Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Nocturnal Encounter

This is a Leucojum, or spring snowflake, the first one to open on our plants this year. We have a lot of bulbs happening at the moment. 'Tis the season.

The big news around here is that I was SCRATCHED BY A DEMON in the middle of the night! Can you believe it?! I was sound asleep with Olga lying right next to me, and she had a dream and her legs were twitching, as if she was running. The next thing you know, I felt a sharp scratch on my thigh. I turned the light on and sure enough, there was a long red mark. It was A DEMON, I'm telling you! What other possible conclusion could there be?!

I would show you but I don't really want to post a picture of my hairy leg on my blog.

In other news, I have a cold. It's a minor cold, just in my nose, but it's annoying. I'm not taking anything for it. I just have to wait for it to pass. 'Tis the season, once again.

These (above) are the last of our glittery hyacinths. You'll recall we were initially given three, and then I adopted a bunch more, and we ultimately had more than ten. Now we're down to three again, the squirrels having dug up and eaten all the others over the years. These last few really are survivors. Maybe they are protected by DEMONS?!


  1. Snowflakes! I'd forgotten about those. I'm allergic to daffodils, they stuff up my sinuses and give me headaches, but I can do snowflakes! I'll have to buy a bunch of bulbs in time to get them planted. Sorry about your leg, hope it is soon better.

  2. I'm glad you spared us the clinical picture! I need a trigger warning for lurid illustrations..

  3. Could this DEMON be a Russian power cleaner spy?
    Hope the cold clears quickly. Your pictures are as always so very good.

  4. Carlson should have taken it as sign to desist his absurd speech. Apparently he is visiting Australia soon, but no one knows who he is.
    I don't know the spring snowflake but it looks pretty.
    Sorry about your cold. I hope your body heals itself quickly.

  5. You are surrounded by DEMONs...no doubt lured to you by those devil dogs in your kitchen.

  6. I miss the bulbs. Thanks for sharing yours. It’s a shame that, with Olga right there, she didn’t catch the demon. In our house I’M the demon of the night.

  7. It's the season of bulbs, and they brighten up our world.

  8. I thank you profusely and with huge relief that you did not post a picture of the severe injury wrought upon your manly thigh. Such an image would have stuck in my memory library under "Horror" along with the time I was chased by a rabid dog in Thailand and the time I saw Margaret Thatcher in person.

  9. I had forgotten all about that Tucker Carson thing. Maybe JayCee has a point. They were brought to your house by the red dogs! The flower photos are beautiful!

  10. I would have assumed Olga was on Demon Duty. I think someone needs a refresher course in her nocturnal occupation.

  11. Olga must have had a nightmare. A bit of cream containing some vitamin E will help to sooth and heal your red scratch. A hand surgeon told me this after my surgery and I must say it works well.
    Your Spring bulbs are looking great.
    Blasted squirrels, they eat tulip bulbs on my property.

  12. I can't stand to listen to Fox News or CNN so I hadn't heard the Carlson story. What an idiot. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to solve who the demon was. Perhaps he needs a Dexter Morgan to do a DNA swab on the toenails of his four co-sleeping dogs.
