Wednesday, February 2, 2022


This was the sunset as I left work yesterday evening. Pretty nice, huh?

Dave tested positive yesterday by lateral flow, and then he got his PCR results -- also positive. So he definitely has Covid. Weirdly, I don't seem to have it yet. I was still negative on my lateral flow this morning and I don't think I have any symptoms, though if I scrutinize my body I can always find something that feels weird and makes me wonder: "Is that the beginning of a scratchy throat? Is my nose stuffy? Am I more achy and tired than usual?"

I suppose if I have to ask the question the answer is no. Otherwise I wouldn't be asking.

The NHS is paying attention to Dave's case because of the medication he takes to manage his Crohn's disease, which suppresses his immune system. In fact he spoke to a doctor yesterday who arranged to have him picked up by car this afternoon and taken to University College London for a special antibody infusion. And then they drive him home again! How's that for service?

He doesn't feel too bad and yesterday his fever was gone, so fingers crossed he's over the worst of it -- but I know Covid is weird in that it can come and go and get more severe over time. It's just as well that he's getting those antibodies.

Meanwhile, I'm in a conundrum. Do I keep going to work as usual? The rules say if I'm negative and have no symptoms I should go in, but how could I not have this virus? It seems impossible. Then again, if I don't have it, I'd rather not sit around the house all day being exposed to it even more. I never thought school would seem safer than home.

I put together a new library display yesterday of banned or challenged books. You can see "Maus" front and center at the top, as well as other books that appeared on that crazy Texas list that came out a few months ago. I also made a separate shelf of "classic" challenged books that have been stirring controversy for decades -- "Ulysses," "Of Mice and Men," "The Catcher in the Rye" and such.

It was pretty fun. Of course it could be a magnet for kids who want mischievous reading, but that's the point, right? We have the books, and I'm happy if they're reading anything. (As I've mentioned in the past, we have a system that ensures the youngest kids don't check out anything not age-appropriate.)

Besides, that Texas list is out of hand. I don't even understand why some books are on that list. Pretty much anything that has to do with race, gender or sexual identity has been flagged. It's overkill on a massive scale.


  1. Sorry to hear Dave has covid, but pleased he's receiving good treatment. I understand your predicament about self isolating. Well done for putting together those books. Hopefully no parents are in the 'ban the books' brigade. Take care of yourself and Dave.

    1. I don't think any of our parents are book-banners, but I guess we'll find out!

  2. So glad you live in a place and work for a school that makes it possible for you to create that display! Hope Dave continues to feel better and to get that extra care. I have friends whose 6-year-old (vaccinated) son had Covid a few weeks ago. He was miserable for 24 hours and then fine. No one else in the family (including their 3-year-old) have had any symptoms and have consistently tested negative. Oh ye of the powerful immune system... and imagination.

    1. Yeah, it's very strange. I'm still not positive and I'm not ill, other than a very mild sore throat. (VERY mild -- like, "Is it sore? I'm not quite sure!")

  3. Wishing Dave a speedy recovery, and hope that you don't get it too.
    I saw that exact same sky yesterday late afternoon.....the pretty pink contrails and sky. My iphone camera didn't want to pick up the colours though!
    On days when the contrails are showing brightly, I am always amazed at how many planes there are up there that we normally can't see. My flight app tells me that they are always just passing over our little island at about 36,000 feet. I think the most I have seen in one space of time/sky is 5! Stay well.

    1. Sometimes if you move the iPhone around a bit, the picture will lighten or darken to pick up details. I'm sure you've experienced that. It is amazing how much is going on in the skies above us, but I'm sure it's still a lot less than was happening pre-Covid.

  4. I'm sorry to hear Dave has Covid, and that does pose a quandary for you.

    Well done on the banned books display. Maus is selling very well here because of the ban! And I expect teenagers are going to be interested in anything forbidden anywhere, so I expect they'll read and possibly wonder why the bans. The Texas list is ridiculous, likewise the pressure on school librarians to withdraw books just in case parents object.

    Our public libraries are closed for Covid, just curbside pickup, so our public librarians don't have the chance to make such a display, though they have in the past.

