Friday, October 13, 2023

Book Weeding and Rinad

I am feeling so discombobulated these days. My work days continue to be busy, and I'm trying to keep certain appointments and obligations in my head -- like the tree-trimmers' visit this morning to give me an estimate, and a meeting with my financial advisers this afternoon. I think I have something Monday, too, but right this second I can't remember what. And Olga's vaccinations on Tuesday. Argh!

I should put all this stuff in my phone, but I'm not an electronic calendar person. I usually just keep everything in my head. It's rare for me to forget a meeting, though it does occasionally happen. Actually, what I miss is a paper calendar. When I worked at the Times I used to keep a big blotter calendar on my desk and I wrote everything on it -- work stuff, personal stuff, and it helped me stay organized. I don't even know if I could get a calendar like that now. Do they still make them?

I've been weeding more books at work. My new boss is convinced we have a lot of under-circulated dreck on our shelves. I weed fairly frequently so I don't think that's quite true, but I'm being pretty brutal this time around and I've managed to pull a cartload of stuff out of fiction. Does anyone still read Sara Paretsky books? High school kids apparently don't!

I found this photo (R) at the Maidenhead train station when we were on our recent trip. It's kind of haunting, isn't it? It says on the back, "Rinad K., 10/12/2015" -- which, now that I think of it, would have been exactly eight years ago yesterday. (Or it could be Dec. 10 if written British-style.) I wonder where Rinad is now? Is that date his birthday or the day the photo was taken?

Thanks for your continued input, readers, on our possible tree-trimming project. I love your skepticism about Mrs. Russia and her motives. Dave actually said the same thing when I told him the story of her conversation with the caretaker -- "She's making that up!" I honestly don't think she cares about that part of our garden, though, because it's the farthest area from her terrace and there are plenty of other plants in her sightline.

Ah -- but she does hate birds, particularly pigeons. She's obsessed with keeping them off her balcony railing. And a lot of pigeons hang out in those trees in the back. Maybe that's why she might want them cut down! Hmmm...

(Top photo: One of the late flush of rose blossoms we're getting in our garden. And I feel like I have to keep typing something here to make the line extend all the way across the blog template. Done!)


  1. Electronic diaries are great. Appointments always handy to check in your pocket. I think I will not bother buying a calendar for next year. This will be a first for me in my life.

  2. Here, at least, you can still get large blotter size calendars. I like a smaller size to write in, which I just download for free every year. Just google free calendars if you want to print your own. That rose is magnificent, in my opinion. I like blooms that are soft and ruffly.

  3. Here's a crazy idea! You could buy yourself a pocket diary! Within it you could jot down appointments and memos to self. I hate to imagine what your gang of financial advisers might say apart from "Panic!" and "Try betting on the horses!"

  4. I keep my calendar online and share it among my “machines,” and it works great for me. SG can't function without a paper calendar. That photo is incredible. I would assume the date is December 10, just as i would assume opposite if I found it in NY. I hadn't thought of the possibility of Mrs. Russia making that up about the tree although I did wonder why the caretaker didn't knock on your door since it's your garden. It does sound like something Mrs. Russia would do, doesn't it?

    I love your editorial finish! I used to do that, but mine isn't fixed width now, so I have no real control.

  5. I depend on a paper calendar that my college sends me every year. Without it I would be lost, if it doesn't get on the calendar it doesn't happen.

  6. I’m aiso of those Luddites that still uses a paper appointment book. I need to see the month laid out before me, with events to come. Can’t abide the one my smart phone gives me.

  7. I don't do the electronic calendar thing either. I would forget to look at it. I have a paper calendar where I write down appointments. My biggest appointment is in my head--the time I start work. Everything else I can write down. I don't have to buy a calendar because I always get some in the mail from charitable organizations asking for money.


  8. I keep a paper datebook calendar -- usually a pretty one from a museum, just because. But I think you can still get those datebook desk blotter calendars online -- at least you could a couple of years ago; I was thinking of one for a project but then decided not to do it. I can't deal with a calendar on a phone. A phone is for talking. Texting. Occasonally taking photos. Reading click bait at the doc's office. Not keeping a calendar. I'm too old school.

  9. That rose could be named "Cozumel Sunset". So, so lovely.
    Paper calendar here. Plus, reminders on phone. It just wouldn't be my kitchen without my yearly Virgin of Guadalupe calendar hanging there.
    Your new boss sounds like a real powerhouse. "Clear those shelves!" Is there like a definitive determination to remove a book? Like, when it was last checked out?

  10. For me, the electronic calendar was every bit as revolutionary to my life as the internet or phone camera. In fact, our calendars are synced so I can see if my wife has anything marked down before committing to something without even waiting to talk to her. Apple has it all down to a science so if I have an appointment coming up, it reminds me ahead of time to allow me to get there on time and then allows me to click on it tell me which way to drive to get there. It will also give me bicycle and walking directions too!

  11. Yes, desk calendars are still produced as well as all styles and designs! Every year I order two wall calendars from the Wild Animal Sanctuary here in Colorado! I use post-it notes plus putting reminders in the phone calendar. The phone reminds me a half hour ahead of any appointment time!

  12. I still use a paper calendar but have also started using my phone calendar and it is great! It's easy to use and I can set reminders when I enter an event and that's so helpful. I'm older than you and I'm adapting so you should too, Steve. You won't regret it!

  13. I am horrible at remember appointments and dates. My electronic calendar has saved me! Nothing to keep track of except my phone!

  14. We still use a paper calendar. I always put birthdays and appointments on it. I haven't even thought of using a phone calendar. I didn't even know there was one. Of course now I'm going check.
    Lovely rose and interesting photo find.

