my life in LA.

  15. Your post with fantastic photos shows you and Dave are having a wonderful vacation. Thank you for sharing.

  16. You had a full day and saw many interesting places. Ten bucks an hour for parking? that's insane.

  17. I like the Downtowner's sign and wouldn't mind seeing it lit at night if you could manage that. The acorn woodpecker is pretty.

  18. I love the photos. You've already done a lot. I hope you can rest and catch up your sleep.


  19. Quite a change from West London! Where is all the graffiti and derelict shops?

  20. Ed: We don't have much time here, so we're cramming it in!

    Andrew: Because California is the center of the film and TV industry, it has exported an image of America that reflects life here.

    Ms Moon: Yes! Exactly. We all feel like we know LA, even if we've never been here. I do miss C&G an awful lot.

    Mitchell: I'll be back in London in eight days! LOL

    YP: I thought about hiking up there, but Dave is not a walker and I decided seeing it from afar would suffice.

    Bug: Ha! How did LA come to exemplify evil in the eyes of so many Americans? Surely it's no more evil than Atlanta or New Orleans!

    Ellen D: The weather has been AMAZING -- all I could have hoped for.

    Sharon: I was so pleased to see some wildlife, not something you expect in LA. (Unless it's two-legged wildlife.)

    Ellen: It IS immense, and it's so strange, in a way. In what other huge city are there so many free-standing houses, with backyards and pools and whatnot? It's all very spread-out.

    Colette: I'll keep 'em coming!

    Boud: Yeah, it's like Ms Moon said -- so many LA landmarks are culturally familiar to all of us, even if we've never visited.

    Linda Sue: I love that you looked up the calorie count of Dave's breakfast! LOL!

    Kelly: I'd never heard of one either, and they're weird birds. They gather acorns and stuff them into cavities in trees to store them. This one doesn't seem to have any acorns visible, but if you look them up online there are amazing photos of this habit.

    Margaret: I bet it's spectacular at night!

    Susan: We're enjoying it so far! I hope you are too!

    Red: Oh, that's CHEAP compared to some places. It's astonishing how expensive everything is here.

    River: That's a fun assignment! I'll see what I can do!

    Janie: I'm catching up slowly, sleeping a little better and better each night.

    Frances: Well, there's plenty of that too, but it looks so nice here, all lit up by this warm sunshine!

  21. I could tell before you said that you brought your big camera! Great photos. Love that Downtown Hotel sign. It looks like you're having a fabulous time. Hard to believe seeing your Beverly Hills photos that just last week or maybe two we were seeing mudslides down major streets in BHills. Keep having fun!
