Friday, August 15, 2014


I was having a busy morning yesterday -- doing laundry, walking Olga, photographing a few more streets for Bleeding London, getting things organized after my Florida trip -- when my phone rang at about 10:30. It was my boss.

"I just wondered if you were planning to come in today," she said.

Was I supposed to come in? I thought I began work next Tuesday.

Incorrect, as it turns out! Despite the online school calendar and various circulated e-mails that specify an Aug. 19 return date for staff, I was expected a few days early. How I was supposed to know this, I am not sure.

But no big deal. I threw on some long pants and went to work, and spent the whole day logging and organizing the magazines that stacked up over the summer. Vacation is officially over! I'm back at work today, too.

Here's my $5 coffee table -- the one I had shipped across the ocean for $250 -- complete with reattached legs. As you can see, it is now our TV stand. Not too shabby, right? Very clean-lined.

Also, we did get back all but £100 of the security deposit on our Notting Hill apartment. That was a relief. I was concerned because our new landlord basically demanded that we occupy our new flat in early July, forcing us to move a few weeks early from the old place. But the previous landlords worked with us, which is all I can ask. (The £100 was for unspecified "repairs," which is fine with me. Having dismantled the door frame twice, I can imagine a bit of fine-tuning was needed.)

Now we need to hire a dog-walker, pronto! Dave had intended to work on that while I was gone, but I think he was a bit distracted by the garden. So that's got to happen today, because we are out of summer.

(Top photo: An older lady and her older dog on Mill Lane in West Hampstead.)


  1. Well Happy Back to Work Day! And that photo of the lady walking her dog is so awesome. I adore it.

  2. Are you sure the elderly person is female. I thought it was a male walking his dog. Particularly as the person does not seem too happy to be photographed when not looking their best.He/she probably just took the dog out for a toilet stop.

  3. Your coffee table is fabulous! So well worth the time and money and effort to ship.

    The picture at the top of the blog: fabulous!

  4. I too thought that was a man walking his dog. In bathrobe and slippers.
    The coffee table looks fabulous!
    What a shock to the system to have to go into work when you weren't expecting it yet.
    Well. At least you now have a weekend.
    Good luck on the dog walker situation!

  5. School has started here too. Coming from the era where school didn't start until after Labor Day, this seems so early to me.

  6. Jennie: She was definitely female. I actually talked to her after taking this picture, and she let me take a few more, but none of them turned out as well as this one!

  7. Steve, great photo. I once read that the essence of street photography is to capture the scene without influencing it in any way, so it's interesting that your first photo, before contact, was the one you liked best. Welcome home!

  8. The call from work ...I have nightmares like that. Sorry you did not get to putter around getting a little more grounded before the year starts. Just sent a very small parcel yesterday, keep your eyes open!
