Monday, October 19, 2015

A Few Last Summer Flowers

The petunias that I planted in our front doorway hanging basket at the end of June are looking more and more scraggly. The one above isn't bad -- technically it's not a petunia, but it must be a close relative -- but the other two have definitely seen better days.

So here they are, memorialized for eternity. I don't think they're going to last much longer.

Also on their last legs are the wildflowers from our seed assortment. They're still blooming -- red poppies, blue cornflowers and yellow daisyish things -- but the plants look like hell. The leaves are pretty much gone and they're down to scraggly brown sticks. Like the petunias, I'm letting them go as long as they are able.

I had a conversation with my mom yesterday about the sale of our family home. She's found a buyer (yay!) and she has a contract, with the sale due to close in mid-November. How strange to think that I will not set foot in that house again -- the house where my brother and I grew up, and where my family has lived since it was built in 1966.

In November Mom will move up to Jacksonville, where my brother lives with his family. My future visits to Florida will be focused more there and on my father's house closer to Tampa.

I'm happy for Mom, who seems ready to move, and I'm not too sad about the change myself. All things come to an end. But I can't help but experience a few pangs.


  1. Well, I am glad for your mother that she finally found a buyer. But yes- that is bound to be a bit pangy for you. As is the sight of the last straggly flowers. I have slowly been clearing mine out. They will come back next year but it looks bleak now.

  2. My family home was torn down when I was in my 20s to make way for development. there's a 12 story building now where my house was. and now my kids, in their 30s lost their family home last summer. the cooler weather here has brought a new round of blooms.

  3. Growing up in Illinois, I lived in the same house until I was 20 years old. When we moved to Arizona, I never looked back. Yes, I do drive by the house when I visit Quincy but, that's about it. I'm kind of a sentimental person by nature so I'm not sure why I don't have more feelings about the place.
    Congrats to your mom on the sale. I'm sure she will be glad when the sale is complete and she can move on.

  4. It's good that your mother is ready to move on. It's so hard on some older folks who have to move and really don't want to. I think I might end up as one of those ...!

  5. Congrats to you mom on her contract! I hope she got a good price? We have been told to expect a contract soon (the people have come multiple times to view the house) but we haven't seen it yet. Not counting my contracts until they are in my hand! :) I'm sure it's bittersweet for her too, but I get the feeling she is ready to move on., as we all must do. It's just part of life and usually change is good.

  6. We're amazed that our petunias are still going strong (granted, the plants look rather Nightmare Before Christmas-ish). My one blackeyed Susan plant is still THRIVING - so pretty! I sure hope it comes back next year (I need to research what to do about it - leave it alone?).

    My dad still lives in the home I grew up in (from age 4 or so). He'll probably stay there until he dies, unless something drastic happens. I know it will be a HUGE deal for my brother & me when we have to let go of that house. In fact, I have a minor fantasy that Mike & I retire down there & take over the house.
