Wednesday, January 22, 2025

School Decor

The kids in the Lower School have created another interesting series of artworks. I'm seeing cats, bears and various cylindrical, box- and cone-shaped objects. Once again, I wonder what they used for inspiration? Anyway, the art makes a colorful display.

I don't have much to report from yesterday. Work, work, work. Our new assistant has started but she's still learning the cataloging system and the lay of the land, so I don't have a real sense yet of how her presence will affect my workload.

The seniors have decorated their gathering space beneath the stairs for Spirit Week, including papering over the light for a groovy red effect. You can barely see it, but there's a green bean bag at the left beneath the giant green banana that says "SENIORS." That bean bag used to be in our dining room! But it was too big for our flat so I gave it to the school, and I'm glad it's being used.

As for the big banana, which I blogged previously -- a second one has appeared, in rainbow camouflage. The mysteries proliferate!

Dave and I had a Zoom call last night with the lawyer who's helping with our estate planning. That was a barrel of laughs. We sent him back to do some revisions but I think the process is almost done.

And today we're supposed to have our annual flat inspection. The managing agent sends someone each year to check the place over and note anything that needs work. I have a few items to bring to his/her attention! In fact I should probably be cleaning right now.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! It turned out not to make much difference. :)

  2. "I'm glad it's being it used..." Tut-tut Steve! It's not like you to make a grammatical or typographical error. In your blog, such things are as rare as hen's teeth! Papering over the seniors' corner ceiling light could result in a fire. Unlikely but possible.

    1. Typo corrected! Thanks for pointing it out. I'll let the health & safety people worry about the light. :)

  3. Lovely bright artwork from the younger ones. The Seniors' space looks like a den of iniquity.

  4. That's great, seeing the beanbag in use! What a fun idea of the room. And I really love the little ones' art work! I thought it was a quilt at first. Good luck with the inspection.

    1. Yes, I'm so glad that beanbag didn't go to waste. We initially put it in the library but it was too big even for there!

  5. That is quite a gathering space; between that and the Lower School artwork everything looks festive and fun in the cold gray days of January!

  6. I love the kids’ version of a patchwork quilt. And that gathering space! Like something from the show Elite… well sorta.

    1. I do not know this show. Guess I need to do some research. :)

  7. I love that artwork, it looks like a quilt. A beanbag chair for senios. I'd love to watch a senior getting out of that chair, just saying:)

  8. Such a lovely colourful artwork display!

    1. I'd love to know the prompts. Were they given a choice of items to draw and/or paint?

  9. The kids paper quilt is great. I taught a version of this long ago as a special project, and they loved doing their own block then seeing where it came in the whole artwork. It's a good team building art approach.
    I love how you say that at work you worked! Well, yeah.

    1. It's so funny how so many of you automatically relate it to a quilt. I get it but I would never have thought to describe it that way. Of course, you think in fabric. :)

  10. You have lots of colorful things to see at work these days. I love the art works. It looks like a great quilt of color.

    1. Yeah, it helps to have a colorful space in these dark wintry days.

  11. Keep kids busy with interesting activities.

  12. Gosh, that did remind me of the silly celebrations and decorating we did when I was in high school in the olden days! We had so much fun back then.

    1. It's very much a high school thing, isn't it?! We did the same.

  13. Nice art. I love seeing the kids getting creative.
    Hopefully, the new assistant will come up-to-speed quickly.

  14. I really like the "quilt" display from the younger kids! And kudos to the person who arranged it on the wall.

  15. I love all the art! It's so important that children explore that form of expression. Estate planning is not fun at all. Nor are taxes which I need to start thinking about. (got my Social Security statement yesterday)

    1. I'm so sick of all this tax and estate stuff. Such a nightmare.

  16. Here's hoping the new hire can pull their weight. You seem to be awfully busy.

    1. I am very busy. I literally do not have a spare moment. I haven't been this busy at work since taking this job 12 years ago!

  17. The Lower School has a great art teacher. Were the kids only given three colors and mixed their own green and orange? Don't think I'd like hanging out in all that red.

    1. The mixed colors seem very consistent so I'm guessing someone did it for them.

  18. Interesting spirit week decor. Also, love the artwork. Kid's art is the best art.

    1. And we're about to go into Valentine's Day, which means even MORE red!

  19. The art teacher must be good. Love the colors!

    1. We actually have several art teachers for each level of the school. We're pretty good about art instruction.

  20. We need to get more serious about our estate planning. We had a will drawn up years ago but it really does need to be updated.

    1. At least you've got one! My last will was written before Dave, so it's way out of date.

  21. Replies
    1. That one really stands out, doesn't it?! We're probably drawn to anything with a face.

  22. That artwork would make a wonderful kids' quilt; it's cheerful and vibrant. The kids must love seeing it on the wall. When you referred to the seniors' gathering place under the stairs, for a moment my mind went to seniors-old-people, not seniors-high-school and I pictured a dungeon-like space for old folks to meet up and play cards, lol. The reality is so much different! I bet the bean bag chair is the prized seat; it would be my first pick as a teenager. Good luck with the estate planning and the visit from the apartment management :)

    1. It's funny; when I said "seniors" I didn't even think of senior citizens! And I practically AM one!
