Monday, October 30, 2023

The Autumn of Olga

Well, the lawn-mowing didn't happen this weekend -- perhaps the one thing I meant to do that didn't get done. It rained steadily all yesterday morning so there was never an opportunity, and even when the sun finally emerged in the afternoon the grass was too wet. Maybe this afternoon after work.

I did get some more trimming and neatening done in the garden, and in the process I found that one of our roses -- the salmon-colored one, which is one of my favorites -- has a new bud. It's pretty late for the roses to be blooming but we'll see what happens. Curiously, this bud is much darker than usual for that rose. Funny how temperature, or light, or some other seasonal factor affects flowers. We have other blossoms that also change color as the months pass.

I heard that my hometown, Tampa, experienced a mass shooting on Saturday during an unofficial Halloween street party in the city's old Latin quarter, the epicenter of its nightlife. It sounds like an argument flared into gunfire and managed to catch a lot of innocent bystanders in the crossfire. Once again, I've gotta question the easy availability of guns in the USA and specifically Florida. Thanks, DeSantis!

Years ago I wrote about my memories of attending Guavaween, which used to be Tampa's official Halloween celebration. (The city's unofficial nickname, popularized by a well-read newspaper columnist at the time, was "The Big Guava.") I went a few times in the late '80s and early '90s and it was a fun, harmless street party. But policing the event became more and more difficult over the years and I believe Guavaween is essentially dead now, having morphed into disorganized Halloween revelry like what was happening on Saturday.

Olga and I took a walk in the afternoon, after the rain cleared. She looks thin in the photo above but she's really not. She's lost some subcutaneous fat, so she looks a bit more bony than usual, but she weighs as much as she ever did. Still, you can tell she's an old girl. We could call this photo "The Autumn of Olga."

We hadn't been to the cemetery in a while and she seemed to enjoy the walk. She stalked and glared at squirrels (no more chasing them) and trotted after her ball when I threw it short distances. We found this curious item in the grass -- obviously someone's dog toy, which looks like an aide memoire for English teachers. The sides say things like, "What background do you bring to the story?" and "What does the title tell you about the story?" Apparently a very literary dog had been there before us!

When we got home I gave Olga a bath, which she hadn't had in a while. She's usually a self-cleaning dog, not prone to being dirty or smelly, but she managed to kick up lots of mud on her undercarriage.

Thanks for all your comments and tips on Dave's conjunctivitis, or whatever it is. He did take a Covid test and it's definitely not that. It might be associated with his Crohn's but the doctor didn't flag that as a concern, so who knows. So far I am still unaffected.

Last night we watched another installment of "The Fall of the House of Usher." I wouldn't say this is a mind-blowing series but it's good for Halloween -- if you don't mind a bit of gore -- and it's fun to watch for the Edgar Allan Poe references.


  1. "The Autumn of Olga"
    - a deeply moving piece of work wherein the heroine, who has seen much and travelled far, brings a sense of peace and personal knowledge to all who meet her. Her long lasting battle with squirrels reaches a quieter phase with warning growls while her love of ball chasing remains undimmed. This is indeed a delightful read and I can't for the release of the movie which will, I hope, be directed and produced by the amazing talent that is Steve Reed.

  2. I'm interested in watching Fall of the House of Usher but am not big on gore and I don’t think SG would watch it. So, I'm the fence. Funny you should mention the flower colors throughout the season. I've noticed our latest desert rose blossoms are a much softer pink than previous. Olga has certainly done well as a mature dog. Great care. I'm thinking of all your photos of Olga completely covered in mud and trying to imagine self-cleaning.

  3. As a former English teacher, I must confess that my entire career was completed without reliance upon such an aide memoire. However, it might have been useful for hurling at lazy pupils or those who frequently arrived late for their lessons.

  4. Olga's autumnal years. I like that and I expect I am in the same position.

    The shooting in Tampa wasn't reported here, but if it was we would just roll our eyes in despair that guns won't be removed from the general population. I wonder what the stats are of an innocent citizen carrying a gun shooting down a mass shooter, or defending his/her family by shooting a home invader or robber. Mental illness but still carrying an automatic shooting weapon. I give up.

    I wonder if Notting Hill Carnival might become as unmanageable as Guavaween?

    Sparklingmerlot's comment on your last post about Dave was interesting. She gives good advice.

  5. One of these days someone will come along and pry the guns from all of our cold dead hands and then America will be gun-free; of course it'll be vacant, too.

