Saturday, November 23, 2024

An Ex-Friend of a Friend

Well, I am finally settling down to write this post, after getting distracted by articles about Cher's new autobiography, rising numbers of alcohol-related deaths and other cheery subjects. (Well, Cher really is cheery, and I might buy that book -- but maybe not right away, having only recently hacked my way through Barbra Streisand's memoirs.)

Blogger was giving me fits yesterday. It wouldn't allow me to answer comments on my own blog. I kept getting error messages that my comments "failed to post." This is a relatively new problem for me but it's been happening more and more, both on my blog and others. It's very annoying, and I don't know whether it's due more to firewalls at work or malfunctions on Blogger's end. Take note, Blogger developers, if you care.

Anyway, that's why all of Thursday's comments remain unanswered. I'll try to get to them later this morning.

My day was relatively sane yesterday -- busy, but manageable. And after I got home, I took the ghostly covering off the avocado so it can benefit from this weekend's expected rainfall and more sunlight.

Here's what the back door looks like -- our makeshift greenhouse, with all the tender plants clustered around it. You can see the plectranthus on the left with the variegated leaves, a couple of geraniums below that, and another geranium behind the Christmas (Thanksgiving?) cacti. The citrus tree is on the right. Everything else lives inside all the time. I may put a few of the outdoor plants back on the patio now that things have warmed up a bit.

What do we think about Pam Bondi? Her appointment interests me mainly because my reporter friend Sue, who lives in Tampa and who I know from college, used to be close friends with Pam. I never met her myself but I heard a lot of stories about their activities together. Certainly neither Sue nor I ever imagined Bondi might become Attorney General of the United States. Sue has since told me that she no longer recognizes the Pam she knew in the uber-conservative woman who is now in the public eye. It appears Bondi went through some life changes over the years that led her to where she is now, and whether these changes were made for the sake of ambition or personal or religious evolution, only Bondi could say.

Anyway, I've been telling people I'm two degrees removed from Pam Bondi. It's good for a joke.

(Top photo: The Alexandra & Ainsworth Estate, on my walk home from work last night.)


  1. Another good night shot.
    You are living in a jungle..but pelargoniums please, not geraniums 😄!
    I've got my Avocado indoors, but our conditions are rather more severe . I would actually keep the cover on yours.

    1. Yes, you are right -- they are technically pelargoniums. I think your weather at the moment is much harsher than ours, especially with Bert. We're just getting wind.

  2. You'll soon need a machete to get out your back door!

    If I find I can't comment it usually works later so I reckon a blip in connection

    1. Yeah, I've had that happen too -- where I go back and it works. It's very strange.

  3. Did they name the beach in Sydney, Australia after her? Lots of rubbish washes up there. One thing is for sure - if Trump picked her then she must be terribly flawed. She went to a little known university that was named after a hat.

    1. Stetson is actually very well known, at least in the Southeast USA. It's a respectable law school, even if all its graduates aren't.

  4. So glad Bondi is an EX-friend of a friend! I’ll just focus on your makeshift green house. Heaven!

    1. That's my characterization and I can't be sure Sue would say the same, but I'm pretty sure they're no longer in touch.

  5. Each day, I cannot believe we are living in this world of Trump and his sycophants. Kennedy and Hegseth should be insulting to any intelligent, decent person. But Gorka? Oh my god.

    1. It just gets crazier and crazier. And Gorka got fired from the White House the first time around! Why on earth would he go back? What will be any different?

  6. I love your living in a greenhouse! My house gets such terrible light that come winter, whatever is left (this year, five smashingly beautiful geraniums) come in till they wither. Last year I wintered a few in the basement and I have to look up how to do that. Basically, you ignore them till spring, they say. Which is what I did but it just doesn't feel right!

    Bondi -- who knows? I'm not thrilled, but then I'm not thrilled with anything he suggests. But when you consider her vs. Gaetz, I guess it's a baby step up.

    1. I usually leave ours outside unless it's freezing. In your area that would be pretty much all the time in winter, I guess!

  7. Bondi is a cultist who has been upo The Felon's ample ass for years; she didn't pursue a lawsuit against Felon University after he donated $25k to her campaign.
    That alone makes her unfit for public office.

    On to a more fun topic ... it looks like your plants are gathering near the door to be let outside into the sunshine!

    1. She is definitely a believer, or convincingly acts like one.

  8. I suspect Bondi will easily be confirmed though from what I have seen thus far, she seems to affirm that Trump lost the last election so I assume she drinks his kool aid. I don't know enough about her at this point to know whether I should be worried or not about her being Attorney General.

    I've seen Cher making the rounds on television. I usually try to avoid biographies until the person is deceased and it is still getting good reviews. Buying them before seems like I am just supporting their famous lifestyle of caviar and fancy cars.

    1. She definitely drinks the Kool-Aid, or at least appears to -- which is enough in Trump's world. All he wants is demonstrated loyalty.