    1. The American Library Association sponsors a "banned book week" every year, to call attention to books that have been challenged. It's pretty great!

  5. Fingers crossed, Dave will pull through this with no ill effects.

    Banning books is frightening. Shame on America's book banning numbskulls! Isn't it supposed to be "The Land of the Free"?

    1. America has a strong streak of puritanism and anti-government extremism, even now. The troublesome legacy of our colonial ancestors!

  6. It seems likely we'll all get it eventually, but when LTF tests are no longer free then we may not always be sure. Good luck.

    1. Yeah, how long will the government supply these free tests, I wonder?

  7. I'm sorry to hear that Dave has Covid, but it sounds like he's getting really good care. I hope he continues to do well and you continue to stay well!

    Your display of banned books looks great and should attract plenty of young readers!

    1. We have no complaints at all about Dave's care. He's being treated very well.

  8. I imagine that having a book banned is every writer's hope. Maus is on the best seller list. Prior to the controversy, it was not even in the top 1000. Reading through the list of banned books is mindblowing. To be perfectly honest, it seems to me that any book that might stimulate a discussion of different views or thoughts is quashed, the book is banned. When did it become taboo to ponder other perspectives?

    1. That's what's puzzling about these people -- when will they learn that challenging a book simply increases its appeal a thousandfold?

  9. Hoping that Dave is soon on the mend. Amazing care that they are so proactive as to send a car for him to get the infusion. Never would that happen in the US...even if one hard the very best medical insurance. I know it is a conundrum about your situation vis a vis the just have to do what you think is best. Hopefully, you won't get it.

    Love your banned book display. It is pretty hard not to despair of this country and the rank stupidity that seems to govern at all levels--from school boards to corporate ones to Republican twits.

    1. I guess they just don't want people getting on public transport or taking a taxi, and that makes sense! In the states most people would drive their own cars, but here a lot of people (like us) don't drive.

  10. Cheers to you for making that display. My motto is, Tell me which books you're banning so I can buy them and talk them up.
    Hopefully Dave's on the down side of the virus and it's leaving the house before visiting you!

    1. I have the same approach to book banning -- it makes me MUCH more likely to buy and read the book.

  11. Your question about whether to go to work or not is a good one. Wish I knew the answer. Maybe ask the powers that be at work what they'd like you to do? Good for you in making a banned book display.

    1. My boss and I talked about it, and it all hinges on symptoms -- and unfortunately I do have some extremely mild ones. So for now I'm staying home. Better safe than sorry.

  12. Mischievous that description!

    Hope Dave is ok soon..a friend here also has Crohn's but could only have the first Jag as he reacted so strongly to it. Really good that they are keeping an eye on him.
    Hope you keep clear of infection too..keep up the usual precautions xx

    1. Dave fortunately has had both jabs plus a booster, and he didn't have too much trouble with those.

  13. So sorry Dave got the C - but it sounds like the NHS is on top of things. I totally get your conundrum. And I have no idea what I would do! How helpful is that? Ha!

    1. Well, I'm definitely walking a line here, but I'm erring on the side of caution!

  14. Bless the NHS! I know it's not perfect but damn- that's amazing medical attention. You would NEVER get that here. As you know.
    Yeah- to go to school or not? You know you'll get it. But if the rules say continue on, well...
    It seems like with these new variants, the tests just aren't as accurate. I've heard so many stories of people testing negative over and over until suddenly- they don't.
    I surely would not know what to do. But I do hope that Dave is over the worst of it and that if you do get it, it is the mildest and most asymptomatic of all cases.

    1. Yeah, I've read that too -- this is apparently a feature of Omicron. Or maybe it's Omicron plus the vaccines. But at any rate many people test negative for several days before ultimately testing positive.

  15. It definitely is a conundrum I haven't yet had to face. Part of me would say stay home but another part of me would want to follow CDC guidance that says wear a mask and go to work. If I did the latter, I do know the first sign of a symptom I would go back home. What a world we live in.

