Monday, February 7, 2022

Flowers and Football

A rather boring and frustrating day yesterday. I'm between books and I didn't feel like immediately diving into a new one, and I didn't want to watch a movie, and of course I can't leave the house. "Trapped like a rat! A rat in a cage!"

(I wrote that thinking it was a famous quote, but when I Googled it to see where it came from I only get advice on how to kill a trapped rat. Or references to a Smashing Pumpkins song that contains the line "despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage," which isn't quite the same. So maybe it's not a famous quote. I think it's just something my friend Sue used to say.)

Anyway...I did a little more work on my dad's photo book and uploaded it to Blurb, and ordered a copy to see how the finished product looks. I also sent the PDF proofs to my stepsister so she could check them out, as she helped me research the names of Dad's traveling companions on that trip, and I'll send them to my stepmother too.

When Dave first tested Covid-positive a week ago I bought him flowers on the way home from work -- you're seeing that bouquet in these photos. It's past its prime now, but still pretty. When I bought it the poppies were more or less the same height as the roses, but they magically kept growing so now they're several inches higher.

Dave was hoping he'd be able to return to work early with a negative test after five days -- but his test last night was still positive and he's still coughing, so he's not too happy about that. As for me, my symptoms are still mostly in my nose. My sinuses were incredibly stuffy yesterday and I used some of Dave's nasal spray -- MAN, that stuff WORKS! Apparently it's addictive so you can't use it much but I was mighty impressed at how freely I could breathe afterwards.

Apropos of nothing, here's a video of Olga with a football we found at the cemetery on a recent walk:

It amazed me how excited she got! She was like a puppy again. A football really motivates her. I brought the ball home but I haven't given it to her in the garden for fear she'll demolish the plants.

Remember when she lost her dog tag several weeks ago, and I worked so hard to successfully find it? Well, it's gone again. This time I have no idea where it fell off. Fortunately Olga has a microchip so if she ever gets lost she can still be identified and returned to us -- and she has a spare tag too.


  1. Olga can probably smell human soccer players on the ball. I get that. You're right. She behaving like an energetic pup.

    1. My theory is that someone in her previous life -- before we got her -- used to play football with her.

  2. She may have a microchip, but if she got lost, anyone finding her would have to take her to a vet ( not easy if at a weekend or have no transport etc.) and it could be hours/days before you got her back. With your phone number on her she would back with you in no time!! I think I told you about " flexitags"...just bought another one for Alexi, a purple one to adorn his grey collar!

  3. PS Sorry for the lecture, but I feel strongly about dogs not having a number on their collar!!

    1. Well, as I said, she has another tag. So she'll also have our number on her.

  4. I love to see that little butt wiggle (Olga’s). So great to see the puppy still in her. Sorry for Dave’s disappointment and your symptoms and frustration. It takes more patience than I’d probably have. Whether or not it was before, "Trapped like a rat! A rat in a cage!" is now a famous quote.

    1. I was glad to see that puppyish side emerge too -- she really got excited!

  5. Rather than looking up a rat in a cage, perhaps a better comparison might have been a hamster in a cage or maybe a chipmunk? As for Olga's wagging tail, couldn't you harness it to produce electricity? Sorry to hear that Dave is still struggling with the ****ing virus.

    1. Maybe if I were healthy I'd feel like a hamster, but right now I feel like a rat.

  6. She really is trying so hard to pick that ball up and carry it off, isn't she? So cute!

    1. She really seems to think she can fit it in her mouth!

  7. That’s one happy dog! Even her eyes are smiling. What a cutie!

    1. They definitely show a playful spark, don't they?

  8. A dog with a ball is pure joy.

    1. It's funny how dogs universally respond positively to that shape -- they seem to know it's a toy.

  9. She looks like her birthday has come! So happy. Dogs are wise. Sorry Dave's not back up yet, I expect he's tired of the house, too.

    1. Now I'll have to bring it with us when we go to the park!

  10. Bummer that Dave is still testing positive. And the flowers are pretty, weird how the poppies got taller. Olga does look happy to have found that ball.

  11. That little video of Olga reminds me of when our dog Pearl tried to get her jaws around a bowling ball. She would have never quit trying if we hadn't taken that thing away from her.
    It's so hard to believe that you can find such wild places to be in the middle of London, even if it is a graveyard. Pretty amazing.
    I did not know that flowers could grow once they were cut in and in a vase. How strange!

    1. A bowling ball! LOL! I would love to have seen that. Tulips also grow after they've been cut.

  12. The genealogist in me just focused on that old cemetery Olga was playing in. Does England maintain their old cemeteries? Here in Iowa anyway, it is law that the counties must maintain all cemeteries if not maintained by some other entity.

