Thursday, March 6, 2025


The Polyanthus that I bought five years ago, just as our first big Covid lockdowns were beginning, is back again and blooming. It's a very persistent plant! Every year it dwindles away during summer and I think it's going to die, and then the next spring it bounces back. Not bad for a plant that I bought only to save it from withering away in a closed garden center. It has even lived longer than the Homebase store where I bought it, which has since been closed and torn down.

Olga had an upset stomach last night. We ran out of Dentastix for a brief period last week, and Dave bought some replacement treats that are made of dried chicken wrapped around a stick of rawhide. Olga loves them but I suspect she's having trouble digesting the rawhide. She's under the blankets this morning, not showing much enthusiasm. Guess we won't be giving her those treats anymore. Maybe I should cancel her walk today.

Dave is making plans to go to Michigan for Spring Break, to help his sister sort out their parents' house and its contents. The house will be sold, along with some of the contents, while other stuff will be trucked down to their new assisted-living apartment in Florida. He bought his airline ticket last night and it cost a fortune, I guess because it's Easter week and schools are out. I'm staying home with the pooch.

Speaking of which, my iPhone spontaneously made another fun video from my pictures of Olga. It's a little freaky that the phone does this by itself. Every few months I get a notification of a new "memories" video, and this is the kind of thing that appears, complete with musical accompaniment! They are fun to watch, though.

(Late edit: The video was blocked by YouTube because of a copyright claim on the music. Why my phone would use copyrighted music, and where it came from (because it's not from my iTunes), is a mystery to me. I replaced the music with the first tune of appropriate length -- something called "Fluffing a Duck" by Kevin McLeod -- that I could find in the YouTube Creative Commons music library. As soon as the video is done editing it should be viewable. What a pain!)


  1. It's not a Face Book thing that does this compilation of photos? You would know, so I guess not.
    Video not available.

  2. I can't get the video either. Not surprised that Olga was ill after the is evil stuff if you look it up!!

  3. The video played for me and was enjoyable watching Olga through the years. Polyanthus are tough little plants.

  4. I love that photo of the polyanthus at the top - with the flowers in focus and the green leaves blurred. Isn't 'fluffing a duck' the name for a particular sexual activity that I am too bashful to explain?

  5. That IS odd about iPhone and the copyrighted music. I love what you chose. A surprisingly fun video. Great shot of the polyanthus. Hope Olga recovers quickly.

  6. I have read where rawhide can upset their stomachs. I try and give Shirley alternatives when I can find them. I also think it quite amazing that iPhone sends me videos every so often. I get them of Shirley, my kids, my mom, etc. I enjoyed the Olga video...odd about the copyright thing.
