Sunday, June 8, 2008


It's summery and downright hot here in the city this weekend -- 93 degrees was the high yesterday. I went to my friend Jan's in Astoria, Queens, to check out her new apartment. She lives in a cute, lively neighborhood with well-tended postage stamp front yards and lots of interesting restaurants and stores. And she has sunlight actually entering her windows -- unlike me, in Manhattan, where the surrounding buildings leave me in perpetual shadow.

We watched the Belmont Stakes and I couldn't blame Big Brown for petering out. It's too darn hot to be running around a baking racetrack!

(Photo: Philadelphia, May 2008)


  1. Awww- poor Big Brown. I saw him run at Preakness and he was magnificent.

    Regarding the heat, as much as I like light, I find myself keeping my windows covered during the day in an attempt to keep my house cooler. But I miss the sunlight!

  2. Poor Big Brown.

  3. Meanwhile, it is unseasonably cold and rainy in Southwestern France. We've had to take the coats out again. Maybe we could exchange a bit of our air for a bit of yours, somewhere over the Atlantic ?

  4. I love the triple crown.

  5. Feel bad for BB. The dates are set for BlogFest and HippieFest . Let's hope for perfect weather.

  6. Love the picture steve. Speaking of shadow, a friend of mine bought a house in an Alpine valley - in summer. What he did not know, but would know soon enough, was that he would not see direct sunshine for the entire winter!!!! Bummer. I think he would empathise.
