Friday, April 22, 2022

Diamonds and Dolls

I love a bright, sunny day, when window reflections scatter like jewels on the pavement of otherwise dreary Finchley Road.

I had a pretty slow day yesterday. I spent some spare time reading through my backlog of New Yorker magazines, and I've started working on our annual inventory, when we scan every book in the library to identify any that are missing. This is one of my favorite library jobs, maybe because I can daydream while I do it, and it fulfills my tendency to organize.

Dave and I started watching season 2 of "Russian Doll" last night. I loved the first season, but I'm still not sure about this one. Natasha Lyonne is a bit heavy on the schtick, it seems to me. Dave was even more unequivocal: "This is terrible," he said. "It's written by her, directed by her and all about her." (Not quite true.) The reviewers like it, though, and it's an interesting, surreal concept -- so I, at least, will press on.


  1. We watched the first 2 episodes of Season 1 yesterday. I found it quirky and interesting. I don’t think SG will stick with it.

    1. I watched episode 2 last night. I liked Season 1 a lot, but Season 2 is taking things in a different direction and it's taking some getting used to.

  2. Scanning every book in the library sounds like fun. I could do that.
    I like the sun patterns on the road, I've never noticed anything like that here.

  3. I would love to see reflections like that here. They are interesting patterns.
    When I was in the hospital my daughter bought the documentary House Of Gucci and told me to watch it on my phone, but I just didn't feel up to it then. Now that I want to see it I have to buy it because the rental is over. My daughter had mixed reviews. Still she said that it was good and right now my daughter Laurie and I are really into the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial... I am for Johnny. I think that Miss Amber is just seeing $$$$$ Signs.
    Have a great day. xx

    1. I watched "House of Gucci" on my flight to Florida. It's a good movie!

  4. I often find that the second series isn't as good as the first. We've started lots of series only to abandon the second. I did like the series on tele 'Anatomy of a Scandal' it was really good.
    Love the reflections. I wonder just how many people walked past and didn't notice them, lots.

    1. We just started "A Very British Scandal" on the BBC, but I haven't watched "Anatomy of a Scandal." So many scandals to keep track of!


    re. "a bit heavy on the schtick"

    schtick - a gimmick, comic routine, style of performance, etc. associated with a particular person.

  6. "when window reflections scatter like jewels on the pavement of otherwise dreary Finchley Road." Beautiful writing.

    1. Well, thank you! Reflections like that do always seem jewel-like to me, though a blog pal of mine calls them "alien eyes."

  7. I agree with Crafty, so many series have a great first season, and should stop. But they come back and it's a let down, and then they come back again, and you wonder why you ever watched in the first place.

  8. I like the Zen thought of doing the inventory! Yup -- follow up seasons can often disappoint.

    1. But occasionally they're even better. "Seinfeld," for example, is a show that improved as it went -- until its last few seasons, anyway.

  9. We couldn't get through the first season. There was something just so dark about it that I did not need in my life. Did you read the article about Natasha Lyonne in the NY'er? To me it's like she's working out her very odd and difficult childhood in this show which is fine- she's a good writer and obviously an excellent show-runner. But I just can't.
    Nice photo!

    1. It IS very dark! I haven't read the Lyonne article yet but I will. I saw her once in a deli on Union Square!

  10. Doing inventory of a whole library worth of books! That sounds like a big hill to climb--luckily your library has the right person for the task.

    1. It's a massive task but getting it done just means persistence, and as I said above, it's meditative. You just scan and zone out.

  11. Great photo. The crow in me loves sparklies!

  12. Love seeing those window light reflection on the road there. Nice moment.

  13. Hard to think back how library inventories were done before scanners.

    1. I know how they were done!Before everything was on a computer we had "shelf list cards"-a card, separate from the card catalog,for every book. It took two people, one to read the title on the card and the other to check the shelf. I, too, like doing inventory.

    2. I love that you were able to clarify the process pre-computer, Lea! I've often wondered about that myself!

  14. Tranquility can be found next door to a Thai massage? Interesting.

    1. I don't think anything is tranquil along this busy thoroughfare.

  15. Russian Doll was entertaining and frustrating and I love her! I just watched "The Night Manager" - the entire series in two nights! Great!Amazon Prime video.

    The street shot looks like a dancing musical.

    1. Yeah, "The Night Manager" is terrific. We saw that a couple of years ago. Loved it!

  16. I just watched a preview of Russian Doll last night and it seemed to be going in a different direction. Have you watched "Anatomy of a Scandal" yet? It was very good with lots of plot turns.

    1. We haven't started "Anatomy," though we just started "A Very British Scandal" with Claire Foy on the BBC.

  17. There are those long but undemanding parts of every job. They can be a change from stress. I'm glad you know how to enjoy the inventory taking.

    1. Exactly -- it's nice to retreat into a task that requires simple persistence and allows the mind to wander.

  18. How does the scan work? Do you have a hand-held scanner that you use? Are the scan codes on the spines where you don't even have to take the books off the shelf?

    1. Exactly. I have a hand-held scanner, and many of the barcodes are positioned vertically on the back cover next to the book's spine. So ideally I can sweep down the shelf pretty quickly, scanning everything. But some of the codes on the older books are in a different place and some of the larger books are sideways on the shelf, which slows me down.

      Occasionally books are super-thin or pushed back and I miss them, but then I can go back and find them. Anything checked out is automatically counted as present.

  19. If I had to scan for a living, I would get fired the first day. I'm awful. I've never heard of that series.

    1. It's very bizarre television. Creative and interesting, but bizarre.

  20. I often read books, it seems, that involve one person with many different lives. I like the premise but I looked at the trailer and the woman's voice was off putting. Petty, I know.

    1. Ha! That's what I mean by her "schtick." She has a very strong screen presence. I like it, but I can see how some people might not, and even I think she goes a little overboard.
