Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Evening in Wembley

Yesterday after work I took the tube up to Wembley to do some more street photography for Bleeding London. I thought I'd head out to an area that seems underrepresented so far in the competition, and the Wembley postcode definitely qualified.

It was an interesting area to photograph because of the dominant presence of Wembley Stadium, looming over the surrounding neighborhoods like a giant UFO (as I previously said). As usual, I had a lot of fun exploring an area I'd only been to once or twice, and I got some good pictures.

I enjoyed getting out for a walk after work. I had a few hours of daylight left -- which will seem remarkable in December, when it gets dark long before I even leave school.

In the coming weeks I'm going to experiment more with getting out on photography walks after work. I have a few more distant neighborhoods in mind!


  1. Great photos...I love the colors and balconies of that tower block.I can't wait to see what else you find on your after work excursions.

  2. Everything is so curvy, I guess to accommodate the giant.

    Fabulous pics. I'm glad you're going to get out to take pics as long as the light remains. Good for you and great for those of us who love seeing London through your eyes.

  3. That top photo looks like a beach hotel in Florida from the 1960's.
    These are great shots.

  4. These are great photos. You really do have a great eye for street photography.
    Back in the late 80's on my very first trip to Europe, I went to Wembley Stadium to see Torvill & Dean perform. The show was great and well worth the trip but, I almost enjoyed the trip more than the show. That having been my first trip to Europe, it was very educational to go exploring further afield.

  5. it's hard to tell in the picture but the railing looks straight at the top even while the bottom zig and zags.

  6. Great photos. Love that one of the babies on the terrace but I hope it's not high up!

  7. Superb photos -- I know I've said it before, but you just get better and better, your photos more powerful and interesting. The top and bottom ones are two of my favorites, I think -- there's something so weird and wonderful and strange about that little girl in the corner.

  8. Love that last picture. Seems very HONY :) The first one was a little dizzy-making!
