Wednesday, October 7, 2015

More Bethnal Green Street Art

I barely left the house yesterday, so there's not much to blog about. It was supposed to be rainy so I rented "Giant," with Elizabeth Taylor, James Dean and Rock Hudson, and Dave and I watched that. It's three and a half hours long. Not a bad movie, but one feels that some judicious editing may have been in order.

It came from a novel written by Edna Ferber. Does anyone read Edna Ferber anymore? All I know about her is that line from Auntie Mame: "Oh, look, I'm in print, just like Edna Ferber!"

As it turned out, the weather was better than predicted, and we even got some sun in the afternoon. But Olga was out with her dog walker and I had no plan or incentive to go anywhere. So "Giant" it was.

Anyway, I thought you might like to see a few more pieces of street art from my quick trip to Bethnal Green on Saturday.

An artist named Zabou did the guy in the box (immediately above) and part of the couple, along with Sr. X. The pigeon is the work of Boe + Irony. I have no idea who is responsible for the fish.

Dave and I got our Lisbon accommodations sorted out for Thanksgiving, and we began figuring out food for our wedding party in December. Today we're back at work!


  1. The street art is great, especially the pigeon.

    As for Giant, it will always be a movie I remember; I saw it when I was a young, impressionable girl and I was in love with Rock Hudson. Oh well....

    When I visited Texas in 2000, I was near Marfa and I paid the town a visit and had a look at the buildings and places that were part of the movie. Still 'starstruck' after all those years.

    Ms Soup

  2. There is something a little frightening to me about that over-sized art. I am not sure what it is.
    Good for you for having a down-day to watch a movie, tie up loose ends, get ready for work again.

  3. I really like street art, the whole idea about it. the pigeon is pretty great.

  4. Love those days of not leaving the house. Perhaps too much.

  5. More great pictures of great pictures ... I find them fascinating.

  6. I love the pigeon mural in such an ordinary location. Well-spotted Steve! I am also always on the look out for urban art that is not officially sanctioned.

  7. That art is very cool -- and startling! I never really liked Giant -- and I had no idea it was written by Edna Ferber.

  8. Giant , not a fan, not enough singing and dancing, but rock was pretty, I crushed hard on rock!
