Saturday, April 30, 2022

Comments about Commenting

It's wisteria time in London. This house around the corner from the school where I work is putting on an impressive display. It smells amazing to walk past all these blossoms. I'm surprised the flowers are doing so well, given that it's been freakin' cold lately. When I walked the dog yesterday morning it was 45º F (7º C), and it's about the same today.

I'm hearing that some of you are having problems commenting on my blog. Google has apparently introduced some changes that are fouling things up. In an effort to make commenting easier, I've changed my comments from embedded to a pop-up window, which according to what I've read might solve the issues. It might create additional difficulties, though, for those of you with pop-up blockers activated on your browser. Let's try it and see if it works.

(Unfortunately, the pop-up comment form doesn't include a "reply to" option, so my replies to your comments will now come at the end of the comment stream.)

From what I can tell, this is the only change I can make on my end to solve the problem. Otherwise I think it has to do with readers' settings. If you've been having this problem and are likely to encounter it on other blogs, you might first clear your cache and your cookies, and sign in to Google again -- or try a different browser entirely. If there's a way to unblock third-party cookies in your browser settings, that might work -- apparently third-party cookies are needed for embedded comments, and Safari (for example) blocks them by default. That's all I can suggest.

Apparently I could allow anonymous comments and that would get around this log-in problem, but I really, really don't want to go there. I like knowing who's talking to me.

This week has been a beast at work, partly because of inventory. Now that's done and yesterday was much quieter --in fact a bit too quiet, because we're heading into a three-day weekend and I think a lot of kids were already out of school. Monday is a bank holiday, so it's a day off for us. Whew! I have plans to do some gardening and also walk another length of the Green Chain, among other things.

(Bottom photo: Some posters I found on West End Lane, publicizing feminist marches and this web site.)


  1. I love wisteria and its fragrance. That’s an amazing wallful. Those two posters look like ´60s throwbacks. So far, I’ve had no problems posting comments here. It’s a crapshoot.

  2. I had a few days of Blogger sending some of my regular commenters into Spam so you may need to check Spam and see if there are any to release unless you have already done so. One commenter had problems with getting signed into comment but he tells me this morning that the Cookies are back to normal. You could probably go back to embedded, much more convenient for replying for you.

  3. Wisteria is a beautiful plant. The second poster got me thinking. Sex AT work? Sex work? Sex INSTEAD of work? No sex no work? I would love to know.

  4. The wisteria is lovely.

    I tried pop up comments once and you've reminded me why I didn't like it. No problem commenting by me.

    The strike might be better located in Soho Square.

  5. I like the pop-up tab, as I can easily refer to what I am commenting on...
    But being able to comment on individual replies is a nice thing when you have it.
    Still you can add individual replies at the end.
    I like Wisteria, but it can really get into a building very easily..and be rather destructive!

  6. I don't have trouble commenting on any of the blogs I read, but some of my comments do disappear, so maybe they're in someone's spam instead.
    I'm not real keen on the new look of the embedded comments section, but I'm used to it now.

  7. All this business about pop up blockers, settings and caches makes my brain hurt. Why couldn't Mr Google-Blogger leave everything as it was? Enjoy your looooooooong weekend Steve!

  8. Pop up comments works just fine for me. And yes, it means I can look at the original post and pictures at the same time, as observed already by gz. And I love that wisteria!

  9. I made the same change after some complaints, too. Your comments, Steve, appear as spam and when I indicate they're not, then I can publish. One other person appears this way. I haven't made any recent changes, but Blogger has, to the comment function.

  10. The wisteria is gorgeous. Love the color.
    I've had no problem commenting though I did notice slight changes to the page.

  11. I have comment moderation turned on so I do allow anonymous comments. I just can’t bring myself to go back to the days of not having embedded comments.

  12. Your English wisteria puts our Florida wisteria to shame!
    I allow anonymous comments and people usually add their names at the end of the comment. Doesn't bother me in the least but maybe I'm weird.

  13. It is your blog so whatever works best for you is fine with me, Steve. I did not have any trouble commenting so don't know why people did. Enjoy your long weekend!

  14. I had trouble commenting, but today I can comment here! The comment box looks like the old days. I love it. I'm going to see if I can do that on Dharma Bums blog comments. It's great. Thank you thank you for changing to this. It's wonderful to comment again. Enjoy your three-day weekend.

  15. Blogger seems to be able to mess things up. I hope they correct things as they make it stressful for many bloggers.

  16. Our wisteria is done now. i need to get over there to the shop yard and make some rootings of it for a neighbor. that one in your picture is gorgeous.

  17. I don't get as many comments as you do, Steve, and I allow anonymous comments without moderation. Blogger sometimes catches spam and sometimes catches non-spam
    your comments always show up as spam and I have to assure blogger that they aren't spam at all! I frequently check the comments and delete any spam that gets through.
    Gorgeous wisteria. With the cooler temps perhaps it will stay at it's peak for longer than usual.

  18. Thanks to the comment about regular comments being put in spam....found nine genuine ones in there!

  19. Thanks Steve. Yesterday when I signed in to comment it still wouldn't let me. I was wondering how I was going to contact you and let you know it wasn't working for comments. That wisteria is beautiful. My granny had one side of our yard looking like your garden. Growing up our mother's mother lived with us and she had flowers galore. I assume that is where in inherited the habit and loving beautiful flowers. I can't plant like I use to but I have a front yard with lots of flowers. I love the lillies and the elephant ears but love all flowers. I did a giggle when I saw you with the trunk.(lol) I knew I would have it at my house. Have a good weekend to you, Olga and Dave.

