Saturday, April 9, 2022

Last Minute Preparations

Congrats to those of you (pretty much everyone) who figured out that the dream about Richard Nixon in yesterday's post was mine. Yes, I really had that dream. It was many years ago -- probably when I was in my 20s -- and I remember how disturbing it was to wake up with the idea that not only was the man I believed to be my father not my father, but Tricky Dick was!

As Andrew said in the comments, the fact that the dream was about Nixon gave away the fact that it was mine. Today's students would be very unlikely to dream about him, I suspect. Trump, maybe, but not Nixon.

Anyway, I'm making last-minute preparations for my flight to Florida, so I'll leave you with some pictures of flowers from the garden. First, the honesty (above) is blooming quite well now.

I collected a clipping of this plant -- some type of lamium, related to a dead nettle -- while walking with Olga many years ago. I put it in the garden where it's been growing ever since. I think this is the first year I've seen it bloom.

And finally, these primroses are going gangbusters! I've photographed them before but they keep adding more and more blossoms. Pretty impressive!

I took all these pictures with my big camera. I think I'm going to try something new when I go to Florida. I'm not taking the camera, for a change. It's big and heavy and cumbersome, and because this is a short trip I'm going to try simply using my phone. Maybe I'll make a video each day or something like that. Stay tuned!


  1. Nixon as a father is bad enough, but lordy, Trump! Thank you for the flower photos and if this is the last post before you fly, do have a great time away.

  2. I hope you have a trouble-free trip to Florida Steve and that you find your family in good health.

  3. I don’t think it possible to dream about Trump. Nightmare yes but not dream.

  4. Honesty looks a great deal like phlox! How funny.

  5. Enjoy the trip and the flowers in Florida... and the fact that Richard Nixon isn't president... nor is he your father.

  6. Travel On Brother Man - Looking Forward To These Future Videos/Photos - Be Safe And Enjoy Those Moments In Time


  7. Have a safe and wonderful journey, Steve. I'm looking forward to your photos of Florida.

  8. Hope your trip goes smoothly and you have a terrific time, Steve!

  9. Have a great trip back the Florida.

  10. Good job with the lamium cutting! Enjoy your trip. I think you will do fine with just your phone camera.

  11. Primroses are special to me and those are beautiful.
    Have a good trip! Great idea to lighten the load by leaving the big camera behind. Phone photos are pretty good these days, especially if the purpose of the photos is NOT for a photography exhibition or contest :)

  12. Have a safe journey and a good family visit. I'd love a video here and there, if you can manage it.

  13. I always love purple flowers but those primrose are looking very, very nice too. I imagine you are flying about now so here's hoping you are having a safe and comfortable journey. (That comfortable part is probably a little too much to ask for when flying these days.)
    P.S. When I was in New York last fall, I used my iPhone all the time. I did bring my big camera with me but I hardly ever carried it, especially if I was spending the day in museums.

  14. Have a great trip! The primroses are very cheerful. Phone photography is the way to go while traveling.

  15. Safe travels, hope the airline Gods treat you well.

  16. Sure would like to see your face! If you get the time, let me know.

  17. I hope the airport is better organised than of late x

  18. I agree with everyone that using your phone will work just fine for photos. We've already seen evidence of that here!

    I hope you have a safe trip and look forward to posts from Florida!

  19. The primroses are spectacular. And what a wonderful name for a flower: Honesty.

  20. Hi, I am trying to catch up on your blog since I have not had a real chance to do so and I will start with your Christmas cactus, which is beautiful by the way. Only one side blooming, I would suggest that you turn it around so it can get some sunlight as well. That is my favorite plant ever. My son Matthew gave me one several years ago, but I gave it to Karyn when I moved to Reno.

    It was funny dreaming of Richard Nixon. I am reading a book written by Donald T Regan, called "For The Record". He was Ronald Regan's Chief Of Staff. I can't put the book down. I am really enjoying it.

    I hope that you can catch your plane today and that your halfway to Florida by now or better yet that your already in Florida. Have a safe and fun trip. xo

  21. Your flowers are beautiful. I think you'll do fine using your phone as a camera while you're on vacation. Enjoy, hugs, Edna B.

  22. Your plants are looking terrific. Have a wonderful holiday away. We want stories!

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