Friday, July 9, 2021


Now that's a Florida scene, isn't it? That's how the state really should look. Never mind coconuts and condos and hibiscus and early-bird specials. Before the Spaniards showed up in the 1500s -- and for several centuries after -- this was the landscape, at least here in North Florida: intertwined oaks covered with resurrection ferns, mingled with cabbage palms and pines.

That's the dirt road leading to Kingsley Plantation on Fort George Island. We drove out there yesterday after lunch at the Sandollar (with one "d") restaurant on the St. Johns River. We didn't actually go to the plantation, which we've visited before. We just drove the loop road that leads to it, and also drove out to the beach at Huguenot Memorial Park.

There were some hardy souls out there, driving around on the hard compacted sand, but I didn't put on sunscreen so I barely got out of the car. We stayed just long enough to walk down to the water and back again. The place was like an Easy-Bake Oven.

Even the seagulls looked hot.

Then we drove to the ferry that carries cars across the river to Mayport. My younger niece, Kate, really wanted to ride the ferry, so we made that happen. As we waited to board, we were amused by a root lying on the ground that my older niece, Jane, said looked like a lobster:

She's right!

We gave my mom a break yesterday but I'll go back and visit her today.

My brother and his kids are doing their best to educate me on areas of pop culture that have slipped past me. Kate had me watch "Annie," with Kathy Bates, Alan Cumming and Kristin Chenoweth, and I did enjoy it. (Kate's summer camp group performed a song from Annie in their revue on Wednesday night.) I'm not sure I've ever seen any version of "Annie," to be honest, though of course I've been hearing about it all my life. I remember when it was originally on Broadway in the late '70s with Andrea McArdle and later, I believe, Sarah Jessica Parker.

And Jane is an expert on all things Marvel, and can get into detailed and circuitous conversations with my brother about the Marvel movies. We watched "Guardians of the Galaxy," which I must admit was a lot of fun, though I'm still confused about why one of the characters is a raccoon.


  1. Silly comment I know, but you are lucky a kangaroo didn't bounce into Guardians of the Galaxy

  2. I admire the fact that your brother and sister-in-law gave your nieces such solid first names. Lovely! Good job they are not called Gladys and Belinda because then they'd be GREED and BREED. Perhaps I have not being paying enough attention but has your brother got a first name? Maybe it's Fred as in FREED.

    1. It's JREED, actually. His name is James but he goes by JM within the family.

  3. I took Hank and May to see Annie, the first movie, I guess, when they were young. They loved it. Carol Burnett was in it. It was a pretty swell movie.
    I'm glad you're getting your dose of the real Florida.

    1. After reading this I suggested to Kate that we watch the older "Annie" because, well, Carol Burnett! But she said, "I'm pretty sure I'm happy with the newer one." Oh well.

  4. I'm not sure I've ever seen Annie all the way through. and I'd like to go to the beach if it would EVER STOP RAINING! but this time of year would be hot too. and I can't believe you have just now seen Guardians of the Galaxy! must not be a Marvel fan. I loved it. so many great lines. and why not a surgically DNA manipulated genius racoon considering all the other versions of sentient beings. Rocket is a great character.

    1. I just don't know much about Marvel. I was never much of a comic book kid. I swear I've never even heard of "Guardians of the Galaxy" before now.

  5. I love that top scene - I should like to walk down that road (when it's not baking season).

  6. I'm not sure I've ever heard of the movie "Annie." Although that could just be my old brain letting go of the names of things. Sounds like you're having a good time there. Nice to see that forest path and the beach.

    1. It's a musical based on Little Orphan Annie. It made quite a splash when I was a kid.

  7. Guardians of the Galaxy is terrific and there is a 2nd one too! And I just saw that a 3rd one is supposed to come out in 2023! I love to ride my Exercycle to the Guardians of the Galaxy mix tape on YouTube. Such fabulous oldies!!
    That is a beautiful photo of "real" Florida. Humans have figured out ways to wreck the land all around the world! :(

    1. Yeah, the music IS great! Scary to think that I'm probably about the same age as that kid's mother, the one who gave him the mix tape in the first place. :)

  8. That first photo is beautiful. As for the beach scene, I've always wondered why automobiles were allowed to drive onto the beach. It sounds like you are having a super time. Hugs, Edna B.

