Thursday, September 26, 2024

Leaves and the Mail

Every time I walk home from work, I see at least one leaf on the street that makes me think, "Wow! What a nice leaf!" And then I debate taking a picture of it, because I already have so many leaf pictures -- but to not take a picture and preserve it for posterity seems unfair to nature and the leaf.

So, you're probably going to get a lot of leaf pictures.

I think these are both sycamores.

As I write now, lying in bed with Olga snoring next to me, it's pouring rain outside. It's been very rainy all night. The plants are still loving it.

I got a letter in the mail yesterday from Bob C. of St. Louis, MO, urging me to cast my overseas ballot. It was a pre-printed form letter to which he added a handwritten note about the importance of voting. He also sent me a little sticker:

Thanks, Bob C. -- I'm on it! My ballot is already cast!

Dave, meanwhile, got a much more fun postcard, mailed from Birmingham, England:

Dave has not yet mailed his ballot but he does have it and he intends to do so. He's a Michigan voter so he's especially critical. We'll make sure to send it ASAP. (Dave is having a busy week at work.)

So, yeah, some interesting leaves and some fun mail. That's about the extent of the excitement yesterday.


  1. There is nothing boring about pictures of leaves, for me it is beauty from faraway places, there are no such colors here yet, summer continues.

  2. I do hope you voted correctly, comrade.

    1. He did. We were watching from the shadows.🥸

  3. I wonder how much impact those postcards have? I note that it has become a "thing" in America. The Trumpeters should turn over a new leaf and vote Harris/Walz - wearing new blue caps with this phrase embroidered across the front: "MAKE AMERICA NORMAL AGAIN".

  4. I've finished 175 of my 400 (!!) postcards to swing states...Michigan and Georgia. I'm trying to get the number down so that when my friends come over to help, there won't be an overwhelming number left. I didn't know Dave is a Michigan voter! :)

    Pretty leaves. I'd take pics of them, too!

  5. I love autumn leaves too and noticed a few still "hanging on" here though we are well into spring now. Keep nudging Dave to get his vote sent in time to be counted.

  6. I am so late. I’ll finish and mail my ballot this weekend.

  7. Good on y'all for voting! 👍🏼

  8. Voting in Michigan is very important! I am voting this week and delivering my ballot to the county board of elections.

  9. I like seeing the colorful leaves since we don't really have an autumn where I am. My leaves will turn brown and fall in December or even January. Thank you for voting, and I know Dave will send his ballot soon.


  10. The easiest way to tell a sycamore leaf is by the petiole at the end of the stem. It looks like a hollow nose cone off of a rocket and hides next year's bud. I can see it on the bottom picture but in the top picture, you are holding onto it if it is beneath your fingers.

  11. I had no idea sycamore leaves looked so much like maple leaves. Now I know. We don't have sycamore trees here, not really a surprise, it seems most things don't grow well here:)
    Dave must vote, I can't take another four years of that orange POS.

  12. Thanks so much for voting and please make sure Dave gets his ballot in soon. I can't wait for this election to be over. I hope the Democrats when everything!

  13. You tell Dave to hustle. We Michigan folk need to get Kamala in! I love your leaf pix -- and you can always delete if you have too many. (But how to choose!)

  14. We have sycamores too and they turn early.
    Of course you've already voted! You get things DONE, Steve Reed.

  15. I am still waiting for the Fall 🍂🍁 colors to really kick in here in S. Colorado. Our nighttime temps are getting colder, so it won't be long now!

  16. Interesting leaves go on forever. As little kids in school we put the leaf under paper and then used pencils to trace the leaf showing all veins. I think I might do that today!

  17. I wonder if that letter came from Bob C. of City Daily Photo Bloggers. Lots of people are doing their part to make sure this election goes the right way. I for one, love seeing the colorful leaves. I won't get to see them for many more weeks. It was 104 when I got off the plane and since it was 73 when I got on, that was quite a change. According to my phone it's going up to 106 today. Enough already.

  18. There's no such thing as too many photos of leaves. Same for flowers. Keep 'em coming! (does your brother feel the same way about leaves as he does flowers?)

  19. I love leaves! My weakness is taking photos of flowers. I can't get over their colors and variety. Yay for voting! I am so nervous...

  20. Red and gold is great Fall color. Not much color here in Massachusetts. Well done on voting. It is still a tight race and every vote is critical.

  21. I put in an order to help write postcards, but the site said they'd be shipped at the end of October so I'm not sure I'll make much of an impact! Also, I'm not all that crafty, but I love the card Dave got. I'll have to see if I can up my game :)

  22. Just stopping by to add that the European sycamore is a type of maple (acer), whereas the American sycamore is a different species. They are not related. Both have pretty leaves but very different.
