Saturday, July 24, 2021

White Teasels

The teasels have started putting forth their tiny blossoms -- and all of our large teasels appear to be blooming white, which means they're probably descended from the ones we planted several years ago. Those had white flowers too. All the wild-type teasels I've seen around London are purple.

So, more of the same yesterday. I read, did some light housework and spent time in the garden, where the temperatures have cooled. It's 61º F out there now (16º C) and rainy. I'm staying inside.

At least Olga had some high-quality garden time yesterday:

As you can tell, things were quieter -- the jackhammers weren't going for some reason. One of the Russian boys upstairs was whooping it up, though.

I am so sick of this quarantine. Today I'll take my Day 8 test, and assuming it's negative, I'll be set free on Tuesday. You never really realize how long ten days is until you have to stay home all that time, not even going out to the store. At least during last year's lockdown I did the grocery shopping and made occasional runs to the gardening center!


  1. Hooray! Yes we have some rain now. It is coming from your direction to us, so don't use it all up ! The garden is desperate...saves me getting the hose out for a while.

    1. We actually didn't get much -- just a sprinkle. I hope you got more where you are!

  2. Console yourself with the thought if you were here it would be fourteen days. Your garden looks wild and interesting.

  3. Oh such a lovely video. That in my opinion is a real garden. loved it.

    1. Glad you liked it, Briony! The foxes like it too. :)

  4. That video is glorious. I’d be with Olga. Given the quarantine on travellers was lifted, your quarantine is absurd. Glad you’re almost to the end.

    1. Once again, I feel like I'm a sucker for even doing it. I'm sure tons of people aren't quarantining at all.

  5. A very refreshing touch of England in that video. Thank you for that.

  6. I think Olga has the right idea. From the still photo, before the video played, I thought maybe she'd be rolling around in the grass, and then she just lay there, realizing, and I thought, "Lucky dog!"

    1. Ha! She DOES love to roll in grass, but yeah, on this particular occasion, she was sound asleep.

  7. Your garden is absolutely a haven in the city. It really is a glory, Steve.
    I wonder if everyone keeps quarantine as faithfully as you.

    1. I doubt it. I feel a bit stupid about it but hey, I am a rule-follower.

  8. Love that video. Your yard is so beautiful and peaceful. Hope all goes well with the test today and that you will finally be free on Tuesday.

  9. I wish we had your temperature and rain. We have very many forest fires and it's hot and dry.

    1. Yeah, I know you guys are having a terrible summer in western Canada. I hope it cools down soon!

  10. What A Video - Olga Girl Is Pretty That You Should Have Another 14 Days Of Quarantine - Stay Strong Brother Reed


    1. Ha! She'd have me permanently quarantined if it were up to her. (Well, except for dog walks, of course.)

  11. no cooling down here, only getting hotter. but at least the rain seems to have let up for now. my garden is a mess. too hot, to many mosquitoes to get out there and do the trimming and weeding. plus I'm using my time for another endeavor.

    1. Well, there's nothing wrong with letting it slide for a while, right?!

  12. You have such a beautiful secret garden in the midst of a busy, nosy city! Amazing! I wish I could nap like Olga! What a champion napper she is!
    I wondered, also, how many people actually follow the quarantine rules like you have done. Lots of people here in the US wouldn't do it!
    I am glad you did and that you and Dave are safe.

    1. I meant "Noisy" not "nosy" but I suppose "nosy" could work too!

    2. Ha! I knew what you meant. London is definitely "nosy" as well as noisy -- particularly with Mrs. Kravitz next door. LOL

  13. What a lovely, peaceful video. 61F would be nice. Olga sure seems to be enjoying it!

  14. With that pretty blue sky and a glorious breeze, Olga is in heaven, napping in her beautiful garden. Smart girl! Your quarantine is almost over. Hang in there. Go sit in the garden with Olga, hugs, Edna B.

    1. That's pretty much all there is to do -- that and read and watch TV!

  15. Well, you have created an oasis in the big city. Olga looks extremely happy.

  16. I would like to be Olga for one day :)

    1. It's a dog's life, as they say! (Although is that supposed to mean it's rough or it's cushy? I'm not sure...Olga's is DEFINITELY cushy.)

  17. Olga is such a happy girl. If you haven't tested positive yet, your final test will likely set you free.

    1. Yeah, I'm sure I'll be negative. This is all just bureaucracy.

  18. Hi Steve, Olga and Dave. Your climate seem to be perfect for a beautiful garden and Ms. Olga enjoys it. It's so hot here. Temps are 97 degrees but feel like 107. I have to stay inside anyway but would like to have a breath of fresh air. It's to hot out there now. (lol) We have to have air living in this part of the world because if we didn't the heat would be causing lots of deaths. Eventually the city and surroundings will open cooling centers for those having a problem keeping cool. You will soon be back walking Olga again in her favorite spots. I can't explain this and wish I knew someone who can. We are vaccinated and have to continue the same routine as before the vaccinations because lots of idiots won't take it. I will definite keep wearing my mask, social distance and always washed my hands. I can't worry about who is being silly and won't get vaccinated. I will continue doing this next year and as long as I have to.

    1. I can't explain it either -- vaccine hesitancy is something I just don't get. I think a lot of people are listening to bad information from a lot of dubious sources.
