Thursday, February 3, 2022

Totoro Takes a Bath

When Dave and I were working in the garden on Sunday I noticed the sad state of Totoro. He looked like he'd been mud-wrestling, but to be honest I think he'd been visited by a pigeon. (A thousand apologies if you're eating breakfast right now.)

So yesterday I went out with some soapy water and an old toothbrush and gave him a bath:

And that might be the only productive thing I did yesterday. Oh, no, I did also manage to vacuum the living room.

Otherwise, I sat and read "Shuggie Bain" and my various online news sources, and tried to figure out whether I was really developing a sore throat or not. (As you can infer, I did not go to work.) The ultimate verdict is that yes, I have an extremely mild sore throat, kind of like the beginnings of a cold that hasn't quite blossomed yet. My Covid tests are still negative, but since I have symptoms -- however mild -- I'll be staying home today too.

Apparently this is a thing with Omicron -- it sometimes takes a while to show up on lateral flow tests. As NPR reported, "Anecdotal reports abound of people showing symptoms of COVID-19 and testing negative at first, before eventually testing positive." I suppose I could order a PCR but I suspect by the time it gets here and I take it and send it in and get results, the lateral flow test will be positive.

Fortunately, my boss is being very understanding about this and since Dave is definitely positive we have good reason to believe I am too, regardless of the tests. Maybe my vaccines are working enough that I'm just not getting very sick or carrying much viral load. Who knows?

As planned, Dave was picked up by the NHS yesterday and ferried to the hospital for an antibody infusion. A guy showed up at our front door in head-to-toe blue plastic Haz Mat gear and a face shield, and escorted Dave into a waiting ambulance. I absurdly thought, "Great! Now the whole neighborhood knows we have Covid!"

He's feeling pretty good, by the way. His fever only lasted a day, even before the extra antibodies, and the NHS folks told him he should feel even better after their treatment.

In other news, I gave up on my recently attempted orchid rescue. The entire plant had apparently been frozen, because it turned the sickly gray-green color of overboiled string beans. It wasn't going to bounce back. I threw it out.


  1. Oh my gosh, I need to catch up here. I'm sorry that Dave has been sick and that you, too, might have the virus. This thing sucks! I know so many people who've had it and most weather it pretty well.

    1. Yeah, it's a drag. It just feels like a cold, at least so far.

  2. That must have been wild to see the guy in Haz Mat gear. But so glad Dave is doing well. Hope your symptoms don’t go beyond this. That had to be one sorry orchid if even you gave up on it.

    1. Yeah, it was obvious that it wasn't going to recover, poor thing! I feel like I could have saved it if I'd found it the day before, but oh well.

  3. Totoro is looking much better. I need to get out and scrub the droppings off my mushroom/toadstool.
    My grand daughter tested negative for over a week before testing positive and by then her partner who had it first was over it already.

    1. It's so frustrating to feel yourself getting sick and still be getting negative results. And a lot of people would probably still be going to work during that time.

  4. Well, I was eating my breakfast! And now because of that revolting image of Totoro, I have to have another breakfast! Do you know how to clean up keyboards?

    1. That sounds very Monty Python. Or possibly "Little Britain."

  5. It's interesting that Totoro's eyes went from horror to happiness after "mud" removal. Good lord - full Haz Mat? You two will be the talk of the neighborhood for a week. I'm glad that Dave is feeling better and hope that you get the mildest case possible, should you have it.

    1. Yeah, people were actually standing around watching Dave leave the house!

  6. I am glad to hear about Dave, really, really happy. I do hope that you did not put that toothbrush back into the bathroom, however.

    1. LOL -- edited to clarify that it was an OLD toothbrush!

  7. Totoro looks so much better. From my vague experience with Covid recently in my family, it can take time to show up a positive test. As long as you stay reasonably well is what matters.

    1. Yeah, I don't expect it to be too severe. It's just a pain in the neck more than anything.

  8. I'm hoping you get only mild symptoms.

    1. Fingers crossed! With my vaccines I think that's likely.

  9. Totoro looks like he was attacked by a Republican pigeon trying to stop free speech. Glad you cleaned him up to grin in another day. :)

  10. Aw - Totoro looks lovely now! Birds are a mess (which is one reason I've never hung my laundry outside even though I would love to). Glad Dave is feeling better & I hope that your symptoms stay mild!

