Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A Quick Post

I overslept like crazy this morning. I went to bed at the normal time, woke up briefly around 3 a.m., and then didn't wake again until 7 a.m.! Which on a workday is crazy. (I have to leave the house at 8 a.m.!)

Fortunately I have no hair to speak of, and I shaved my head (as I routinely do) yesterday morning, so I can pretty much just throw on some clothes and walk out the door. Being bald makes for a very low-maintenance morning. I can take my breakfast to work and eat it there.

We must have had some gusty wind in the night because our avocado tree was lying on its side when I looked out the window this morning. I went out to right it and one of the limbs was broken when it fell. Frankly, that's fine -- I am always loath to prune that tree and it needs it. Let nature handle the job!

I found this curious little drawing on the stairs at school. What do you think is going on there? Is it a person crying? A person looking at something? Not a person at all? I'm open to ideas.

(Top photo: A leaf from my walk to work yesterday.)


  1. An hour to get ready is plenty of time. And you don't even need to put makeup on!
    That picture looks like someone is looking at someone else. Not sure about the 28 though. Could it be one of a series?

  2. No idea about the picture. I agree one hour is plenty of time to get ready when you don't have hair or makeup to attend to.

  3. Yes, an hour is enough. With very short hair, I don't even have to do anything but I will probably spend longer in the shower, just standing under a strong fall of lovely hot water.

    The head has x-ray eyes. What can the figure see?

  4. Crying into the wind?

    Yes, having no hair to speak of makes life easier, especially when you did the trim the day before. I hate when I'm overdue for a buzz and am running late.

  5. The picture has the number 28 in the bottom left hand corner so I imagine that it is one of a sequence of pictures - possibly a simple flick book whereby the character appears animated.

    Having a full head of hair I envy your baldness. Every morning I have to shampoo and condition my hair, towel dry it, comb it. It's okay for you bald chaps - you get away with all that malarkey!

  6. My first thought was that it is a picture of someone with Xray vision.

  7. Even with a full head of hair I can get myself up and out of the house in about 30 minutes. I'm not saying it'll be a good look for me, but I'm up and gone ....

  8. Dandelion fluff! Maybe...

    I was supposed to wash my hair this morning but I looked at it & thought meh so I didn't and now I will regret it the rest of the day. Shaving it all off gets more attractive the older I get!

  9. The drawing is a road that leads to a traffic circle but instead of going around the traffic circle the drawing is instructing drivers to go straight across the traffic circle to disrupt traffic, cause an accident, and possible kill someone, thus making it the beginning of a plan for a Halloween movie. I hate it when I oversleep. It's a sign I should take off the entire day.


  10. I love how everyone is advising you that an hour is plenty of time to get out of the house. I know that I have routines that need to be followed in the morning or otherwise the entire day feels off. It is NOT just a matter of dealing with my hair.

  11. I'm not fully bald... yet, but I keep my hair short so there is never a need to comb it. When it gets tall enough to need combing, I cut it short again. I've done it that was for over 30 years and honestly don't understand why others would want to bother with long hair.

    The picture is obviously the bullets from an out of the frame of reference American military plane shooting down a Chinese spy balloon!

  12. lazer eyes? curious about the number 28 in the corner. perhaps a page out of an animated flip book.

    One hour? that would be tough for me and I'm about as low maintenance as it gets...wash my hair and let it air dry naturally, don't wear makeup but I have to have my coffee first then breakfast. I have to get up at 7 to get to SHARE by 9 and it's less than 10 minutes away.

  13. Having little to no hair does have its benefits!

  14. I think it is a person who sheds tears. Though it might be a person who has decided to shave his head after reading all the easiness which goes with that - and he sees the cut hair fly by. :-)

  15. Well if it's a print it's number 28!

  16. I think that drawing is someone trying to hypnotize someone.
    An hour does sound a bit rushed for getting ready for work, but you made it.
    Hope that avocado tree is okay after the winds.

  17. I'm going to say it's a person with laser eyes aiming at something.

  18. Looking at the other comments, I think YP might be on to something with the flip book idea. My son use to love to make those.

  19. It looks like sperm racing to the egg!

    To me an hour when you only have to get yourself out sounds like enough time to clean the house before you leave! Yes, I used to operate on a rushed morning schedule.

  20. I would have to bypass my coffee to make it in an hour and that would be hard. I don't mind skipping a shower, but NO coffee??

  21. Thanks for your comment on John's blog.

  22. An hour isn't much when you have to walk to work and/or take a train/tube to get there (or not!) So well done!

    I think he's crying...

  23. I thought the same as Catalyst: lasers. Or...if looks could kill....

  24. An hour doesn't leave much time to actually enjoy the morning, does it? I don't like being rushed through my routine either! I do like that fall leaf.
