Thursday, February 10, 2022

More Bulbs

I told you the daffodils were days away from blooming -- and sure enough, they have arrived!

In fact, suddenly we have more bulb flowers popping open every day. There are crocuses:

And there's also this:

This tiny jonquil comes from a bulb that I found lying on the ground in the cemetery last spring. It appeared to have been uprooted by some animal, and I pocketed it, brought it home and stuck it in a pot. I didn't know what it was and in fact forgot all about it, but obviously it survived.

The only other excitement we had yesterday...

...was the appearance of a woodpecker on our suet balls. Remember the ones I bought at Homebase that the birds didn't like? We theorized they were too old and/or too dry. Well, we bought a fresh container from Ocado and the birds seem to like those better.

And that's about it, aside from vacuuming, reading, television and cleaning and plant care. Plus ça change.

Dave and I are feeling more and more normal each day. I haven't tested myself today and I may not bother, because there's no point in trying to get myself to work today and tomorrow. They're teacher conference days and the kids aren't even around, so I wouldn't have much to do. I may as well wait until my appointed return date, Monday.


  1. I hope that your light bulbs aren't pushing through spring flowers too! Nice to hear that both of you are coming out of the COVID hole.

  2. I’m so happy to read that you’re both feeling much better. Those blooming bulbs bring beautiful memories of our gardens in Connecticut.

  3. Bulbs really want to live. Those are lovely. I can never get pictures of woodpeckers at the feeder. They take off at the slightest movement.

    1. It's amazing how durable they are. Particularly daffodils. These have come up every year as long as we've been here.

  4. I'm glad that you and Dave are improving. Please continue to rest and take care of yourselves. You'll be back at work soon enough!

    1. I'm sure the minute I go back I'll wish for more time off!

  5. You are wise to just wait and take it easy.

  6. Good to know you're both feeling better; that's a relief.
    I cannot wait for our daffodils to pop up; that's a sure sign of Spring. And we planted several different kinds of bulbs in a section of the yard and love when they sprout and bloom.

    1. We could never grow bulbs in Florida -- too hot. I guess SC is far enough north that they work for you.

  7. I should plant more bulbs. Yours are lovely. Keep getting better!

    1. As I told Bob above, we could never grow bulbs in our part of Florida, but maybe you're far enough north that they would work...?

  8. Thankfully you and Dave are feeling better. Before you know it Spring break will break will be here in the U.S.
    Such beautiful spring flowers. I love the woodpecker. They are so pretty but quiet destructive at times. I worked up in the mountains in California an across from the job site, a woodpecker drilled huge holes into a summer log cabin style house. The home owner was so upset one weekend when he came up. Poor guy!
    Have a great day. It is going to be a busy one for me. Stay Safe.

  9. Sorry for the typos. I hate this keyboard.

    1. You can't blame the woodpeckers, though. They're just doing what comes naturally! If they were drilling into that guy's house he probably had insects in the wood.

  10. Pretty pretty! I'm glad you're feeling better. It's usually a good sign when you feel bored :)

    1. Yeah, true! Like my energy levels are up a little more.

  11. After ordering them over three weeks ago, I finally received our "free" Covid tests mailed to us by the government. Just in time since they are now plentiful again in stores and the cases are plummeting. Knowing my lack of luck, they won't work for the next variant.

    1. Argh! Well, who knows -- supposedly the tests we have work with every variant.

  12. It's good to hear that you both are feeling better and more back to normal. I love the daffodils. They are such happy flowers.
    PS: I did rent that movie "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever" last night. It was released in 1970 so it's 52 years old. Barbra looks like she's 22 and Jack Nicholson looks like a kid. It's only slightly dated and the music is great. However, I had forgotten about the great 1970's clothes. Streisand's wardrobe was pretty spectacular. Anyway, it was great to see so thanks for putting that song in my head.

    1. I am going to rent it too but we haven't done so yet. Maybe over the weekend!

  13. Replies
    1. The daffodils and crocuses appeared simultaneously here! In fact the daffodils may have been first.

  14. Seeing blooms has to make one feel much better as spring ha arrived.

  15. Love seeing the flowers blooming there. Spring is really on its way. And that woodpecker is such a little beauty.
    I'm so glad you and Dave are feeling better. Take care there.

    1. I love seeing the woodpeckers and I'm glad we found some suet balls that they like.

  16. Wow, hard to believe those daffodils and crocuses. Ours are at least a month away.

  17. A treat to see your daffodils and crocuses. We had a huge swath of daffodils that we naturalized along the edge of the woods at our house in Minnesota. Of course they didn't bloom until April up there!

    1. And once they're in the ground they'll just reappear every year. It's amazing how durable they are.

  18. So good to know you're both feeling much better now! The woodpecker is beautiful. Maybe I should put up a suet feeder and see what I get.

    1. Absolutely! You really DO get a whole different crop of birds. I never get woodpeckers on our seed or peanut feeders, for example.

  19. Smart move, waiting till MOnday and glad you are feeling improved. Oh, longing for bulbs. It'll be another couple of months!

    1. Maybe you can get some for your windowsill in the meantime. :)

  20. Those bulbs are lovely and so sweet to see already. We still are under the snow here. Glad you and Dave are better! I am relieved as I know several who died from Covid.

    1. Wow! I don't know anyone who's died -- knock on wood -- though I know of many who have been ill.

  21. That's a great woodpecker! And your flowers are gorgeous, as always.

  22. I'm glad you'll have the whole 10 days. And now you will have super charged immunity for a while. Enjoy that.

    1. Well, "super-charged" may be overstating it, but yeah, we shouldn't be susceptible again for a while!

  23. I love the cheery daffodils, but don't like when the jonquils start blooming around here, the scent is too heady and messes up my head. A neighbour further down the road had her driveway lined with masses of paperwhite jonquils. They look beautiful in full bloom.

    1. I don't even smell this one, because it's just one and it's so small.

  24. I'm glad you'll have the whole 10 days to fully recuperate. The bulbs flowering is so beautiful every time, isn't it?

    1. I still get tired in the afternoons. It reminds me of having mono in high school!
