Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Double Nickels

This stand of sumac near our flat is looking particularly nice this year. I wish I'd been able to photograph it in sunlight, when it's even brighter, but you get the idea!

Fifty-five years ago today, at Tampa General Hospital, a slightly underweight baby entered the world a month early -- and that baby was me. Fortunately, although I was early, I was completely healthy and didn't need any special attention. (I was going to post a picture of me as a newborn but even though my dad took about 12,000 of them, apparently I never scanned any. That's probably because they're incredibly boring. I look like a rectangular blob swaddled in blankets, lying in a crib. So, on second thought, it's just as well I'm not inflicting that on you.)

Anyway, Dave says we're celebrating sometime later this week. I have no idea what might be in the works, but I hope a martini is involved.

Yesterday, on our walk, Olga and I came across a couple of balloons -- a black one and a purple one -- lying on the grass at the nearby housing estate. It was trash day so I'm guessing they were leftovers from someone's Halloween festivities, and had blown out of a trash bin. I picked up the purple one and gave it a swat to make it airborne and Olga was immediately excited by this new game -- she jumped and tried to bite it but of course that just knocked the balloon higher into the air. Eventually it landed and she demolished it.

We did the same with the black one but my attempt to make a video went completely haywire, as you can see. It's hard to hold a phone AND focus on a dog that's practically climbing my body AND keep a balloon airborne. Plus some poor woman chose that moment to pass us on the sidewalk so I was trying to avoid getting her in the shot. The result is chaos, but you can see Olga give the balloon a couple of good bonks before she ends its misery.


  1. A very happy birthday then. So you weren't attention seeking when you were born!

    Look at Olga's tail going ninety to the dozen. She is having fun.

    1. I'm sure I sought plenty of attention from my mother!

  2. Happy birthday! I’d love to see The Blob! (Your 8 years younger than the first one.) So nice to see Olga playing like a puppy. As for the video, I understand completely.

    1. You’re you’re you’re... I HATE when people make that mistake. This, I swear, was a typo or autocorrect.

    2. Maybe I'll try to scare up a picture at some point. I think they're all in my mom's photo album in Florida, though, so it will be a while!

  3. Happy Birthday...hope you get your martini !

  4. Happy Birthday! A good martini sounds like a good start!

    1. It definitely put me in a celebratory mood! LOL!

  5. Well a very happy birthday to you! Can't wait to see what Dave has cooked up! 55 isn't a bad age. From what I remember, anyways. It was ten years ago for me.

    1. Dave's surprise is coming this weekend. It's still a mystery!

  6. Lovely Awwww video, always love to see Olga.

  7. Happy Birthday Steve. Enjoy your day.

  8. You never know your luck Steve, maybe Dave will take you to McDonalds for a Big Mac! In the meantime, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Tell the ankle biters in the school library that no chargers will be lent out today! By the way, it's nice to see that Olga enjoys bonking!

    1. Who knew that Olga had this hidden talent? Fortunately, we've stopped lending chargers entirely, so I don't have to deal with that task anymore!

  9. Happy Birthday Steve!! I hope you have a wonderful day (and year!)

  10. Hot Damn And Happy Double Can't Drive 55 - Well Done And Thanx For The Video Clip - As You Know, Olga Girl Makes My Day - All The Best During This Next Trip Around The Sun - Love You Guys


    1. Ha! I've been singing that song all week in my head! Thanks for the good wishes. :)

  11. Happy 55th Birthday, Steve!

    Lol - Olga has that surprised look on her face trying to figure out what happened to the balloon once she popped it.

  12. Happy Birthday, Steve! Best wishes for a year filled with good health and fun adventures!

  13. Happy happy birthday!! I hope you do something fun later in the week, although I don't know how Dave can top Olga and the balloons :)

  14. Our boxer used to love to pop balloons. That dog would jump five feet in the air. Happy birthday, Steve! I'm glad you were born!

    1. I was amazed Olga was jumping considering her creaky joints. Thanks for the bday wishes!

  15. Happy happy birthday to you, Steve! I send you good wishes for you a wonderful and celebratory day.

  16. Oh you young thang! Happy Birthday to you! A new game for Olga- what fun for the funny pooch. Made her day!

    1. Yeah, when I showed Dave the video, he said, "We gotta buy some balloons!"

  17. That really did make Olga happy! So a great big Happy Birthday to you. I'm hoping you are enjoying your day!

  18. I love seeing Olga chase a balloon that didn't last too long. I bet she is wondering what happened so fast. (lol) Sweet baby Olga. Gotta love her. 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' HOLLERING ACROSS THE POND. ENJOY YOUR DAY. Tell Dave and Olga I said hello.

    1. Thanks, Angelicastar! Yeah, I think the disappearing balloon probably confused Olga! She expected it to be durable like a soccer ball. (Although she also punctures those.)

  19. Happy Birthday and many happy returns, Steve! You're just a spring chicken :)

  20. With all of these wishes for a very happy birthday ... How can you miss?
    I shall add my wish that you have a fabulous birthday 🥳 and await the surprise Dave has in store for you!

    1. Thanks so much, Marcia! I'll keep you all posted on the surprise when I find out myself what it is!

  21. Happy Birthday, Steve! I look forward to finding out what Dave has planned. Maybe Olga will have a surprise for you, as well. 🎉

    1. Olga is FULL of surprises, even at her advanced age!

  22. Happy birthday. I hope Dave has something great planned.

  23. I did have one last night, and it was fabulous.

  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE. We almost share the same birthday. Mine is two days away. I hope your day is awesome. Hugs, Edna B.
    p.s. That's a cute video of Olga and the balloon.
