Thursday, October 5, 2023

Destination Unknown, but Caffeine is Available

Dave and I are trying to decide what to do on our break next February. We have some Delta airlines credits we need to use, and while I could go back to Florida and take care of some business, I feel like I've seen a lot of Florida during the last decade. Now that my mom is no longer with us, why not see some of the rest of the world?

Delta seems to fly mainly to the states, so it looks like we're still talking about the good ol' USA. But why not go to Los Angeles, or San Francisco, or New York? These are just ideas circulating in my head at the moment.

On the other hand, Dave's parents will be in Florida in February and it would be a perfect time to see them. And of course I still have family there too. And all of this assumes we can find someone to care for the increasingly persnickety and demanding senior-citizen Olga.

In other news, a few days ago I discovered we were running out of coffee. We'd stockpiled a brand called "Hot Lava Java" that I like, which we used to regularly order via our grocery delivery service. But for a while now it hasn't been available so I took to Amazon and ordered it directly from the manufacturers. I was shocked to find that it cost £52 for about 5.3 pounds (2400 grams). Doesn't that seem insane? That's basically £10 per pound, or a little more than $12 American.

Not only that, but the individual bags of coffee are now smaller -- they contain 200g of coffee rather than the 227g they used to contain.

What is going on out there? Donald Trump could become Speaker of the House, and coffee costs $12 a pound? What is this nightmare hellscape?

On a more pleasant note, I made this video while walking home yesterday. I've recorded these pigeons before, flying in slow, continuous circles from the rooftops over Finchley Road. I find it very relaxing to watch them. Apparently pigeons do this for a variety of reasons, including deterring predators, finding their bearings using the earth's magnetic fields and riding updrafts of warm air, according to the ever-reliable Internet.

When I made this video last night, putting two clips together and adding an audio track to mask the sounds of traffic and ambulance sirens, Dave could hear the music but not see my screen. "What are you doing?!" he asked. I told him I was making a video of pigeons. "Are they Native American pigeons?" he said.

The music does sound vaguely Native American, or maybe Southeast Asian (it's called "Jacaranda"), but the truth is I chose it because it's a copyright-free track from my Apple jingles and it was the right length. Practicality wins the day.

(Top photo: Dramatic shadows on our living room wall.)


  1. I was waiting for the pan pipes from Peru to jump in... and I think they did. Good work!

    Yes, coffee is £10 per pound and Lauren Boebert is Playboy Bunny of the Month.

  2. I love the sound track to the pigeons. Makes them seem less like rats of the sky!

  3. Love the pigeons video. Well done! Are the ideas circulating in your head like goldfish in a glass bowl?

  4. I love to see birds throwing themselves about the sky. This is the time of year here to see various species doing it, I'm told because there are insects to disturb and catch, who knows. I had to mute the sound though, actual pain from the percussion for my aging hearing.

    You seem to be planning far ahead for February, skipping Christmas!

  5. There is some kind of quote that you will never be bored in London. I would think this would apply to New York too. Wouldn't you love to ride the subway again and walk The Highline one last time?

    I'm afraid I don't like pigeons and I would take out my .22 shotgun if I saw them flying en masse overhead, the gun I carry for self defence. It is an effective deterrent defence weapon as I have never been shot by a gun toting person. Although today I did briefly think about be a victim of a mass shooting as we shopped in Aldi.

  6. Thwy are probably owned pigeons. There is a loft of the roof and the owner is exercising them, he (or she) is up there is the a white flag on a long pole making the birds fly in circles around the roof. This is common for people raising homing pigeons. I used to see it fairly often when I lived in Brooklyn.

  7. Have you ever thought of visiting a place like Albuquerque? You would not be far from Santa Fe and Taos. City life, arts, history, a whole different part of the world.

  8. I haven't paid much attention to the price of coffee--we use Cafe Bustelo--but now I'm gonna see; don't come for my coffee, people!

  9. Coffee has gotten crazy expensive! We have a brand we like (Eight o'Clock) and it costs a little over eight bucks for less than a pound. I wait until it goes on BOGO and stock up but if I run out of that and have to buy it at the regular price, it hurts.
    Golly. It does seem like it's about time to visit another state. I mean- Florida is great (hahahahahahahaha) but it's a big country.

