Wednesday, April 6, 2022

A Scandalous Book

I took this photo on my most recent Green Chain walk. Isn't that a great tree? It reminds me of a neuron, or maybe the static electricity inside one of those spheres. "It's alive! ALIVE!"

Work was busy yesterday -- lots of middle schoolers checking out books for Spring Break, which is next week. I can't quite believe I'm supposed to be on an airplane to Florida on Saturday. I think I have everything scheduled that I need, like my pre-departure Covid test. I'm a little nervous about that because people at work are dropping like flies with Covid, but as I've said, I'm counting on my own recent infection to protect me for the time being. (As well as my vaccines and boosters.)

I'm also planning on taking a bare minimum of baggage. I've heard too many stories of massive delays in the airport check-in and baggage lines, and I hope to avoid those.

I'm reading John Lahr's biography of the playwright Joe Orton, "Prick Up Your Ears." It was made into a fairly famous movie back in the '80s, which I don't think I ever saw, and it's an interesting book -- although quite scandalous. Within the first fifty pages or so there are accounts of the adult Orton sleeping with teenage boys in Morocco and yearning for British schoolboys as well. I'm not a prude but I must admit it's made me question whether it's the best book to have in a school library. I wonder how we wound up with it. Probably a donation. I am apparently the first person who's ever checked it out.

Back in 2006, when I lived in New York, I saw a play by Orton on Broadway, "Entertaining Mr. Sloane," starring Alec Baldwin. I don't remember a thing about it, but I called it "awesome" in my journal at the time, so apparently I liked it. (I think I was mainly infatuated with Baldwin's co-star, Chris Carmack.)

Our Thanksgiving cacti are blooming away, as you can see -- and only on the sunny side of the plants. This is a bewildering phenomenon but I'm enjoying it!


  1. That last picture I think is what we call Zygocactus and I have never been able to grow them although my mother did. She kept the basket on a table which got turned every so often so all sides go the sun and flowered.
    Bare minimum? how long are you going for? I'd recommend just one carry-on bag with a toothbrush, two changes of underwear and socks, plus a t-shirt in case you spill. Add a loaded kindle and you're set.

    1. I usually just take a carry-on, especially for such a short trip. Apparently there are slightly different varieties of these cacti and some flower in spring and some in fall. This is the first year our normally fall-flowering plant has bloomed in the spring!

  2. I guess it was easier for Orton to prey on young lads out in Morocco than it would have been here in Great Britain. Celebrities, artists and writers seemed to be able to get away with a lot more perversion in the good old days.

    1. He actually says that in the book -- he blames rigid British society for preventing him from having sex with British boys. It's kind of mind-blowing how frank he was about it.

      I think the taboos against being gay in those days were so strong that he just didn't differentiate between that and a DIFFERENT taboo. You know what I mean?

  3. I'm wondering what you plan to do about the Orton book, if anything. Awkward situation. Not that it seems to be in great demand!

    Good luck on your trip and getting there easily I hope you'll have time to blog from Florida.

    1. I think the fact that no one else seems interested in reading it sort of makes the decision! It's been on our shelves for more than ten years and never been borrowed except by me.

  4. Alas the new variant in the UK is Omicron XE which your previous bout would not make you immune too. But hopefully the vaccines are still a good fit and you don’t get it right before you leave.

    1. I've read conflicting reports about which variants we have and how effective our immunity would be.

  5. It is a splendid tree.
    I have a copy of Prick up your Ears. There was the film too, maybe of the same name. Both excellent. Joe Orton was a fascinating person. At a young age I would hunted out the book and my initial thought was, why shouldn't it be available to teens. But, rethinking, is it a positive book for male teens who are gay or those who are still developing into their sexuality? Probably not. Sadly really, I conclude it shouldn't be in the library. I think I am officially old now. Given you are the only person who has borrowed it, it is rather a moot point anyway.

    1. I see what you mean about Chris Carmack.

    2. He IS an interesting person, and it's an interesting book, but I'm not sure it's really useful to our students. I mean, no one in school here is going to be studying Joe Orton. It's more suited to adult readers.

  6. i remember seeing Prick up Your Ears. I had seen Gary Oldman in Sid and Nancy and then this came out. I really enjoyed the story, though it was rather sad.

    Sidenote: I imagine it would be hard to take your eyes off Chris Carmack.

    1. It's a tragic story, for sure! Yes, I remember having heart palpitations whenever Carmack was on stage! LOL

  7. I looked at the trailer for that movie. I hate watching old trailers now, the sound is awful and everything looks so old fashioned which means I am getting old:)

    I didn't see that movie but it was nice to see Gary Oldman not playing the bad guy.

    1. It's funny how the sound was so bad in some of the movies from the '70s and '80s. You'd think technology would have moved beyond that problem by then!

