Monday, October 5, 2015

Out and About in Tottenham

Yesterday I set out on another clean-up day for Bleeding London. I was assigned about 50 streets to photograph in Tottenham, north London.

The day got off to a rocky start when I was passing through the Green Park tube station and stopped to take the photo above. I realized I'd left my camera battery at home, sitting in the charger. Let's all say it together: Sacre bleu! All I could do was turn around and go back home, and then set out again. So I killed an hour in unnecessary travel, but I took my picture as I passed through Green Park the second time.

I had a pretty good photo day in Tottenham. The weather was nice and lots of people were out and about, including Captain America, sunning himself on someone's washline.

These two were out walking their dogs. The man had a dog too, a little brown one, but it refused to get in the picture.

Some little girl's very springtime handbag wound up in this tree enclosure.

This guy was hooking up a horse and buggy. Not something you see every day!

And finally, I found some fall color in an always reliable sumac tree in someone's front yard. Happy fall from Tottenham!

I polished off all 50 or so streets, and got back home around 2 p.m. Dave, bless him, took Olga to Fortune Green so I could rest. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be rainy, and Olga has her dog-walker, so I'll be spending time inside catching up on a few things. (We're off work both days for October break.)


  1. Beautiful pictures! You sure got a glorious day to go out and shoot!

  2. What a great set of photos today. I love the fall tree!
    You have a good eye, looking at the photo I posted today. Yes, those are some Easter Island statues in the background. There were quit a few of them on the property. I wouldn't think there would be a very big market for those but, who knows.

  3. It makes me happy that you're still shooting the streets of London :)

  4. Your photos are lovely. I am learning a completely new London through your eyes. Thank you!

  5. You are one focused guy ... that's a lot of photos and a lot of getting around.

  6. great photos! no fall color here. while it's been cool, not cool enough to trigger anything except brown falling leaves.