    1. They are maintained, but I think they try to balance maintenance with creating an environment for wildlife. (Especially at old urban cemeteries like this one.)

  13. Those poppies are so beautiful. Now I'm really ready for spring, seeing those lovely colors.
    Olga still has a lot of energy. It's great to see her so happy and enthusiastic about that ball. What fun!

    1. It was the most energetic I've seen her in a while, and it took its toll. She went to bed for about 18 hours afterwards!

  14. There's a saline nasal spray, designed for babies and toddlers, works really well with adult noses too and not addictive.

    Hope Dave's next test is negative!

    1. OK, good to know! I was amazed at how well that spray worked.

  15. I'm familiar with the term "rat in cage. I hope you soon get out of the cage.

  16. I'm going to pull a YP from the other side of the pond: that is NOT a football. Ha!

    I sure hope Dave starts feeling better soon - I know he's frustrated!

    1. You know, even I think of them as footballs now! Funny.

  17. Those flowers are beautiful. And, I loved the little video of Olga. Her little tail was wagging so fast. How frustrating it must be for both of you to be locked up with the dreaded virus.

  18. There is nothing worse than being stuck in the house with a virus. It's so dang boring!!!!!! I hope you're both over this really soon.

    1. It's a lot like when I had mono as a teenager. I had to stay home for four weeks. I don't know how I did it.

  19. Poor Dave! I got addicted to Afrin nasal spray many years ago (it's powerful!) so I use it sparingly now. Those flowers are beautiful! I thought first of SP on your quote.

    1. What happens when one is addicted? Like, your nose won't clear without it? Or is it addictive in other physical ways?

  20. Best to you and Dave. At least you are able to recuperate at home. Love the vid and I was looking in the background right along with Ed.

    1. It's a pretty cool cemetery. Hard not to admire the surroundings!

  21. I love the video of Olga with the ball. She's having such fun with it! We had a Rottweiler who loved to play ball and spent hours in our back yard "dribbling" one around. It was call an "almost indestructible" ball and it lived up to its name.

    I got addicted to OTC nasal spray when I was younger, so I rarely use anything other than saline spray now.

    I sure hope Dave is feeling better soon. You, too, of course!

    1. Apparently this is a common addiction! I'll have to try that saline.

  22. Olga tries soooooo hard to pick up that ball but it's just too big a mouthful for her. I love how excited she gets when you throw it for her. Sending good vibes for you and Dave to recover from (as Val puts it) THE VIRUS.

    1. She can get her teeth into cheaper balls and deflate them to carry around -- but this one's Nike and she hasn't been able to pierce it!

  23. Until I read about the flowers I thought that you had done that thing with them intentionally and so artfully! Very nice! Beautiful!
    Glad Dave is feeling more alive than dead- and glad you did not get nailed very hard, mostly just annoying, right? and OLGA of course cracks me up-" I has ball big as head", she is so pleased! Cuter than just about anything.

    1. Yeah, we've been pretty much OK. It's just a drag, an annoyance.

  24. What a goalie that Olga is!

    In your confinement, perhaps you're whittling down that stack of unread New Yorkers you mentioned a few weeks ago? Speaking of which (NYers), that was my Christmas present to Mike, and he's not yet sure whether he's thrilled or horrified when they appear in the mailbox like clockwork. I blame it all on you and Ms. Moon. :)

    Chris from Boise

    1. This is a common "first world problem" I hear from many people -- how to keep up with The New Yorker! I'm still two issues behind! LOL!

  25. My son Henry tested positive for a while after getting Covid over the holidays. I guess some people do? I am happy to hear that you and Dave are recovering!

    1. We're required to isolate for 10 days here, but apparently it can take longer than that to test negative again. We're supposedly not infectious after 10 days, though.

  26. Wonderful to see her playing, you'll have to teach her to bat that ball with a paw so she can keep chasing it. One of my garden gnomes is named Olga, she watches over a pair of metal chickens.

    1. It's funny how she tries to block it so I can't kick it. She obviously played football with someone sometime in the past.

  27. Oh, Olga!!! Everyone loves Olga! Here's hoping Dave's NEXT test is negative and that your symptoms stay relatively mild. I can be very happy in my house "home alone" for indefinite periods of time (which is a darned good thing this year!) but always miss the regular routine and the people. Those poppies -- they dazzle!

  28. Somehow I missed this post yesterday - but so glad I got it today. Your girl can RUN! Hope you and Dave are feeling frisky soon, too.