  15. it is a lovely rose. I just put my appointments on my desktop computer calendar and keep the app open. and don't fall for Ms russia's BS.

  16. I do love that picture you found.

    I'd just leave things be and see what Mrs Russia does next. I'm interested to see what the tree trimmers quote, though.

  17. They do still make those blotter calendars - I always loved them too. But I love more that I have my calendar with me wherever I go. AND I have a task app that I have to use (for the simplest things: remember to take laptop home, which pops up at 4:30 p.m.). I have a TERRIBLE memory.

  18. I'm glad you're taking Mrs Russia with a grain of salt. It's just as well for her we don't have her email!

    I moved onto a an electronic calendar a while back and felt quite brave about it, but it works better for me than paper now.

  19. That is an absolutely stunning rose.

  20. Yes, they still make desk calendars. I still have my wall calendar - if the dates aren't big enough to write appointments, birthdays - and when I need to mail the cards - I won't have it, I don't care how lovely the pictures are. Also have my pocket calendar (call it my brain) that I carry with me. I'm a Luddite; I prefer to write things down. Somehow electronic things just don't stick with me, they seem to hit the eye and bounce.

  21. As everyone else has said, there are still plenty of paper options out there (all sizes and styles) for calendars and appointment books. Even though I put most everything in my phone, I still keep a large planner calendar on my kitchen wall.

  22. That is a kind of spooky looking photo. You could write a ghost story based on that photo.
    Given what we've hear about Mrs. Russia, I think Dave's right. I don't trust anyone who hates birds.

  23. We are team paper calendar. I have about 10 years worth of the past in a drawer, and occasionally I have to drag them out to discover when something happened. Amazon has the big desk calendars, as well as an academic school year small calendar. As we age, keeping things in our heads becomes difficult, write it down!

  24. I used to use paper calendars and yes they still make them, even the big desk calendars. That rose is spectacularly beautiful.

  25. I was think of you today as Janet and I passed the cafe we met up in soho
    Next time I come down , it would be lovely to catch up

  26. I keep a calendar on my phone since I can take it with me.
    Back in the old days, when I carried around that desk blotter calendar people though me odd.

  27. I use a paper diary and keep them. It is a way of remembering things from years past. I keep meaning to go through them all and transfer anything of significance into one book. Next year I plan on hanging a calendar somewhere where the other occupant of the house can see it so I don't have to be his diary as well!
    Can you speak with the caretaker yourself? Maybe ask Mrs Russia for his details saying you need more information from him! I would hate for this to be a ruse and have them take a win.

  28. Re your question on Ms. Moon's blog: apparently Cornell's Merlin Bird ID app is available for the UK and western Europe, as well as the US. Take a look and let us know if it does.

    Chris from Boise

  29. Rachel: I do use the calendar function in my phone when I need to set an alert so I don't miss a meeting, for example. But I don't put everything in there.

    Jenny-O: Oh, I didn't even think of trying to get a free, downloadable one! I already bought one on Amazon. Maybe next year!

    YP: I don't think I want to carry around a paper calendar, though. I'm fine with one that sits on my desk.

    Linda Sue: Isn't it?! I love the way it has deteriorated.

    Mitchell: I suspect the caretaker DID knock on our door but we were at work.

    Peter: I understand that completely!

    Marty: It's interesting how some of us just need paper. I'm with you on that. Old habits die hard!

    Janie: That's exactly it -- I would never look at the electronic calendar, whereas the paper one is right in front of my face all the time. I can't NOT look at it.

    Ms Moon: "Cozumel Sunset" -- what a great name! Yes, we use a variety of factors when we consider weeding a book, including its age and how long ago it was checked out.

    Ed: It sounds like you are much more adept at the technological advances than I am. I'm no luddite but I haven't quite figured out all the syncing capabilities. I'm cautious about sharing all my info across devices.

    Marcia: That's the best way to do it -- using a variety of methods!

    Ellen D: My problem is, I'd put something in the phone calendar and then I'd never look at it again!

    Michael: Well, it does help to have everything in one place, that's for sure.

    Robin: I guess it depends on what kind of phone you have, but I think most if not all smart phones have a calendar function.

    Ellen: Ha! Everyone is against Mrs. Russia. LOL

    Debby: Well, I am too. I'm not convinced we're going to do anything but I want to see what they suggest. (Plus the landlords have to go for it.)

    Bug: I have a terrible memory too! It's so frustrating!

    Boud: Good for you, leaping into the 21st Century with an electronic calendar. (I suppose that's really the 20th Century! I'm still in the 19th. LOL)

    Colette: That's a particularly nice flower. They don't all come out looking that good.

    Amanda: I get it! I'm the same way with electronic scheduling. I ordered a paper desk calendar last night!

    Kelly: I guess the solution doesn't have to be either/or. It can be both!

    Sharon: It's very Halloween, isn't it?! I agree about the bird-hating. I don't get it. We have bird feeders and I think they make her crazy.

    Allison: I took your advice and bought a paper desk calendar. I'm going old school again!

    Catalyst: I think for a while people felt ashamed to use paper calendars, as if they weren't hip with the technology.

    Bob: Ha! Did you hang it from your neck like a sandwich board?

    Caro: I actually tried to talk to the caretaker yesterday but apparently he's away for two weeks!

    Chris: OK! I'm going to get that app!

  30. Jeanie: Sorry, your blog comment went to spam so I saw it only belatedly! I completely agree with your use of a phone. I can deal with texting and reading Internet stuff on it, but that's about as far as it goes. I've never been able to blog on my phone very well. I've done it, but only as a brief experiment.

    John: Sorry I missed you! Next time! :)

  31. I do indeed love Sara Paretsky but I don't see high schoolers reading many of the mysteries that I do.