  10. I'm just glad my daily vice isn't as expensive as coffee or cigarettes.

  11. Maybe you could do both - fly to visit Dave's parents and then travel on to some place new?
    Nice video.

  12. Well if you ARE going to Florida, February seems like the right time to do it.

  13. I'm glad I don't drink coffee! Any chance you could spend some time with Dave's people and then head elsewhere? Charleston or Savannah? New Mexico? Someplace warm? Yes, using those credits is a must but there's no shortage of choices!

  14. I have the same thought as other comments here that you and Dave could visit with his parents and then do a road trip from there.
    I gave up coffee many, many years ago and started to drink English Breakfast tea in the morning. It's a great way to start the day.

  15. There's been a tremendous increase in food prices including coffee.

  16. I enjoyed that little video and the music to go with it. There is a group of pigeons that do the same thing that hang out over the condo building next door to me. When I catch sight of them, I always go out on the balcony and watch for a while. Seeing them does have a sort of calming effect.

  17. I pay an outrageous amount for the coffee I like--but I don't drink that much of it and I'm worth it. DT as house speaker boggles my mind. Surely not. Several commenters are suggesting Albuquerque whereas I would definitely recommend Santa Fe or Taos.

  18. The video is mesmerizing and quite relaxing and the soundtrack only enhances it! I was pleased to get a short video of some Teal working our pond last week. They are very fast ducks that work in tight formation.

    I spend a lot for my coffee, but it's good coffee and the company benefits rescue dogs.

  19. Pretty cool photo at the top - wonderful contrasts.

    And those pigeons - they're doing a murmuration, or close to it! Excellent video. I never knew they did this.

  20. I've seen similar "murrmurrations" I think they are called, and once with a much smaller group it appeared they were teaching the newer younger birds to learn how to follow and how to keep up as every so often the group would slow down so the birds that had fallen behind could catch up.
    Seeing a large group is quite amazing isn't it?

  21. Mitchell: You're kidding about Lauren Boebert...right?!?!

    Caro: Put a little music to those rats and they're suddenly elegant! LOL

    YP: Around and around and around...

    Boud: Oh no! I knew some people might not like the music but I didn't mean to cause actual pain!

    Andrew: Are you thinking of Samuel Johnson's "Tired of London, tired of life"? If you got out a shotgun on Finchley Road I think the police would be on you faster than pigeons on crumbs.

    Peter: Well, that's possible, but the building they're on is an old telephone exchange. I doubt anyone's living in there. Maybe they rent the roof for a coop?

    Debby: I actually went to New Mexico back in 1996 or so. LOVED it!

    Bob: That's how I feel! I can live without a lot of things, but not that.

    Ms Moon: Well, I guess we're not alone with our ridiculous coffee prices, then. I thought maybe it was a Brexit thing.

    Ed: What is your daily vice, then?!?!?

    Ellen D: Yes! That's a possibility. I'm toying with that idea too!

    Bug: Absolutely. A much better option than going in the summer.

    Jeanie: Yeah, there is a chance of that. I'm thinking about it!

    Robin: You're so British!!

    Red: I haven't noticed most of the prices but I guess I buy coffee infrequently so the change was noticeable.

    Sharon: Yeah, it's kind of mesmerizing, isn't it? Do you think the flock you see are owned pigeons, as Peter describes?

    Margaret: Albuquerque is a good place to fly into and out of, but not the best place to vacation. I guess the Donald Trump thing isn't happening after all! Still it's a scary prospect.

    Kelly: I'm glad you liked it. :)

    John: I think watching black and white movies while growing up helped me develop an appreciation for light and shadow!

    Jenny-O: Well, if Peter's right, maybe it's not entirely natural. Maybe they're being "coached." I think they do it in nature too, though.

    River: Does "murmurations" apply to any birds flying in formation, or just starlings? I always thought only starlings did proper murmurations. Maybe it does have to do with "training" younger birds, among other things.

  22. Oops. That analogy didn't work, did it?!?