    On this side of the pond, two of the three antibody infusion treatments we had for Delta don't work for Omicron and the one that still does is not very effective and so hard to get it is only reserved for the sickest of the sick so physicians like my wife couldn't prescribe it even if they wanted too. Fortunately though, the only patients of hers that end up needing something like that are unvaccinated. Back when Delta was the thing though, she was able to save a number of people with those infusions.

    I like the idea of a "banned" book cart. Keep everything out in the open. I see that Maus has been sold out on Amazon which makes me happy.

    1. My problem is, it can be hard for me to tell whether I have a symptom or not. I am very suggestible about such things, so if I start thinking, "Do I have a sore throat?" I'm likely to feel one!

  16. What a bummer. I was so hoping that Dave's test would be negative. I like how NHS handled it for him. Please let him know that he has good wishes for a speedy recovery coming from Northern California. Stay safe there, Steve. I think going to work wearing a mask should be okay, especially since you are fully vaccinated and boosted and not showing any symptoms. If you do feel the slightest hint of symptoms, you'll go home. That seems safe. Take care there.

    1. I ultimately did stay home because I think I have a mild sore throat. It's better to be safe than sorry. I sure don't want to be Typhoid Mary.

  17. Well, damn. I'm glad the NHS is taking it seriously re Dave. You may not get it if you're still testing negative. Seems to me that if you would you would have by now. But who knows.

    I think every library should do a banned book display. The republicans in Texas are getting more restrictive and authoritarian every day.

    1. Some of those people are lunatics. The trend in American politics of always playing to the farthest right fringes is alarming, but all the Republicans are afraid of being primaried by someone even "more conservative." (IE a fascist)

  18. Sorry to hear that Dave has it. I was hoping he would escape even though I can see that escape is pretty much futile. Almost everyone on my work team has had it but we are still working remotely.

    1. Yeah, it's out there and it will get all of us at one point or another, I suspect!

  19. Hope Dave recovers quickly. Did you ask your co-workers what they would prefer you do? I remember when your boss was told to go home but she had symptoms and you don't yet... Please stay well, Steve!
    Thanks for the banned books display. It will definitely encourage reading.

    1. Yeah, her symptoms were much more pronounced than mine. But still, I'm staying home. Just playing it safe.

  20. I suppose it would be different if you had covid and were trying to protect Dave from getting it. Dennis also has health issues that could make covid very serious for him. We have a plan in place for if either of us gets covid, but we are fortunate to have a guest suite we can use if we need to. The issue, as you are experiencing first hand, is that by the time your are diagnosed as positive, the chances are pretty good that you have already exposed your partner! How to balance the stress of isolating with the questionable benefit? Hope it is a moot point for you and that you both feel fine soon!

    1. It must be great to have a guest room as an alternate place to sleep! But yeah, even then, one partner is bound to have exposed the other by the time they become symptomatic.

  21. That is great service and hope Dave continues to improve. The banned book list makes me sad, terrified and angry. Many emotions and none of them positive.

    1. I am mostly perplexed by the book banning. Don't these people think their kids are online? What are they trying to prevent them from seeing or reading that they're not going to see or read in some other context anyway?

  22. Hoping that Dave has a mild case and continues to improve. That service regarding the antibody treatment is a great thing. Good on ya for the banned book display, I cannot tell you how angry this garbage about banning books makes me, if this keeps up soon those idiots will be burning them.

    1. If we start down that path -- book burning -- we'll KNOW we're in trouble.

  23. I'm impressed by the NHS response to Dave's case; that's excellent. I hope he continues to make a good recovery and that you have only a mild case if you catch it.

    The sky in the first photo is beautiful. And good job with the display of challenged books. The banning in the USA is at the point of utter ridiculousness, and here in Canada there are many right-wingers who are watching intently and will be mimicking our southern neighbours on books just as they are currently embarrassing the rest of Canada with their "convoy of freedom" ... whatever happened to believing in books as a source of enrichment and ideas and betterment of ourselves?

    1. I'm surprised Canadians are taking cues from the craziest of their American cousins! Canadians always seem much more sensible to me. Less driven by extreme evangelical religions, for one thing.

