Friday, September 27, 2024

I Got Nuthin'

Not much news from this corner of the world this morning. We're having more rain, which may be an example of too much of a good thing, but it looks like we'll dry out a bit over the weekend. Tomorrow is even supposed to be sunny!

Of course our weather is nothing compared to what's going on in Florida, and my thoughts are with Ms. Moon and the other Floridians who have endured the wrath of Helene. I haven't heard from my family but I don't think they're in areas that are being particularly hard hit, thank goodness.

I'm about to start Taffy Brodesser-Akner's book "Long Island Compromise," which I'm looking forward to reading. And I'm ready for the weekend.

(Photo: A sycamore seed resting atop some graffiti on Finchley Road.)


  1. Great photo. I’m watching Hurricane Helene with concern.

  2. I haven't heard about Hurricane Helene. Maybe it will be mentioned during this evening's news.

    1. I have heard now. Don't worry. Ronnie is on to it and has prepared the state for such emergencies.
