Wednesday, February 16, 2022

A Darker Path

A strange sign has appeared at the entrance to Billy Fury Way, the somewhat forbidding footpath that runs along the railroad tracks from West End Lane to Finchley Road. Apparently a "power cable fault" has extinguished the lighting -- so now Billy Fury Way is even darker and more forbidding than usual! "We would advise you to seek an alternative route," the sign says. Yeah, no kidding.

I personally never walk Billy Fury Way unless my fearless and highly trained killer attack dog is by my side.

That was one of two interesting sights I came across on my walk to work yesterday. The other was this:

It's kind of hard to see, but that's someone's beautiful and dramatic housecat. It's like a miniature leopard. I think those are known as Bengal cats. This one simply would not stop and let me take its picture -- it was too focused on stalking birds in the hedges. (It was wearing a bell but if that bell ever made any noise, I couldn't hear it.)

Another busy day in the library yesterday, but nothing worth writing about. I got my copy of the photobook I put together of my Dad's images from Europe in the 1950s. It came out well and I don't see any obvious editing errors, so I think I'll go ahead and order copies for my stepmother and siblings. Boy, am I happy to have that done!

Today, incidentally, would have been my dad's 85th birthday. I guess the book is a sort of posthumous birthday present from him to all of us.


  1. That cat is gorgeous! Too bad the stinker wouldn’t pose for you. Timing of the delivery of the photo book is a bit of magic.

    1. I guess if I'd perfectly timed it, I'd have had it arrive at my relatives' houses on his birthday. But I'm pretty close.

  2. Billy Fury walk is probably safer if miscreants can't see where to stab you. A friend has a Bengal cat. They are interesting, to say the least.

    1. They're apparently pretty energetic, or so I read.

  3. That cat certainly is beautiful and not at all hard to see.

    1. Well, you can't see its face (which was beautiful) but yeah, you can at least appreciate the fur.

  4. What a treasure trove of the past! I went back through the links and the photographs are wonderful. Bengal cats are such beautiful animals - with a strong prey drive.

    1. It was very focused on those birds! I hope they keep their wits about them.

  5. Your family will certainly appreciate that book and the timing, and that beautiful cat is worth any photo you can get.

    1. Isn't that an amazing cat? It had really nice green eyes.

  6. That cat is stunning.

    My daughter does little books like that for our grandchildren, pictures of family and trips and times that we've all been together. They are very appreciated.

    1. It's rather surprising to me that as expensive as those cats are, one would be roaming outside.

    2. Don't get me started on cats roaming outside. It's one of my pet peeves. Here in the UK many people regard keeping a cat indoors as abuse, so they are often allowed to wander, even in big cities -- but there are also millions of posters up about missing cats.

  7. That's a lovely thing you have done with your father's old pictures Steve. I suspect that your stepmother will be overjoyed to receive her copy and similarly your brother.

    1. I was quite happy at the way it all turned out!

  8. That is a beautiful cat. It looks like it belongs in the jungle.

    1. Ha! I said the same thing to Colette above! It DOES look like a jungle cat.

  9. I love a Bengal Cat, they are so gorgeous.

    I guess your Dad had a hand in getting that photo book ready.

    1. Maybe I was subconsciously thinking about his birthday when I finally sat down and did it during my Covid confinement.

  10. Inspiration for me to finish up some of my old photo projects.

  11. I don't think I'd walk that path with or without lighting. A bit dodgy.

    It was good of you to do that photo marathon. I expect the family will love it.

    Today's a significant day for me, too. So I share with your dad, except not a birthday.

    The cat is beautiful. I wonder if he's intractable kept indoors. Some are, and they need outdoor time. Alas, they're hunters.

    1. Hopefully it's a GOOD significant day? This was also the birthday of the woman who took care of me as a child -- a sort of surrogate grandmother who I loved dearly. So it's a significant day for me on two counts.

  12. A man behind me in line at Publix once started a conversation with me about his Bengal cat. He went on and on. He loved that cat! He even showed me pictures on his phone. They are beautiful.
    Good job, you on the book! What a fine thing to do.

    1. Ha! How did THAT conversation begin, I wonder?! I must confess to occasionally showing people unsolicited pictures of Olga.

