Friday, July 2, 2021

Bahama Breeze

Well, I made it to the Sunshine State, and without too much difficulty. My Covid test and official CDC "attestation" that I have been vaccinated seemed to satisfy everyone at Heathrow and I was allowed to board my plane with no drama, and the flight itself was uneventful. There weren't many people on the aircraft. In my portion of the cabin, which I calculated could hold more than 100 people, I counted 23 passengers. Most of us had our own rows.

I read about a third of a book called "Moby-Duck," about the accidental release of thousands of children's floatable bath toys into the Pacific Ocean in a shipping mishap in 1992, and where currents and other elements of nature took them. Interesting! I also watched the movies "Supernova," with Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci, and "Cabaret" with Liza Minnelli -- a curious film to find on an airplane, I thought.

On its approach to Miami, we flew over the Bahamas, where I snapped this photo (above) of some random islands.  I was just happy to see land, the first since the UK with the exception of a brief glimpse of Bermuda. I looked the islands up later and it turns out they're Nunjack Cay, Crab Cay and Green Turtle Cay -- and weirdly, I have a good friend whose family long owned a house on Green Turtle. They may still. I'm supposed to see her in a few days, so I'll have to ask!

This was the view looking down on northern Miami Beach. You can't really see it in the photo, but the condo building that collapsed in Surfside is just below that rectangular patch of green by the beach in the center of the photo (a beachfront park).

And here's the view of Miami proper, with the bridges leading to the beaches radiating out to the east, past the cruise terminals at the Port of Miami.

After we landed at the airport and were taxiing to our gate, I was surprised to see this plane on the tarmac. "Is that Air Force One?" I thought. And I believe it is -- Joe Biden was in Miami yesterday visiting the site of the condo collapse.

My onward flight to Tampa was much more crowded but also mercifully short, and my stepsister and her husband picked me up at the airport. I'm staying in my stepmother's guest house, which is pretty great. The only downer is there's no WiFi. I can usually piggyback on my stepsister's (she lives right next door), but for some reason this morning I couldn't connect.

So I walked in the dark, dewy morning up to Dunkin' Donuts on the highway, which according to Google and the sign on its door opens at 5 a.m. But it was still locked up tight when I arrived at 5:30, so I sat on the curb (where I could at least access the WiFi) and worked on this post. Finally someone opened the door at 5:53. I asked if the dining room (ha!) opened at 6, and she said, "No, we're supposed to open at 5 but I think we just forgot."


I also note that the tables haven't been wiped since closing yesterday. But hey, I have coffee and a jelly donut, so the morning has improved.


  1. Miami looks pretty from the air, but then you hit the ground and the people and the sweltering heat and the traffic ... ohI am so glad we've moved away from there!!

    Cool seeing AF1 though,
    Have a fabulous time!

  2. Great photos from the air. Being someone who enjoys a window seat, I can appreciate these very much and Air Force One is just a bonus. Glad you had a safe trip. Strange comment from the Dunkin' Donuts employee. Not "I overslept" but "I think we forgot". That's pretty resourceful of you to sit on the curb to write your post. Enjoy your day!

  3. I can feel the sweat dripping from you.

  4. Dunkin is probably short-staffed. Odd things we used to for granted like reliable hours are now not so much.

  5. Glad you made it with no glitches. Enjoy the heat and humidity of Florida!

  6. Steve so great to know that you made it safely and the photos from the air is really awesome. I will have to get out my magnifying glass today and look at the photo again of the area of Surfside. I am already missing my eye sight on some things but it is what it is.
    Air Force One was indeed parked at the tarmac as President Biden and First Lady Jill were paying their respects to the families of the collapsed building. I am still holding those families in my heart.

    My son Matthew is home and took us to dinner at Applebee's where we had horrible service. The manager did her part with a great discount and sent us home with dessert as well. So Dunkin Donuts rings true for me. People forgetting that they actually have jobs to do but "Forget" which irks me to no end.

