Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Tadpoles

Well, I made progress yesterday on all fronts. I talked to the caterer about our Florida party, and got that ball rolling. I looked up several dog-sitting places and contacted one of them, and although they were booked around Christmas, again, I feel like I at least made a little progress just by reaching out. I also got a couple of other things sorted in addition, of course, to work.

Still, there is much to be done, and I'll be taking care of a few more things today. I actually woke up at about 1 a.m. this morning, thinking about it all. It's funny how sometimes as soon as you wake up and become aware, a thought is already in your mind, swimming in circles like a tadpole. You wonder, was it there all night, or did it just materialize upon waking?

(Photo: Shopfronts near the Horniman Museum and Aquarium in South London, early September.)


  1. I think it was there, swimming around. That's what it seems like to me, at least.

  2. What a great description of that 1:00 AM wake up routine. I've done that many, many times. Sounds like you are making progress. It will all fall into place soon.

  3. I've always found getting started to be the hardest part of anything. It feels so much better to do something, anything, towards a project. (So why do I always forget this? ack)

  4. I think that the amount of walking that you do contributes to your getting things done efficiently. You certainly cover a lot of ground and it is always fascinating...I hope, selfishly, that you never leave the city life, so entertaining and inspiring especially to we, living in yawn land. I would love to look after Olga but that would be a bit far to go for a pup sit! Poor girl, two weeks is a long time! We left Dexter for two weeks one time, it was too long and he let us know , he became a very sad pup though he was staying with people who loved him and spoiled him, such emotional little creatures. Olga is probably more acclimated to changes, more adaptable and less of a cry baby than Dexter.

  5. I often wake up and feel peaceful and then remember that I have something that I'm worrying about.


  6. Tadpoles. Such a great metaphor for those worry circles.

  7. probably niggling at you all night waiting to burst into conscious thought.