  13. I'm glad your book arrived & that it looks good. That was a lot of work for you - so well done!

    Pretty kitty! Also, it's hard to picture Olga as a vicious attack dog, but I'll bet she really would protect you. Especially if the perpetrator was that cat!

    1. No, she wouldn't. Trust me on this. I bet someone could beat me up and she'd stand there and watch.

  14. That cat is amazing. I've never seen one like it. Great job on that book. That's a great gift.

  15. That bengal cat is gorgeous. My heart leaped for joy when I looked at that photo. Wow!
    I love that your photo book arrived in time to commemorate what would have been his 85th birthday. A Happy Birthday shout out to the universe to your dad.

  16. A woman I know has two Savannah cats, a cross between a domestic cat and a serval. They are scary smart. I think Bengals and Savannahs are pretty much the same.

    1. I've never heard of a Savannah cat. Is a Bengal cat part serval? That would make sense, I suppose, but I didn't realize they were THAT close to wild!

  17. I would love to have a Bengal cat or even a gray tabby. Instead I fell in love with my Mari who is completely black and quite unremarkable. (except to me)

    1. But a black cat can be beautiful too! We had a black cat when I was a kid that we named, unimaginatively, "Black Kitty." (I tried to name it "Midnight" but no one else stuck with me on that.)

  18. I think a well-lit Billy Fury Way would be even scarier! I bet the cat has learned to move so that its bell doesn't ring.

    1. Ha! Well, yes, I guess it WOULD be scarier in a way. Is it better to see the scary stuff?!

  19. Oh, wow.... what a gorgeous cat!! A small part of me wants a cat, but I know it's better that I just enjoy my "grand-cats" (of which I have four, all totally different looking).

    1. I had cats for years and I loved them, but Dave is allergic so the cat part of my life seems to be over. (Plus, needless to say, Olga would not tolerate a cat.)

  20. the foot path looks like a recipe for disaster. I wouldn't want to pass though in the dark and I'm not so sure about the light.

  21. What a wonderful gift. I love the idea of that photo book.

  22. The cat is beautiful. It is unfortunate that it wouldn't come forward, shoot a hip and pose.

    1. Ha! Just before I snapped that photo it was stopped and staring at me, but of course the second I got out the camera it took off and then just wouldn't stop.

  23. Happy Birthday To Your Dad!
    I know that he would have loved that photo book and I bet that he had a hand in getting it to you! I am very glad that it's done and now just the copies for your brother and stepmother.
    I had to take a long look at that beautiful cat and had a good laugh because Foxy Love has escaped just like that Twice this Week. Thankfully my daughter Karyn was here to go and get her. Now that she is gone home, I really have to keep a out for her when I let her out.
    I have never seen a Bengal cat but I can just imagine him/her escaping because they are predators and they do need outside time. I bet he escaped when a door or window wasn't closed properly. I hope that he went back home, or he might have his owners in tears.
    I don't know about the darken path but from the comments I will take their side. Don't venture down that path ever!
    Have a wonderful day. xoxo

    1. I doubt that the cat escaped, honestly. I think whoever owns it probably lets it outside to roam. That's very common here.

  24. Good to be remembered. Which you might not be if you walk Billy Fury Way, by day or by night.

    1. If I were Billy Fury I'm not sure I'd consider it a compliment to have that dank path named after me.

  25. That's a great gift you put together. Those old photos really spark a lot of our happy memories!

  26. In the best of times, that looks a little iffy.

    1. It IS iffy. I have walked it some mornings with Olga, but I seriously would not walk it in the dark or even in the evening.

  27. Congrats on finishing the photo book! When you decide to do a thing, you certainly don't tarry! I'm very impressed.

  28. That Bengal cat is pretty stunning. And you're right -- cat bells only make the owner FEEL like they're doing something. But they're not. That's a creepy tunnel. I looked for the intersection on google maps -- it looks not far from my friend Jenny who lives near the Finchley Rd. tube station but I know Google Maps can be very deceiving! It's pretty creepy looking. Reminds me of the narrow tunnels in Stow on Wye (I think) where they pushed the sheep through on market day.

    Nice you got the book finished. I like the idea of a posthumus gift.