  9. Tis the season for indoor jungles!
    Bondi. Blondy. I'm just surprised she's not in the crosshairs of some sexual scandal like all of the rest of them seem to be.

    1. I believe there was a minor scandal of sorts involving a dog she adopted from Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina and then would not return to its previous owners. I don't quite remember the specifics. But yeah, not sexual!

  10. I have none of the blogger issues you describe, just stuff getting into spam, so maybe it's your school system protective layers. Kids and that.
    I never thought I'd see corrupt Bondi as better than an even worse pick. But at least she's been an AG. Minimum requirement.

    All those plants! My own collection is now much smaller, big enough for me to attend though.

    1. Yeah, she has experience, which is more than can be said for Gaetz.

  11. None of Frump's picks will be any good.
    You do love your plants, Steve!

    1. They won't last long, either, in all likelihood!

  12. I've always been a Cher fan, especially her earlier music. I can belt out "Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves" right along with her!

    1. That's a great song! Probably her best, I'd say.

  13. I love your indoor jungle! I feel like having all that greenery around is good for you. I follow someone on Instagram who grew up across the street from Marjorie Taylor Green. He was also puzzled about how she turned out the way she did.

    1. That's interesting. It's funny how some people seem to get so extreme as they get older. One of my childhood friends is a dedicated conspiracist and Trump believer. She was always a little peculiar, though. LOL!

  14. we've had a few nights in the 40s but still not cold enough to bring anything in. once stuff comes in here it stays in until no more threat of a freeze. as for Bondi, she's just another Trump butt kisser and will do whatever he wants whether it's warranted or not. so as far as I'm concerned she is not qualified just like all his other picks.

    1. I remember you put things in the garage, right? I wish we had a garage. Our only outdoor storage has no windows.

  15. The only positive thing I can think to say about Bondi is that at least she's an experienced lawyer. From what I've read, she is a faithful follower of all things Trump which leads me to think she will probably do everything he wants regardless of how appropriate it may be.
    I love that top photo. That's an interesting place to photograph.

    1. What I don't know is WHY she is a Trumper. I'm not sure where that belief system comes from.

  16. I just saw Cher on Friday, on the Live with Kelly and Mark show. Her face is so immobile ... she can smile but can barely open her mouth! Her memoir is Part One! So, there must be more to come! 🤦

    1. LOL -- at first I thought you were talking about Pam Bondi!

  17. Steve, from where I sit you're way more than two degrees from Bondi. She's just another Trumphumper lacking a moral compass. She'll do whatever he wants her to do, ethics be damned. In many ways she's way more dangerous than Gaetz, because she's a hell of a lot smarter. That top photo is a really good one, thanks for sharing. Cheers!

    1. Yeah, I agree. The smart people are the dangerous ones. I think Bannon falls into that camp, as much as I hate to admit it.

  18. Bondi is as corrupt as the rest of them, she'll fit right in. I guess you're living in a very oxygen rich environment with all of those plants. Does the lemon tree produce fruit?

    1. No fruit yet from the citrus. It did bloom in the spring, sort of, but none of the fruit ever matured.

    2. Perhaps it needs a pollinator.

  19. Your plants look great for being outside.

    1. I think they prefer outside, even in winter, as long as it's not freezing. That's why I move them in and out as temperature demands.

  20. Anybody DT selects for office has to defer to him. That's the key selection criteria. I don't know much about Bondi. It is interesting to hear that Pam feels she's undergone a transformation and is unrecognizable.
    I love your indoor garden.

    1. Absolutely. And it helps if they've been on TV. He loves people who are media-savvy and loyal.

  21. I saw a news clip of Pam talking about how they're going to investigate the investigators and prosecute the prosecutors. In other words, anyone who dared to investigate/prosecute trump. Pam's good point: She isn't Matt Gaetz. I love Cher. I'd like to read her book, but it's too expensive. I need to wait for the price to come down. I'd like to read Streisand's book someday, too. Maybe I'll be able to find it at a used bookstore. Your plants look happy.


    1. I bet you could get Streisand at the library at this point.

  22. Love that top photo and the indoor jungle. Your comment issue is Blogger's problem, most of us have been through it and now it's your turn. They'll move on and you will be back to normal.

    1. It's very weird how we all have this struggle. Why can't they get that fixed? Seems like it ought to be relatively simple.

  23. I love your jungle! About that avocado it under the Russian's balcony. Can't you attach the frost blanket to the underside of the balcony and just pull it back when the weather allows? It would save an awful lot of time.

    If it doesn't bring the wrath of the Russians down on your head, anyways.

    1. We've thought about attaching the blanket to the eaves and rolling it down like an awning. But yeah, I think the Russians would wildly object! Also, the tree is a bit higher than the floor of their terrace, so it would take some maneuvering. We might try it, though.

  24. Your plants are very impressive! I've been having issues commenting, mainly on Blogger but sometimes on Typepad too. Then the next day it's OK. Just once I'd like to be favorably impressed by Trump's picks, but so far, I am even more terrified.
