Monday, June 2, 2008

Good Day

Had a terrific morning yesterday, wandering around and shooting photos. I walked from my apartment on 29th Street all the way down to Henry and Grand on the Lower East Side, and then back again. It was quite a hike, but the weather was spectacular.

I was sorry to see that this piece is gone entirely. It’s been painted over. But such is the temporary nature of street art.

Then, in the evening, Bob and I walked over to 91st Street to see the most recent crane collapse. When I saw that on the news the other morning, I couldn’t believe it. What’s the likelihood of two crane collapses in just a few months? The reality is that there’s a whole lot of construction going on in this city, though.

Bob and I watched “The Third Man” last night. If you haven’t seen it, definitely rent it. It’s a great movie. The cinematography is amazing.

(Photo: E. 29th Street, May 2008)


  1. no doubt new street art will emerge in the days or weeks to come....ofttimes it's difficult to resist such a blank 'canvas'

  2. Love The Third Man. It's fabulous. Never really understood what was going on, but it didn't seem to matter.

    What a beautiful pic. Wow!!

  3. listening to The Third Man theme right now. Hadn't heard it in a long time so thanks for that :-)

  4. what a good day


  5. Dennis liked the piece that is gone --Dennis is glad you are a picture taker of street art.
