Monday, July 12, 2021

BBQ Beach Bound

We woke up yesterday with nothing specific to do, and my brother floated the idea of going to the beach. The younger niece leaped around excitedly, and the older niece shrugged with apparent indifference -- typical reactions from both of them. We first considered Fernandina Beach, north of Jacksonville, but eventually settled instead on Anastasia Island near St. Augustine. We all piled into my brother's truck and headed south.We drove down A1A, the coastal highway, because my brother (and all of us, really) prefers a scenic road to a characterless interstate. 

Anastasia Island and Crescent Beach are huge, wide expanses of hard-packed sand. Once again, people can take their cars onto the beach, although in this case the cars stay on a narrow strip up beyond the tideline -- unlike Huguenot Park, where drivers can motor right down to the waterline and get themselves submerged if they're not careful.

And of course, the minute we got there it poured rain, but only for a few minutes.

None of us like to lie out in the sun, or even sit under a sunshade, though it was fun to see the colorful umbrellas and beach tents that others brought to keep themselves protected.

We headed to lunch first, a favorite place called South Beach Grill that turned out to be closed. Curses! (From the recent reviews, it sounds like the place was struggling a bit and there was some drama over paying employees, so it's probably just as well.)

We drove south, off the island, and found a place at Bing's Landing in Palm Coast called Captain's BBQ that hit the spot. We ate on a screened porch overlooking the Matanzas River, and then wandered around an old historic home site called Mala Compra ("bad bargain" in Spanish). There's not much there now beyond foundations, but it was interesting.

Then we headed back to the beach and while the kids played in the water with their mom and my brother dozed in a beach chair, I took walks up and down the beach.

I saw these guys land windsurfing, aka terrasailing. The wide, mostly empty beach looks like a perfect spot for that activity.

By the time I got back, everyone was ready to go, and we were homeward bound. We spent most of the day in the car but I didn't mind. I love a good road trip!


  1. That land windsurfing acutally looks fun. I would try that, although I'm sure it's much harder than it looks.

    1. It DOES look fun. I guess they steer by adjusting the position of the sail?

  2. It does sound like a pretty good day really. Any time spent with family is good, hey.

  3. Low key kind of day--the good kind. Imagine you were pretty happy to walk on the beach, watch the waves and listen to the ocean. Wonder what the sandpipers in your video thought of the land-sailors. :)

    1. Yeah, it was nice to get a walk in. I haven't been able to walk much here because it's so bloody hot!

  4. That sounds excellent! I don't really like to just hang out at the beach - I like to walk up & down & then go back inside to the air conditioning. We're super hopeful about taking a short beach trip in the fall.

    1. Yeah, I am not a lie-in-the-sun kind of person, either.

  5. It sounds like a nice day to me. Plus, terrasailing looks fun.

    1. I agree. I wonder how hard it is? Maybe one of these days I'll try it.

  6. Walking on the beach is so fun! People watching, the birds, the waves - sounds like a terrific day!

    1. It was nice! A great way to spend time with everybody and also get a little exercise.

  7. Florida beaches are so different from places I’ve lived or been. Glad you shared the video; the clouds are spectacular. Also, I love that cluster of rainbow umbrellas. When I was in Daytona for spring break in the ’70s, I was surprised to see all the cars on the beach. One night, a VW Beetle was left too long and the tide took it away. It floated like a boat. Some guys swam out to it, managed to push it back to shore, jumped in, and it started right up.

    1. This beach is actually a lot different from the ones I grew up with on the Gulf side. It's INSANELY wide, for one thing. That's funny about the VW! They are very durable cars, which is why they're still on the road.

  8. Sounds like a lovely day at the beach.

  9. Those windsurfing guys are fun to watch. Sounds like a lovely day!

    1. They were amazing to watch. I wanted to join them!

  10. I haven't been to the beach in too long besides the two day trips where we got our feet in the sand and water for about 15 minutes. now of course it's far too hot for me so I'll have to wait for fall. was this the Atlantic side or the Gulf side?

    1. This is on the Atlantic, down near St. Augustine.

  11. I love all the colorful umbrellas. Sounds like a super day to me. That windsurfing looks like fun. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. It was a good day, and the windsurfing was fun to watch!

  12. It sounds as if you're having a full and enjoyable vacation! Must be nice after being mostly indoors all year.

    1. It's nice, although I feel a little sun-baked. It's intense here!

  13. Shame you didn't take along your own skateboard with a sail attached. Sounds like it was a grand day out.

    1. I suppose I could have rented one! (And probably run some people down in the process.)

  14. Love those windsurfers, that looks like fun. Glad you had a good time.

  15. All that exercise and eating has me worn out. Zzzzzzzz

  16. Although it's been quite some time since I headed down A1A, I like to go to Matanzas Innlet Restaurant. BUT I just checked on it and I won't be going there again because their listing says PERMANENTLY CLOSED. I wonder if the pandemic did them in. The place used to be packed. The Man and I went there to eat once and when we walked down to the water, a manatee popped up to greet us.


    1. Wow -- wonder what the story is there? I think both Covid and Hurricane Irma a few years ago did a lot of damage to some of these businesses.

  17. I thought I had mistakenly clicked on Mitchell's blog when I saw that 1st photo!
    A day on a beach like that would not appeal to me much, though a few hours in a cove in Devon would be OK! (Lots of rock pools etc to explore)

    1. I agree -- I'd rather have a bit of interactive scenery. This was a beautiful beach but it's very flat and there aren't even many seashells or anything to find while beachcombing. (Different from the Gulf Coast of Florida in that respect.)

    2. Frances:
      Except I’ve never seen those specific umbrellas and I think we need them her for my beach scenes.

  18. My family and I have often vacationed on Crescent Beach. I love that place.