    Enjoy your day and stay safe. Sending you lots of Hugs! xxx

  7. Very cool to see Air Force One! Although the reason he was in Miami is sad...

    Glad you made it safely. Also very glad about the jelly donut - I might have to find me one of those today :)

  8. Welcome to Florida! So glad to hear your report and hear that all went smoothly and you've got a nice place to stay.
    I have no idea if that's Air Force One but Biden was in Miami, as you said, and isn't it a sleek plane?

  9. Good to see you made it safely to the land of crazy (not just FL--though it does seem to have a political surfeit of it). I love taking photos from planes when coming in for landing. Have some really good ones of coming into London on a night flight...the Eye and Tower Bridge all lit up.

    Think you will find, as others have remarked, that service in restaurants/fast food places is going to be a hit or miss affair...with more misses than hits. Went out with family for dinner, the first time in more than 15 months, it was almost an hour after ordering before we got our food. Add to that, they didn't have some food on the menu--not sold out--the restaurant simply couldn't get a supply. Hope your visit goes well. Safe travels around the sunshine state.

  10. YES!! Great Photos And Keep Posting!! Welcome Back To The States. OxoxoxO

  11. Seeing Miami from the air was interesting to me. I never imagined it looked like that so built up and crowded. Glad you made it safely and you have a nice place to stay.

  12. Really glad you made it to Florida easily and safely. Yay! Love seeing the photos from the plane. I just googled Air Force One Presidential Plane and the one on the tarmac there looks just like it. Very cool!

  13. humans are the scourge on the earth. covering every square inch with concrete and buildings. never so plain as from the air. I'm glad you had an uncrowded flight to Miami. and how do you forget your job starts at 5?

  14. People are really laid back in Florida it seems:)

    Having your own row on a long flight sounds wonderful. Have a wonderful visit.

  15. Glad you made it safely to Florida! That's pretty neat to see Air Force One in person... but sad why it was there. I'm really surprised at how few people were on your overseas flight. (not that I would have complained)

    I hope you have a wonderful visit!

  16. I'm glad they let you into the country (and hopefully will let you back home when it's good time.) Supernova -- I'm dying to see that and don't have it on any of my streaming services. I've heard wonderful things about it. Cabaret is an all-time favorite.

  17. Happy and safe landing. Be careful walking over here. crime has reached it's highest peak here in USA. I miss Olga already. No photos of the favorite girl. Maybe Dave can take some and send you photos of Olga's activities.

  18. Very cool photos from the air and so nice of the president to meet you at the airport! It sounds like you’re off to a very good start. Wishing you a live filled and relaxing visit.

  19. Just in time for Hurricane Elsa! Hope it doesn’t put a damper on your plans. Hopefully just a lot of rain.

  20. Wonderful pictures from the air AND of Air Force One. And that reply from the Dunkin Donuts employee would have left me agape.

  21. Thanks for the Florida geography lesson. Like you, I have ridden on many planes and never tire of the magical aerial views from a window seat. America really must be in decline when Dunkin' Donuts do not open at the advertised time and the tables have not been cleaned.

  22. Fun photos! Years back before my timeshare got wifi, I would have to sit down by the dumpsters to pick up some nearby wifi connection in order to post on my blog. The memories are all good. Enjoy your vacation, hugs, Edna B.

  23. Love seeing AF1. I've never been to Miami. I've taken two trips to Florida and enjoyed what I saw of it, except for the weather and the big bugs.

  24. We have a hurricane headed toward Florida. I hope it gets tired and decides to take a nap before it can reach us. It will make the search at the condo collapse even worse. Such a tragedy. In Illinois I saw George and Laura Bush take off in a helicopter. Okay, I didn't actually see George and Laura but I saw the helicopter leave and it was reported they were on it. I don't know why Air Force One wasn't there. I guess it parked itself somewhere else. I did see Air Force One many years ago at Forbes Air Force Base in Topeka, Kansas, and watched Gerald Ford deplane.


  25. "I think we just forgot" is as fine explanation as any, probably more honest, too.

  26. Welcome back stateside! I have started Moby-Duck several times and found it charming, but I've never actually finished the book. Kudos to you for having a better attention span than me.
