Thursday, July 8, 2021

Rain and Frogs and Family

I thought the tropical storm was going to whirl right past us, but we did have some excitement yesterday after all. There was a tornado warning -- which sent out those scary-sounding alerts to our phones -- and although we didn't have any high winds at my brother's, there was some destruction and even a fatality elsewhere in town. It rained steadily all day, and in the evening it really picked up. After a couple of hours of steady downpour I began to wonder if life was going to go on as usual today or if the city would be locked up for recovery.

But it looks like we emerged very, very wet but otherwise more or less unscathed.

I did get to visit Mom again yesterday with my brother and older niece. Mom had a good time -- she's not very verbal anymore, so it's always hard to tell what she's thinking or even what she understands, but she loves to make eyes and faces at us and she just laughs and laughs. We talked with one of her nurses who said she thinks Mom understands quite a lot, and I agree. She knows who we all are, and she does occasionally verbalize. She'll say, "Oh, God" from time to time, usually after laughing, and yesterday when we asked her if she wanted a cake for her birthday, she said, "Oh, yes!" (Her birthday is on the 12th.)

When she was served some juice I asked her if it was cranberry. "Cranberry," she affirmed. My brother said it was the first time in ages he'd heard her say anything other than "Oh, God," and although she may have been parroting me, she knew what we were talking about and it was, in fact, cranberry juice.

So it felt like an encouraging visit for all of us. Of course I miss having real conversations with her, but I feel like we're connecting on some level. It seems like the secret is asking simple questions that demand simple answers. Plus, it just feels good to hug her again. I actually felt teary when I approached her building on Tuesday, knowing I was about to see her for the first time in two years, but I haven't teared up in front of her -- partly because I feel generally positive about her situation and her care.

In the evening, I went with my brother's family to a performance at my younger niece's summer camp. She and her fellow campers performed a revue of Broadway show tunes, singing and dancing along with piped-in music. It was a hoot, and they chose some fairly challenging songs, including Tina Turner's "Proud Mary" and numbers from "Hamilton" and "Pippin." The kids were funny to watch because some of them clearly loved being on the stage and were belting out lyrics with confidence, and some clearly had no clue and were just jumping around. I'd put my niece in the first group, but the clueless ones were hilarious!

Just to get an animal into this post, here's my friend Suzanne's cat Pip, who I saw Monday night in Tampa. He eventually ventured out of his little den to get a scratch from me. My brother is petless at the moment, so I'm missing animal affection! (Dave says Olga is doing fine, but not liking her walks very much because it's been raining in England, too.)

I woke up early this morning and the frogs were making an incredible racket in the morning darkness after all the rain. I'd planned to step out and make a recording of them, but I fell back asleep and when I woke again, the sun had come up and they'd piped down.

(Top photo: Some signs in Starke, a town in Central Florida, on Tuesday.)


  1. I was just reading about the tornado near Jacksonville, so quickly switched to your blog to make sure you were okay. Good to hear from you. Have to admit, I even teared up when I read about your visit with your Mom--just thinking about what it meant to see her after all this time and to know she is well-cared for and happy. Imagine you are so very glad you made the trip--good for her and good for you. Hope the rest of your stay is great. Waiting for Elsa to show up my way--under TS warning.

  2. Did you stop at Dolly's? Maybe they could cater your mom's birthday! I think that's what the sign says- that they cater.
    That Econo sign is priceless.
    I'm so glad that you feel as if you and your mom can communicate. That's beautiful. I know she must be so happy, somewhere inside of her, to see you, just as you are happy to see her.
    I wonder what I'll be left with when my powers of communication slide away. "Oh God!" or knowing me, "For F*%k's sake."

    1. LOL ... Ms. Moon ... you are sooooo funny!!!

    2. Yeah, I also think that sign refers to catering! "Oh, God" is basically my mom's way of saying "FFS," but yeah, at least it's nicer.

  3. I'm glad the storm wasn't worse than it ended up being, but even one fatality is sad. And I'm REALLY glad that your visit with your mom went well.

    I'm the kind of person who can't really enjoy shows like the one your niece was in because I would identify with the clueless kids & feel so mortified for them (even if they themselves aren't mortified). I have issues :)

    1. The great thing is, the clueless kids really didn't seem to care. They were just having fun. Maybe in the future they'll look back and be mortified, but I hope not!

  4. Elsa came thorough here very quickly overnight with a bit of heavy rains but not a lot of wind, for which I'm grateful.

    Your friend's cat looks very much like our MaxGoldberg, nearly the same facial markings.

    Sounds like a very nice visit with your mom, and I'm sure she loved it!

    1. Glad you didn't have too much chaos from the storm!

  5. We could sure use some of that rain here in California. I just read that we're in an historical drought period, and the fires have already started. Oy.
    Your visit with your mom sounded so full of love. The heart remembers love when all else slips away.