    1. As far as I know, the only areas that allow beach driving are at this specific park and farther south in Daytona Beach.

  9. All that white sand is like a broiler pan!!!
    Pretty, but I'll sit in the shade!

    1. Yeah, it was blast-furnace hot out there on all that reflective sand!

  10. That reminds me of the Bush in AotearoaNZ. Did it smell good?
    That beach scene with the cars even looks hot!
    What is the Huguenot connection for the Memorial? (Interested as Pirate's forebears were Huguenot)

    1. The French Huguenots were among the first settlers of this part of North Florida. (Which must have been shockingly different to them from Europe!)

  11. I think I need some help from your brother and his kids. It’s amazing how quickly I got out of the loop once I left the country. Although I saw Annie the show twice and the film (ugh!!!) once. That first photo IS perfect and exactly how I remember my first explorations of Florida when we went beyond Miami Beach.

    1. I'm definitely learning how important it is to have some young people around as cultural influences!

  12. Oh geez - Mayport! Now there's a blast from the past. My husband was assigned to the carrier Saratoga back in the '70s. Mayport was its home port. I can just imagine how much the area has changed since then.

    1. Yeah, I bet it's much different! Still a huge military base, though.

  13. I have been educated on the Marvel universe in latter years. My favorite characters are Sam and Bucky, aka the new Captain American and former Winter Soldier. Those pictures are exactly how I imagine Florida.

  14. I love that first photo, it looks like walking into the wild. Easy Bake oven is a good description. That's exactly what it feels like being outside here right now. You have the added push of humidity.

    1. Yeah, it is super damp out there, especially after all our rain!

  15. I've only seen Annie on stage, and that was decades ago in London. I thought that root was a mud covered giant shrimp! (an oxymoron!)

    I loved Guardians of the Galaxy and enjoyed the second one even more. Fun movies with good music!

    1. I guess a mud-covered shrimp isn't really much different from a lobster, except in size!

  16. That first photo
    Very Blanche du Bois

    1. It IS! The perfect atmosphere for humidity and deterioration.

  17. I'm scrolling through and catching up with your travels and writing and so many wonderful photographs. I love how you so perfectly capture the spirit of place, Steve!

    1. Thanks for catching up! I'm trying to catch up myself but I just don't have as much opportunity for blogging at the moment!

  18. Hi Steve,
    I am loving this post and I am trying to catch up on all. We have been so busy and even a house full of Strep Throat isn't slowing us down much or it seems that way.
    The white sandy beach is just beautiful but I am not brave enough to spend more than a few minutes out there unless it was a moonlit night then I would probably love it.
    One of my favorite movies is Guardians of the Galaxy. I love Rocky and Groot and the second movie is great too and OH I LOVE the Music.
    I have never enjoyed Annie. Now maybe if I watched it with Carol Burnett I just might like it but out of Annie or Guardians of the Galaxy that I would seek out to watch then it is the Guardians. I became more educated on Marvel when I lived with the boys. They are HUGE fans and we usually had a lot of Marvel going on at our house. Watch the second movie if you get a chance, it's good too. Hugs xxx

  19. The raccoon is the best character! I love him.

  20. The trees in the first photo just needs some Spanish moss to remind me of the low country a bit further north. Will admit the temps/humidity of FL do not entice me--but then they currently aren't much better where I live.

    Can't say I am up on today's culture. My oldest grandchildren (in their 20s) live too far away, while the youngest bunch who live nearby are all under 7. So outside of the Avengers (just the play figures) and Frozen Elsa, I'm clueless.

    Enjoy the rest of your stay. Guessing you'll still have to quarantine once you're back in UK. Safe travels.

  21. I bet your nieces are intelligent and adorable, especially Jane.