    1. It IS amazing how birds can hit even a small target so precisely and so thoroughly.

  11. Totoro is positively beaming after the bath!

  12. Sending healing thoughts your way. Hope Dave (and you) recover quickly!

  13. I forgot to say I now know who, or what, Totoro is!

    1. It's a great movie if you've never seen it. A kids' movie, but charming nonetheless.

  14. Now see- Maggie would have loved cleaning Totoro more than anything. But you did a great job on him.
    What a sci-fi image I now have of Dave being picked up and returned by the NHS!
    I think it is very much the wisest thing for you to stay home. I wonder if they will develop tests that are more sensitive to the variants or if the variants are going to change so quickly that there's no use.
    Whatever. Take care of yourself.

    1. They definitely have to work on the sensitivity of these tests. I'm sure people are testing negative and inadvertently spreading Covid.

  15. I'm glad that Dave is already feeling better. Yay! I hope you are too and that this all just passes very quickly. Take care there.

    1. Fingers crossed! I don't expect it to be too severe, honestly.

  16. In the US they are recommending you swab both throat and nose; first throat then nose. Slightly gross but it often shows up a bit earlier in the throat.

    1. We've had lateral flow tests from several suppliers, and the first tests were throat and nose. The ones we have now are only nose, and I wonder if that's why I stayed negative so long.

  17. You did a great job cleaning up Totoro. As for the Covid, I hope you both get over it soon. It shouldn't be too bad because you've had all the shots. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

  18. Pardon my French, but Totoro literally had a "shit eating grin" as we say in these parts.

    Yes, those lateral flow tests really take three days of symptoms before you start testing positive with any regularity, and about the same time frame for a PCR test. That is why Omicron is able to spread around with impunity because by the time a lateral flow test comes back positive, one could have been spreading it for days.

    1. Ha! Good one! I wish I'd thought of it!

      In my case the PCR picked it up just a few hours after a negative lateral flow.

  19. Totoro is looking much happier with a clean face.
    I had an apt. with the dermatologist on Monday morning. They called me yesterday to tell me I had been exposed to COVID and to quarantine for 10 days. So far no symptoms except for a sleepless night.
    Take care of yourself.

    1. Argh! I hope you're OK! I suspect you will be.

  20. Totoro looks very nice! I hesitate to read "Shuggie Bain" since I've heard that although it's beautifully written, it's one of the most depressing books you'll encounter. I hope your possible case of Covid continues to be mild.

    1. It IS a very bleak book, almost laughably so. I'll write more about it when I finish it.

  21. Totoro cleans up nicely. Hoping you and Dave shed the crap of covid just as easily.

  22. It sounds like something out of a Michael Crichton novel! Glad Dave is feeling better and I'm glad he was able to get an infusion.

    I'm still laughing at Ed's comment. We say that here and yes, Totoro certainly had one! He/she looks much better now. 😬

    1. It was a little like "The Andromeda Strain," it's true! Ed really hit the mark with that comment.

  23. What Ed said. Totoro no doubt thanks you! :) Glad you are both feeling better. Be well.

  24. Totoro looks happy to have been given a bath. As for the covid, good that you stayed home but it's inevitable, I think, that we will all get it. The hazmat suit was a nice touch though. Hope it continues mild in your house.

    1. Yeah, I think so too. Hopefully we can manage it to keep its effects mild.

  25. I love your post title :D Totoro looks fabulous.

    Good call staying home, it would seem! Get well wishes for both you and Dave.

    1. Yeah, I did the right thing for sure. I kind of wish I'd stayed home on Tuesday, too, but I still felt pretty normal that day.

  26. I am sorry to hear that you are positive as well and hope your symptoms continue to be mild. I'm very impressed the the NHS service and treatment for Dave.
    You will have a lot of time to catch up on reading and perhaps to watch a lot of Olympic events.
    Totoro looks wonderful all shiny and clean with a nice smile .
    Take care both of you. No doubt Olga will be very happy to have you home full time.

  27. I'm glad Dave is doing better and glad he was eligible for the anti-bodies. Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and hope you continue to test negative. Sometimes it does take a few days. And so good your boss "gets it" about your being home. He is wise. SO, I'm looking back through the comments and now it seems you DID get a positive PCR? I'm confused. Either way, I hope you are feeling better soon, lay low and take care.
