Monday, February 28, 2022

Queenly Repose

Well, I wound up not taking it easy at all yesterday. I was back in the garden weeding, planting more foxgloves, pulling ivy and tidying in general. Suddenly it seems like there's SO much to do!

Olga presided over it all in queenly repose on her Union Jack bed. She gets very antsy when it's sunny outside and we're all indoors. She'll go from one of us to the other, staring with doleful eyes, until we open the door and let her out so she can lie in the sun. And if we don't come out too, she'll go in and out, torn between the desire to be with us and the desire to be outside. Basically, to get any peace, one of us has to go outside with her. Which is how I wound up working in the garden again.

We took a walk to the cemetery and found a huge, ivy-laden dead limb had collapsed onto the path. I don't think it took out any headstones, fortunately. Getting around it required some ingenuity -- you can see Olga wondering what to do.

Last night we had dinner with one of Dave's former students from Michigan, who recently got a Ph.D. and is looking for a place to do post-doctoral work, perhaps here in the UK. We're still friends with the whole family so we caught up on all the news, including his engagement. We hadn't seen him in about ten years, since this trip to Amsterdam, so we had a lot to catch up on! (We never did take the trip to St. Petersburg that I mentioned in that post.)

Today we're back to school, but it's a professional development day so it's just teachers. The kids don't come back until tomorrow.


  1. As I glanced at cemetery paragraph, my brain immediately picked out of the para, cemetery, dead, limb, Olga. It was a relief to read properly, and that Olga was not running around the cemetery with a human limb in her mouth.

  2. Oh, yeah, you planting some more is all Olga’s fault. Looks like you had our sun. We had (and have) dreary and cloudy. Today rain has been added tot he mix and I wish it would really come down. The spring blooms are uplifting and the shot of Olga is a joy. She IS the queen.

    1. She guilts me into doing a lot of things. Of course that really says more about my guilt feelings than her.

  3. It would have been a noble thing to lift that broken limb off the path and toss it to the side, but no!

  4. Your garden is lovely to see. Your spring is weeks ahead of ours. And the queenly Olga, too! Asking why you threw down that obstacle in her path.

    1. She gives me way too much credit for controlling my environment!

  5. I like Olga's idea of lounging in the sun and surveying her queendom.
    I doubt, though, that Carlos would let me do that!

    1. It's definitely the best way to do yardwork!

  6. I am quite envious of your grass and flowers. Can you have too many foxgloves? I don't think so:)

  7. I hope you are having a good day, professionally developing. What IS that?

    1. LOL -- whatever the administration wants it to be. In this case, it's a choice of workshops about educational topics with a couple of fun activity sessions taught by other teachers as well (painting, drawing, photography).

  8. Spring seems to come much earlier for you than it does for us. I'm jealous at all the beautiful blossoms in your garden. We won't see any for another couple months. That's a great photo of Olga enjoying the sunshine in the garden. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Surely you must be getting daffodils soon? I think I used to start seeing them in March when I lived in New York.

  9. The weather this week will have me chomping at the bit but I know I still need to wait another couple weeks before getting too excited about spring.

    1. "In like a lion, out like a lamb."

    2. Most definitely and today is forecasted to be a very fluffy docile lamb kind of day.

  10. It will be warmer here this week so March is coming in like a lamb...

    1. Ha! Funny that you used the same phrase I just used in response to Ed above. Yes, it's pretty mild here too.

  11. Your yard looks so lovely, and Olga looks so comfy by the fountain and the flowers.
    Enjoy your first day back at the library.

  12. I love Olga looking so regal in the sun. And her strategy to get you outside worked like a charm!

    1. She's getting quite demanding in her old age!

  13. Olga is a control freak! She's very crafty at getting you guys to do what she wants.

  14. Olga does look very queenly on her throne among the daffodils.

  15. I'm glad Olga convinced you to join her outside. She does look quite queenly on her "throne". One of our Rottweilers was named for Queen Esther (in the Bible) and she could strike that same regal pose.

    Maybe Olga will want more walks now that the weather is warming up for you.

    1. Esther is a great name! Yeah, she might be more enthusiastic about walking now.

  16. I think I would have tried to see if Olga would share a space on her blanket for a little nap in the sun.

    1. Ha! I usually bring out my own chair if I'm going to go that route. :)

  17. So, what did you do to professionally develop today?? Olga does look queenly.

    1. I took a session on iPhone photography (just for fun) and one about positive discipline in the classroom.

  18. Olga appears to be in bliss. I resemble her in the sunshine which has been non-existent of late.

  19. Olga does look very regal on her blanket, ruler of all she surveys.

  20. Olga is such a beauty, always.

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  22. Definitely queenly! Catching up but it looks like a fine weekend! Cold and gloomy here -- but spring WILL come!