    1. Yikes. I've got my fingers crossed for all of you!

  6. It would seem your visit to Florida has been such a positive venture ... in spite of the rain and the threat of Elsa!
    Such a lovely visit with your Mom ... so glad you can still do that!
    Love the cat in the bag ... I suspect she is quite the Pip!!
    Kids putting on a mini musical ... what a total hoot!!!

    1. Absolutely -- it's been a very positive visit!

  7. You are a good son! Your Mom appreciates down deep in her heart and I am so glad she can laugh. Tender times.

    1. I am so thankful that she finds things funny instead of infuriating.

  8. How wonderful that you can converse with your Mom. I'm sure she's thrilled to see you again. I'll bet it feel really good. (I know, I'm an old mom) That's a beautiful cat that your friend has. It looks quite comfy in the travel bag. We are having tropical storm warnings now. The rains will be here later today. Enjoy your time with your family, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Well, we don't quite converse, but it's nice to spend time with her. I can talk to her but she can't really answer back. Sometimes I can get one or two words. (She has dementia-related aphasia.)

  9. I'm glad you got to visit your mother again. It sounds like you had a pleasant visit. It also sounds like she is getting good care where she is living. It's also good to know that the worst of the storm has passed by.
    Pip looks just a bit unsure about your intentions. He must have determined that you were harmless if he came out for a little scratch.

    1. He was just keeping a cautious eye on things!

  10. Your time with your mom was moving. I hope she enjoyed every minute of your visit.

    1. She definitely enjoys it. I hope she realizes why I haven't been around before this! I'm not sure she grasps the Covid situation.

  11. Pip's a handsome fellow. Good to know Olga (and Dave!) are doing well in your absence. Also good to know you made it through Elsa okay.

    Treasure those hugs with your mom.

    1. Yes, getting this time with her means a lot.

  12. I’m so glad the visit with your mother is turning out be so pleasant and filled with love. Also glad the storm has passed! It sounds like an excellent visit.

  13. It sounds like you're having a wonderful visit with the family! The camp report brings back memories!

  14. I'm so glad your mom seems to be happy and aware. That helps to put the mind at ease about the whole situation.

    That looks like a fairly good-sized cat - nearly fills the carrier! A little tiger :)

    Elsa is due to visit us Friday night and Saturday. It's still too far out for the weather people to have a final prediction but generally storms from southern US pick up steam again when they cross the Atlantic and make landfall in Nova Scotia. Your hurricanes and tropical storms become ours a few days later.

    1. I hope Elsa isn't giving you too much trouble! Pip was a beautiful cat!

  15. I'm sure I'd find it hard to have my family thousands of miles away - even if there are times I might wish it!!! Sounds like you're having a great trip, and missing all the football excitement too.

    1. It's hard only when I can't travel. Normally it's no big deal to hop on a plane and come home every six months or so.

  16. She would not understand you being teary eyed, so good for you.

  17. Some of the writing on the Dolly's Bar-B-Q sign appears to be in Floridian. Could you please translate? Pleased to hear that you remain happy with your mother's accommodation and care arrangements.

  18. I didn't know about the tornado until I read the news on Friday morning. I didn't get the alert! Frogs here are talkative. I've seen those signs in Starke and I haven't been there in years. So nice about positive visits with your mom.


    1. I'm surprised you didn't get the alert when even I got it, on my British phone! I guess it depends on your carrier, maybe?

    2. I get all sorts of alerts--amber alerts, silver alerts, big thunderstorm alerts--but somehow they skipped me with the tornado alert. 'Tis a mystery.

  19. You seem to be fitting plenty enough into your days. It must be hard to deal with each season of storms, like for whatever period a sword is dangling above you. Good that your mother seems happy with her care.

    1. When you live in Florida, hurricane season becomes very routine. It's like any risk -- there's a potential for disaster, but not a likelihood, if that makes sense.

  20. I am so glad to know you spent time with family and that you can still connect with your Mom and laugh and finally hug.

    1. It's great to finally be able to do these things.

  21. Good that your Mom still has some communication and that she is happy.

    1. She DOES seem happy. I'm so thankful for that.

  22. so your friend takes her cat with her when she goes out? I'm glad you are having good visits with your mom. and that you have ad have had a good relationship with her, so much that you travel every year to see her. when my mother moved to Washington state to live with my brother, her condition was such that she needed 24 hour care and he put her in a great facility, a family home, a house in a neighborhood rated for 4 residents. I visited her twice I think in all the years she lived there. suffice to say we were not close and did not have a good relationship.

    1. No, the cat was home, but he crawled into his carrier. A secure place, I suppose. My mom and I fortunately have always gotten along.
