Wednesday, March 13, 2013


As I mentioned, one of our amaryllis plants has blossomed on our kitchen windowsill. 

So when it's too cold to go outside and take photos, it's time to break out the macro lens and focus on the houseplants! (It was 35º F when I walked Olga yesterday afternoon.)

The curve of this petal reminds me of Eero Saarinen's TWA building at Kennedy Airport.

And thankfully, we have more flowers coming! The other three plants still have buds. Looks like this one will be the next to bloom.

As you may remember, I struggled with how to care for these plants during the winter. Interestingly, the one that's blooming now is the only one that kept its leaves through the season, and the only one we kept watering because it still had foliage. The others lost their leaves, so we let them go dry and put two of them in a dark, cool room, as the experts recommend. But it seems letting them go dormant only slowed them down.


  1. That macro lens is outstanding -- I don't think one could SEE as well as it shows.

  2. What Elizabeth said. I can't wait for the amaryllis I have outside to start their spring show. One of my very favorite flowers. They are simple splendid, as your photos so beautifully prove.

  3. Beautiful and very RED! Great shots -- the second one is my favorite. All my amaryllis are striped but the solid ones sure pack a huge color punch. And, your buds are all out at the same time. I guess mine like to be admired one at a time.

    I never let mine go dormant (but you and I have had this conversation). They might get a little less water in the fall, and they usually get to spend the summer outside on the deck but that's about it. They never fail me.

  4. So beautiful. I don't think mine made the transplant from city house to country house. No blooms last year and doesn't lookalike I'll ger any this year either. Not even sure where they are planted now.

  5. Gorgeous! Thanks so much for taking a picture. (I think that Reya might say that these flowers are brazen hussies - especially those delicious close-ups you took) :)

  6. Wow! Those blooms are cosmic. Sister Moon used the word "cosmic" in one of her posts, and now it's become my adverb of the week.

    I have a purple orchid on my kitchen sill that has bloomed so beautifully. I can't wait for my yard to blossom.

  7. I love your macros. Nicely done.

  8. Ah the Amaryllis - what a beautiful flower! Your photos are stunning. What camera do you use? I'm looking at getting a decent SLR but I'm really torn as to what to go for :/

  9. Rich macros thanks Steve: a bright start to my day.

  10. Loving the macro shots! My favorite lens to play with! Can't wait for some flowers here in central NJ.