  24. Sorry about Dave - here's hoping for a quick case of it. NHS is pretty wonderful about the antibodies. I wouldn't know how to even ask in the US.

    1. I know! It's amazing that they stepped in with this treatment at no prompting from us!

  25. I'm sorry to hear Dave tested positive, but it sounds like he's hopefully over the worst of it and it being closely monitored. As I mentioned, my husband never got it from me, so perhaps you won't, either. Maybe it was Dave's reduced immunity that caused him to get it in the first place.

    As for book banning, I think it's crazy (and wrong) no matter who tries to do it, but it's been going on for decades by folks on both sides of the political spectrum. I stand on my fence in the middle and SMH as I see what folks on both sides say and do. I think your display looks great!

    1. Yes, that's encouraging about your husband! Maybe I'll be off the hook after all. I think I am going to spend a few days at home, though, just to see what happens.

  26. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Dave! I am so glad to read that he got extra treatment taking his autoimmune situation seriously.
    Maybe you are very healthy or better still, your vaccine works the way it should because you have certainly been exposed to the virus.
    Take care and keep up your beautiful photography.

    1. That's what I wonder -- if the vaccines haven't just nipped it in the bud. Although I do feel just a BIT wonky. Maybe the power of suggestion!

  27. Well, you can tell I'm reading backwards. I'm so grateful that Dave was able to get the infusions. As I mentioned in my other comment, there is hope for you. I know of two cases, my oousin's husband and also our daughter in law and the toddlers who all had it. My cousin and our son didn't. They didn't particularly isolate from each other (by the time Howard tested positive, they'd been together all week) and in Kevin's case, it was pretty much impossible to be apart from two toddlers when their mom was down. So, there's hope. I'm in the same immune boat as Dave -- different disease, but same result -- and am living a relatively cloistered life. It's ok in winter for me having that, but it does get old. Please take care and I hope you stay well. (And thanks for coming by. You asked about the Broadway book and "The Last Vampire" (Is that right? don't have it in front of me). That one's not there but do look it up. I'll talk more about it in my upcoming book post.

    1. Yes, that Broadway book looked interesting! I think it's entirely possible that I've been exposed but the vaccines have simply beaten it back.

  28. I'm sorry to hear covid caught Dave, but I'm heartened to know that he is getting all the care he needs to fight it off. You may have a mild case that doesn't show up on tests, I'm convinced this is happening more than we know. Please do keep us posted on how you and Dave fare through this. May it all be a blip in your lives, as it has been for many recently. That sunset is truly spectacular, and I love that you did a banned books display! Be well, my friend.

    1. Thanks, R! Yeah, I wonder the same thing -- if I have it but it's so low-level that it's just not showing up on tests.

  29. It's a lovely sunset photo.
    I guess you just follow the medical advice. As you say, better that you are at home less and it will be more difficult if you both have to isolate.
    I can't remember why but I was recently looking at buying the eBook The 57 Bus. Someone must have mentioned it. It sounded very sad.

    1. It's a very popular book in our library and it's gotten a lot of press. Maybe you were reading about it somewhere? I haven't read it yet but I plan to.

  30. It must be a stressful time with Dave's covid. Things can go so many ways.

  31. Good for you, Steve. The more we can do to counter the evil of the book burners is a good thing. Don't forget Vonnegut's books in your display.

    1. He's there! "Slaughterhouse Five" is on the "challenged classics" shelf.

  32. Hey, Steve, I am not at all sure how things will shake out, but we do plan to be in London. I know it is a big city, but if there is any way to meet you and Dave (and even Olga) for a cup of coffee, it would be a highlight. I know that you are planning a trip, and it might interfere, and if it does, there's always next time. I will be in country between Feb 26 and March 25th. I will have a local phone number while there (my daughter got a new IPhone for Christmas and is lending me her old phone for the duration of my stay). Something to think about, no expectations. Hope you both are on the down hill side of this covid stuff. It is my biggest fear. That I will take that test the day before I leave and find myself testing positive for covid. I honestly don't think I'll believe that everything is happening until I am well over the Atlantic.
