Thursday, March 21, 2013


This graffiti appeared overnight near our flat. It's not particularly artful, but I kind of like it. What DO you feel? Not always the easiest question to answer.

And the skull -- is it a reminder of death? A reminder to feel while we still can?

Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Surprisingly, it was still there this morning. I thought sure the graffiti patrol or the building owner would have cleaned it up by now. Graffiti doesn't last long in this neighborhood as a rule.


  1. Well, I feel like I'm being watched through the black, round thing sticking out of the facade. It's my paranoia. eeek!

  2. Ooh I think that IS a hidden camera!

    I feel like it shouldn't have been snowing on the 2nd day of spring...

  3. this is one of those instances when i play with the notion that our universe is plastic and malleable, shaped by our thoughts, and so maybe that graffiti is for you, since it speaks to you, and you're reading into it exactly the prompt you desire. okay. i'll stop now. lol

  4. Hmmmm, interesting. How many of us move through the day, not bothering to think about how we feel but just going along with the flow and just too busy...not to mention, not asking or careing how anyone around us feels.

  5. Oh Ms. Moon!

    How do I feel? I'm ok. You, Steve?

  6. I feel ready for SPRING, Steve, how about you?