  8. About books: Station Eleven was excellent, thank you for the recommendation.

  9. I hope all goes well with the Covid test -- I wouldn't be too worried, considering you probably still have good immunities. And in any event, a wonderful trip. The less baggage the better these days. You can always pick up something if you need it and if you're only going a week or so, carry on should be fine.

    That is a curious book for a middle school library. I suspect you're right about the donation!

  10. Gorgeously Health Cacti There Brother - Blown Away Reading About Spring Break - How Can It Be April 6th Already


    1. It's mind-blowing to me, too! The year is flying!

  11. I'll enjoy Thanksgiving cactus vicariously. Never had success. As for Chris Carmack... Yum.

    I thought that if you have medical proof of recent Covid infection, that will permit you to travel to the States. Is that true?

    1. Ours have mostly done well but the one in the background in the photo (upper right) is barely hanging on. It's very wilted-looking. I can't figure out what's wrong with it.

    2. Oh, and I don't know about the recent infection thing. I guess this way I'll be protected TWO ways. (Assuming the test is negative!)

  12. Have you ever read "Naked Lunch"? Rather horrifying.
    That tree is definitely alive in every sense of the word. I love it!

    1. I could never get through any William S. Burroughs. It's just too far-out for me. I think I tried to read "The Soft Machine" and I had to quit.

  13. That tree is so beautiful. I love what it reminds you of... yes neurons! Your cactus is looking great too.
    That book does sound a bit odd for a middle school library.

    1. We wind up with some strange books, mainly through donations. We've become more restrictive in recent years about what we'll accept, but the library used to take pretty much anything.

  14. That IS a great tree! It does look magnetic.

  15. Your trip will be great and you will enjoy the Florida sunshine!
    That cactus is so pretty and that tree looks huge!

    1. Florida sun feels so INTENSE to me now, even though I grew up in it!

  16. The tree's body suit is wonderful as well as its stature, magnificent tree. You must have perfect light for plants and plenty of it - the sun only shines on your house I reckon.
    Morocco and boys for men toys is no surprise is it? Women and girls are off limits so why least boys will not eat your socks like goats will do.

    1. It was certainly a "thing" for European men to go there in mid-century and take advantage of local boys. The authorities are much stricter about that kind of thing now (and have been for decades).

  17. Turn your flower pot around and the other side of the plant will bloom. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. I wonder if the fact that it's blooming now means it won't bloom in the fall?

  18. I think every book should be available to everyone regardless of age. I don't see why any book is inappropriate for any age. Deciding something is inappropriate is really a function of someone's else's biases and current cultural mores (which change over time).

    That is a fantastic tree. and you're right, it does remind of a neuron.

    1. If I were talking about my own kids, or if I worked in a public library, I'd agree with you. But other parents don't all feel the same and in a school we have to be careful to provide age-appropriate material.

  19. I've had a number of cacti over the years, but never had one bloom. Yours is beautiful! I also think the tree shot is great. Something about trees, from any angle, any season...

  20. That's a very cool tree. I'm traveling in May again and a bit nervous about the moving parts. Last time I had my younger daughter living here to take care of the cat; this time I hired someone to come in once a day. I too am hoping to avoid the virus while traveling!

    1. Well, we're in the same boat then, aren't we? Fingers crossed it all goes well!

  21. I think I am a prude (although I'd rather not be), so I'd probably not re-shelve that book. On the other hand, there are probably tons of other books there that I might find unsavory and I am NOT the book police. So don't listen to me!

    1. Well, as I told Ellen above, while agree with people's right to read whatever they want in principle, we DO have to be careful about what materials we provide. I think I'll weed the book, but mostly because no one else is interested in it!

  22. Good luck with your trip. There's enough anxiety without covid adding to it.

    1. It's true! Traveling is stressful enough under normal circumstances!

  23. I think that Christmas cacti need a bit of cold to bloom, so the side by the window may be cooler than the side toward the room. Like others have mentioned, try rotating the plant; 1/4 turn every week is the recommendation that rises up from my dim memory.
    Beautiful tree. I agree with Ellen Abbott that no book should be restricted.

    1. Oh, that's an interesting idea. I hadn't thought of temperature as a factor.

  24. Have a great flight. Here's hoping for smooth transfers and no cancellations.

    1. Fingers crossed! I'll let you know how it goes! (I don't leave for a few more days.)

  25. That's a wonderful tree. I thought "neuron" too. My mom's Christmas cactus, which also bloomed on only one side, is slowly losing its blooms but she got to enjoy it at its best with her new vision. Good luck with that packing. I find the old saw true - you need as much luggage for three days as for three weeks!

    1. Ha! I'm there for a week so I'm sure I can get by with a carry-on. I'm toying with the idea of not bringing my camera and just using my phone. I might try it.
