Saturday, August 30, 2014

Airing Out the Stuffed Animals

Thank god it's the weekend! I had a four-day workweek and yet it felt like forever.

Our singing at the all-school assembly went off without a hitch yesterday. I had to be at work at 7:45 a.m. for a short rehearsal, and then I had more than an hour to kill before our performance (and my official start time for the workday). So I went out for an hour and shot more streets for Bleeding London.

I know, you're sick to death of hearing about Bleeding London. Sorry about that.

Today I'm meeting up with the woman who introduced me to the project, someone I know through Flickr but have never met face-to-face. That should be interesting! We're meeting in East London -- north of Ilford, to be specific -- where there are some postcodes that have been left virtually uncovered. We're going to spend a couple of hours there and see what we can find.

As I began writing this it was pouring rain, but it's slacked off and it's supposed to be partly cloudy during the day. So hopefully we won't meet up with a deluge.

I spent about an hour in the garden yesterday evening, weeding and cutting out more blackberry sprouts. I have steadfastly resisted the use of chemicals as much as possible, but I did put down some slug pellets around our amaryllis (which are in a pot) because they're being devoured. Sorry, slugs.

(Photos: An unusual photography opportunity in West Hampstead.)


  1. I would love to know the backstory on those animals.

  2. perhaps they all got a bath and this is the closest thing to a clothesline they have.

    I think the Bleeding London project is interesting. you are going to areas you may not have ever visited.

  3. I love the Bleeding London project. Not weary of it at all. You are perfect for it, too, both in your interest in street photography and your methodical approach once a task has been identified. I'm fascinated!

  4. I love both those airing out stuffed animals and the Bleeding London project. In fact, I see the world (even here in Los Angeles) in a different way than I did before I "met" you here, Steve! Not a day goes by that I don't notice an interesting storefront or some color in a building and think of you and how you'd notice and shoot it.

  5. I love bleeding London - it’s so quirky! The things you see…. especially in London.

    Don’t mention slugs to me, they’re systematically destroying our (rather expensive) Laurels. Urgh.

  6. the stuffies were stuffy I guess. Your project is very cool and entertaining!Loving every photo!
