Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Lubbers and Lugs

This little black grasshopper with the orange racing stripes may look harmless and inoffensive, but by summer it will be brightly colored and several inches long. Still harmless, at least to people, but offensive to those who are precious about their plants! I didn't bother it except to take its picture. We're not precious around here.

I had a leisurely day yesterday, hanging out with my stepmother and sister and her husband. (And of course Maybelline, my favorite dog-away-from-my-own-dog!) The weather was beautiful, clear and bright, and I made a little video so you can experience a condensed version of my Florida day in just four minutes:

It's all chronological from my 7 a.m. walk around the neighborhood (see the morning mist rising off the lake?) to nighttime. That last shot just shows lights out the window in the front door of my stepmother's guest house. In addition to Maybelline, who at 10 still loves to play energetically with her Jolly Egg, you'll see Pinky, one of my stepmother's chihuahuas. Remember how awful those chihuahuas used to be to me? Well, they've mellowed in their old age.

Among my Florida adventures yesterday was an afternoon trip to Publix, probably the best grocery store in the world, where shopping -- as their old slogan used to say -- is a pleasure. I was craving some salty mixed nuts, and as I entered the store a big, burly bearded guy walked in beside me. "We must have the stupidest Vice President ever," he said to me, apropos of nothing. "I just saw her on Fox News. The VICE PRESIDENT!!"

I just said, "Huh." And kept right on walking.

I puzzled over what prompted this lug* to share his politics with me. Was it because I was wearing a Joni Mitchell t-shirt and he thought I was a "soy boy" he could provoke? Or did he see me drive up in my brother-in-law's car with its Dallas Cowboys seat covers, and assume I was a Texan conservative? Or was it merely that I was there?

Florida, land of mysteries.

*Lug (noun, informal/North American): An uncouth, aggressive man.


  1. Why do businesses, staff or just people you come across feel the need to wear their politics on their sleeves? Generally I don't think it does well for business by alienating around half their prospective customers.

    It sounds like your time there has begun well Steve.

    1. I don't know. There was a time when discussing politics was verboten, certainly with people you barely know (or don't know at all)!

  2. I think it is just a sign of the times. People everywhere love to bring up there politics uninvited. It never used to be like that when I was younger.

    1. Same here. My parents would never tell me who they voted for. They said it was private.

  3. That Video Is Outstanding - All The Birds Singing, One Very Happy Dog, Wooden Walkway, And Nice Touch At The End While Wearing Sunglasses At Night - Adventure On Brother Reed


    1. Glad you liked it! Don't tell Olga I'm cheating with Maybelline. :)

  4. You did capture Florida nicely in the video. The real Florida. I live near the Land of Mouse, so most of natural and untouched Florida is gone, and only lives on in State Parks or nature preserves. I must admit I was looking for alligators when you were on the wooden walkway.

    1. I've seen snakes down there -- water moccasins -- but I don't think we've seen a gator in that lake in years.

  5. I hope that Olga does not see this video. She will be so pissed off watching you having fun with Maybelline. As for the beardie guy in the supermarket, instead of saying "Huh" why didn't you say, "Actually, I admire Kamala Harris and I think she is doing a fine job as Vice President. It is surely wonderful that our country has a black, female VP"?

    1. I just couldn't imagine engaging with that guy on politics or any other subject. I didn't have the energy.

  6. What a great 4-minute day! I just fell in love with Maybelline... and even a chihuahua. I'm getting ready to head back to Spain this morning and I'm so grateful no lugs have tried to discuss politics during my visit. I just pray for a pleasant or silent taxi driver.

    1. Hope your taxi driver kept to himself!

    2. Ended up in a limo with a great, pleasant, enlightened driver.

  7. Loved the video, but I felt humid just watching it, though the real humidity is further south.
    I just had someone tell me yesterday, without provocation or question, that Trey Gowdy is a good man.
    I stammered, "Okay."
    And kept moving.

    1. Tampa is pretty darn humid at certain times of the year, but it's not too bad at the moment. Getting warmer, though. Trey Gowdy is insufferable.

  8. So pretty, Steve! What a beautiful neighborhood! I love the lake.
    "Soy boy." Ha! I never heard that before.

    1. It's my favorite of all the right-wing putdowns. I want to get a t-shirt made that says "soy boy." LOL!

  9. Beautiful film! You got a portrait of Florida soul there, something that I, usually, am certain doesn't exist. I'm impressed. Maybelline's enclosure is odd (as in irregular, not as in strange) shaped and I'm happy that she has a safe place with interesting nooks for exploring. I'm going to bookmark this video for when I need a mental get-away. Here on the north shore of Long Island we still have raggedy bits of Winter hanging around and I really loved seeing what Summer looks like irl. Thank you.