  20. No problems for me commenting although I use my non-Apple laptop and never my iPhone. I thought it was an Apple issue? I have the most issues commenting on Word Press if I'm not signed in and for Blogger I made a fake blog so that I could put in my 2 cents worth. It seems like most platforms want you to set up an account or do an elaborate sign in these days. This was easy by the way. I have one commenter in Scotland who has issues with a grayed out comment button so I go between the new and the old systems. The new one remembers people and the old one makes them put in their information each time.

  21. That wisteria is gorgeous. And, it reminds me that the jacarandas are in bloom right now. I need to get some photos.
    I noticed that something was changing with the comments section. I've had the same problem as Rachel above with comments going into my spam file without me seeing them. Hopefully they will smooth things out soon.

  22. This works for me... and I only use Safari! I'd already tried every suggestion made, so I'm glad to see I can comment again. Fingers crossed it stays that way!

    The wisteria is beautiful. I see it growing wild along many of the roads I take and always enjoy it.

  23. After reading your post, I decided it was time to check the spam file once again. Good heavens, there were around 30 comments in there from my regular readers. I'm going to have to start watching that more closely.

  24. Oh, I hate you for having that lovely wisteria. We have one dying in our back yard. We thought it had died last year but then it began sprouting this spring, only to be "nipped in the bud" (heh-heh) by one freezing night when the temperature dipped below 32 F. So now we'll see but there's no sign of life on it. I was wondering what a sex/work strike might be until you explained it. This modern world mystifies me sometimes.

  25. I've changed something on my computer and now every time I click off my blog, it signs me off. And I don't know how to put it back. Annoying. Just requires an extra step which isn't that big of a deal. (Although it still makes me irritated.)

  26. That wisteria is amazing.

    I don't know what happened with the comments but my former problem commenting here is now solved! I'm sure that's no consolation for those now having problems, but it's interesting.

  27. Mitchell: They ARE a very '60s design, aren't they?

    Rachel: YES! I looked in spam and found TONS of comments going back several months. I had no idea they were (quite arbitrarily) going there. Thanks for the suggestion!

    Merlot: I know, I wrestled with that poster too! I'm thinking it's a sex AND work strike. But who knows?

    Andrew: Pop-ups do have a disadvantage when it comes to replying to commenters. But they definitely seem to work better overall for some reason.

    GZ: Yeah, that IS a plus -- being able to see the post while typing the comment.

    YP: I know! It seems like every change brings a raft of misery. I don't know why they don't just leave things as they are.

    David: Glad this works for you!

    Boud: The spam thing is a mystery to me. I found many comments in my spam folder by people who on other posts were able to comment without a problem. What caused the filter to snag those particular comments? No idea.

    Bob: Yeah, the only change (on my end) is commenting now in a pop-up window. But Blogger has made some changes as well.

    Ed: I only moderate on posts older than five days.

    Ms Moon: I'm sure anonymous would be fine but it just seems too loose to me. What's to stop someone from impersonating another commenter, for example? (Not that any of you would do that! LOL)

    Ellen D: For some reason, some commenters just couldn't sign in to comment with the embedded format. (And now that I've made this change, I'm seeing that my comment stream is disrupted on my old posts, with my replies thrown in at the end, which makes no sense. Le sigh.)

    Robin: YAY! You were one of the people I was hoping this change would help, so I'm glad it did.

    Red: Who knows why they do the things they do?

    Ellen: Apparently wisteria is very robust so I imagine it roots pretty easily. I don't think I've ever seen one quite so prolific with flowers as the one in this picture.

    Wilma: It's so weird that Blogger thinks my comments are spam on both your and Boud's blogs. What did I ever do to Blogger?! LOL

    Angelicastar: I'm glad this change helped you too! I love elephant ears. Sadly, we can't grow them here -- too cold. (Maybe in pots?)

    Margaret: I suspect many of the Blogger problems occur on iPads or iPhones, but I may be wrong. I always use a computer, myself. On WordPress I often have to log in every time I comment. No matter how many times I ask it to remember me, it doesn't!

    Sharon: I found several of your past comments in my spam folder. Honestly, can't Blogger tell that you and I comment on each other's blogs often, and use that info to determine that they're not spam? Doesn't seem that hard.

    Kelly: YAY! I'm glad this works for you! You and Robin are now able to talk to me again. :)

    Catalyst: It might still bounce back. Wisteria is a notoriously tough plant and when it's hibernating or dormant it DOES look dead. Give it time!

    Debby: Oh, that's annoying. It sounds like something to do with cookies. Have you tried clearing them, and then clicking the "remember me" button when you log in again?

    Jenny-O: The commenting technology is a mystery. It seems like Blogger is making it harder than it needs to be!

  28. That wisteria is a stunner!

    I have (I think) figured out the problem with the new comment method. It works fine. Trouble is, quite often, it doesn't show up right away so people think it didn't take. What's bizarre is that the message that says it is publishing (or awaiting moderation) comes at the very bottom of one's screen and quite often, we aren't "there" when we hit publish, so we don't see it. So, we write it again! I haven't had yet to deal with where one writes the captcha in; I'll let you know how that works when it happens.
