Thursday, October 8, 2015

Straight and Curvy

Another photo from my recent walk through Leyton. I took it partly for the repeated vertical rhythm of the poles and the trees, and partly because the ArcelorMittal Orbit tower -- the centerpiece of the site of the 2012 Olympics -- is visible in the distance. Apparently that tower is now open to the public. One of these days I'll have to go check it out.

I've never thought of it as particularly beautiful but it certainly is unusual.

Otherwise, what's going on around here? Well, not much. Yesterday I finished my shelf-reading and organizing in the non-fiction section of our library. I found many mis-shelved (is that a word?) books, so I was happy about that.

As I mentioned before, I'm working with the Royal Photographic Society on another project, this one about barber shops and hair salons in London. I chose and submitted a set of 13 photos, which will be published in a book along with those of other photographers doing other urban-themed projects. I recently saw digital versions of the page layouts and it looks like it will be a nice book. There's also going to be a small exhibit opening in early November.

Oh, and Olga's going to be in the book, too! Remember when my photographer friend Susi visited in May and photographed Olga in our back garden and on Hampstead Heath? (The day her Kong was stolen -- argh!) Well, Susi's project is focused on dogs of London -- and this shot of Olga will be included. Our famous girl!


  1. I think that sounds like lots going on.

  2. Of course Olga will be in the book! She's a most photogenic and charismatic dog.

  3. Oh, Steve! We are so proud of you! And of Olga, too, of course. You can't look at that dog without smiling.

  4. That tower is strange. I hope you do visit it so you can give us a good look at it. Fantastic new about the book. You and Olga are both going to be famous.

  5. are those your pants? and look at you, getting your wok published and all.

  6. How cool that Olga will be published! She was being suitably serious in that particular photo :)

  7. MWA: Well, yeah, once I got writing I discovered I did have things to say. It often happens that way!

    37P: Thanks so much, and yes, Olga deserves the limelight.

    Ms M: She IS very smiley, both in appearance and effect.

    Sharon: Yeah, I should go over there one of these days. I've heard it's kind of expensive but it's worth doing once, I suppose.

    Ellen: Ha! No, those are NOT my pants. Funny thing is, I didn't even SEE that person when I was out with Susi and Olga, but it was just some passerby on the Heath.

    Jenny: She's always so grim. I with I had a dog with some personality. :)