    1. Sorry your winter is enduring, Vivian! Yes, Florida soul DOES exist, as much as humanity has tried to eclipse it.

  10. I never heard the expression 'soy boy' either. I'll never be cool, I suppose. I was in a store once looking at earbuds for the plane. A man came over to me and said, "Wanna hear a joke?" I said, "Not particularly." (He just looked the part, you know). Undeterred, he continued on with some joke that the punchline amounted to 'Biden is dumb'. I looked at him and said, calmly, "I don't agree with you, and I don't want to listen to you either." I think he meant to make me mad and when it didn't happen, he didn't quite know what to say next. I imagine that you'll see more examples of that man's behavior before your trip to Florida is over.

    1. It's pretty bad when you tell a total stranger you don't want to hear their joke, and they TELL IT ANYWAY!!

  11. I love the wood walkway. Ive walked those at the birding area in Cape May and it's like a privilege, walking without disturbing the residents, being where you couldn't before.

    Chis can be bitey little guys, trying to make their mark. Literally.

    1. Yeah, that dock is great for wildlife and watching the lake.

  12. Looks like a lovely day, dogs, trees, water, sunshine, what else is needed to make a good day?

    1. I agree! The weather is really working with me so far.

  13. I love the video, Steve. It is so nice to see a whole day of sunshine, clear blue skies, and reflections in the lake. Cute doggies too.
    Interesting comment by a stranger. We are living in crazy times.

  14. I love that walkway over the lake, the swampy part of the lake. I'd probably spend a lot of time there. and maybe the lug was a Dem but pissed that the VP was dumb enough to go on Fox. It could happen!

    1. My dad and stepmother used to have their evening cocktails sitting on that walkway, watching the water!

      I considered a similar interpretation of the VP comment, but in the end I don't buy it!

  15. Maybelline looks so sweet. It was fun watching her play. The mist on the lake was beautiful and I loved hearing the birds sing.

    1. She is a great dog. Also a rescue, like Olga.

  16. Your video is so relaxing, charming, a "go to" when feeling particularly Ukrainian.

    1. Keep coming back, Linda Sue! It's here any time you want it!

  17. That looks like a lovely day - lug notwithstanding ;)

  18. Loved your Florida video (esp the pups).

    As for the lug (aka lout in UK), I would have been tempted to respond that someone who watches Fox News really has no room to call anyone else stupid, but, like you, would have walked on without commentary.

    1. Sometimes it's better to just not engage, though you can bet I responded in my head!

  19. Beautiful part of Florida. Your video got me thinking that maybe that is someplace we could move to when we need better/quicker access to medical care, etc. Then I remembered that I don't like being around people and that rising sea levels may flood the lake. We (humans) are screwed. Of course we did it to ourselves. Still, enjoy what is here today; the pups, the scenery, the beauty, the people you love.

    1. There are still sparsely settled parts of Florida, so it's possible to be here and away from anyone else. I think "enjoy what is here today" is a good motto no matter what!

  20. That dog is 10? Such an energetic fellow! I love all the water and the peaceful sounds. I don't know why some people feel compelled to express their political views to strangers. It's hard to know what to do and I always feel like I should have a clever come back.

    1. Isn't it amazing that she's that old? I was astonished at how enthusiastically she chased that toy.

  21. When I encounter a guy like that I always wonder what in the world would make him think I had the slightest interest in his opinion on anything. Especially when it came from Faux news. Love the dog video. :)

    1. Exactly! We all have opinions! I don't know why he was so wound up.

  22. Glad you are having such nice weather. That blue sky in your video is fabulous! I enjoyed seeing that! Stay safe and watch out for lugs!

    1. The sky was incredible the day I took that video. So much blue!

  23. What a fun video! I'm surprised that Maybelline is 10 since she doesn't look or act it. Yep, I think Olga would be jealous.

    I have some Chihuahua "kinfolk", so I know they can be temperamental. 😂

    1. Chihuahuas are horrible little things.

    2. Perhaps the applehead chihuahuas are ... not the deerheads, which we have. Our little Duckie Doodle is a perfect little gentleman who loves everyone and is never, ever yappy. -Kate

  24. Great video! :-). I feel jealous about the weather even if we're having a warm spell here in Londontown. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  25. You do have to wonder why he felt you would want his input.

    1. I bet he was listening to talk radio and just boiled over with frustration in my direction!

  26. Like Ellen, I wonder if that guy was just thinking how it was crazy that the VP would take a chance on going on Fox (because that was kind of my first thought too!) Hard to know.

    Maybelline sure enjoyed your attention. And Pinky IS mellow compared to that older video!! lol

    1. It's a nice thought, but he really didn't say it that way!

  27. Ah yes I remember Florida. Great beauty and great ignorance, all in one li'l ol' state.

    1. Ha! I guess great ignorance appears everywhere these days!

  28. It all looks so peaceful. I love the boardwalk and Maybelline playing.

    1. It's been restful so far, considering how stressful it was to get here!

  29. Love the video....a nice change from the streets of London for you!!

  30. Welcome to Florida. If you only get out with one weirdo-uber-conservative, you've done well! It must be so nice to see family again!

    1. We sort of had another one today. Stay tuned!

  31. My guess, you were there, and he had opinions.

    1. That's kind of what I think, too. He just had to vent.