  6. That's a lovely photo of Olga, though I hate thinking of her being in the autumn of her life. Of course, Franklin is in winter. DeSantis and guns and Florida -- you know I hate it.


  7. I absolutely know how Olga feels. And it's not great. I don't chase squirrels anymore either!
    We can't blame all the guns on DeSantis. He's just taken a terrible situation and made it infinitely worse.

  8. I like that photo of the rose, Steve, so lovely with the drops of rain on it. We may have a dusting of snow tomorrow so I hope it finishes off the weeds I haven't gotten around to pulling! :)

  9. I wish we had stricter gun laws in this country. It breaks my heart that there are shootings so often. How did we get like this? Why all the violence? It's crazy.
    Aging bodies are not always fun. It is sad that dogs do it so much more quickly than we do. I'm trying to imagine what it would be like if I still had my first dog when I was a kid. Taffy would by in her 70s.

  10. It seems like money rules when it comes to guns. They will easily explain away the one in Mains as the guy was nuts.

  11. Olga seems unconcerned about her advancing age, still looking pretty fit.

  12. I don't know what it would take to make conservatives see sense when it comes to guns. If a massacre of little kids in their school rooms didn't do it, nothing will.
    I love the rose bud covered in rain drops.
    I'm right there with Olga in that autumnal season.

  13. Every day there's a new mass shooting and I don't think it's the mental health of the shooters that's the problem - it's the mental health of the politicians!

    Olga and I are a lot alike - although I don't usually get mud on my undercarriage :)

  14. Olga Girl Looks Like A Million Bucks - Love The Shallow Depth Of Field Photo With Her In The Background - Keep Walking , Keep Bathing , And Keep Being The Better Human - Proud Of Ya Brother


  15. Beautiful rosebud.
    Lovely Olga..she looks so patient.

  16. Your rosebud is lovely and I hope your see it bloom fully. Guns and mass shootings are a big US problem. Sadly, the automatic riffle used in ME killed 18 people. Several ME towns/cities were locked down while a manhunt took place. Very scary. The guy was a military reserve member and known to have a mental health issue. Yet he had many automatic riffles in his possession. He has since been found dead in a recycle center where he once worked. This nightmare is over for now. The repeat incident in FL confirms the ongoing gun problem in the US.

  17. That shooting in Tampa was one of many across the US this past weekend. It seems that the solution to any disagreement now is to start shooting. This is just nuts. What a nightmare.

  18. Olga looks very toned there--and regal! Yes, WAY too many weapons and much too high powered and easily accessible.

  19. my daughter and her family just recently lost their big lug of a pit bull dog who thought he was a lap dog. Ford was a good boy, passed at 13 ½.

    I had to bathe Minnie Saturday which she dislikes because somehow she had gotten a big greasy spot on her back.

  20. I'm not sure more gun laws will do any good since many that are already in place are often not enforced.

    The rosebud with the raindrops on it is beautiful. We still have flowers blooming, but a cold front came through overnight (with rain), so that might put a stop to it. We were in the 80s yesterday, but only the 40s today.

    Sweet autumnal Olga.

  21. I don't pay attention to Florida politics very closely but from what I can search out on Google, the only law on DeSantis's watch was one saying you don't need a special permit to carry a gun in a concealed manner. I'm not sure DeSantis or this law would have changed anything.

    But I get the point that you are trying to make. Outlawing guns might make a small blip on the gun violence radar but until we make stringent rules on who can own a gun or retain a gun once they have one, I'm thinking about mental issues here, I'm not optimistic that anything will change. But I don't stress out about these sorts of things because I'm much more likely to die crossing the street on foot than I will be by being shot.

  22. I'm worried about the conjunctivitis but very glad it isn't Covid. Olga is looking good!

    Things feel like they are just going to hell in this country -- too many shootings, too easy access to guns, the anger and anti-semitism. It's beginning to feel out of control

  23. Beautiful Olga -- I totally remember the spring of Olga! It's so good to see her out and about.

  24. Olga may be in her autumn years but she still looks healthy and strong.
    The rosebud is beautiful.

  25. I own a gun and have a license (which I had renewed just before they became unnecessary). It is in a safe place and I do practice and I will shoot you if you come into my house uninvited! I think guns are like dogs - there is nothing wrong with a gun it is people who use them to harm. Criminals have way more guns than I do and I hope I never have to use mine for protection. It is always people.....
