Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Busy, Busy

I should have anticipated yesterday would be busy, but it wound up being even busier than I expected. Lots of classes coming in for new reading material and lots of books coming back after the break. I took a 15-minute lunch and otherwise it was go, go, go!

Consequently I have nothing much to say, because you don't want to hear about how many books I re-shelved. Trust me, it was a lot.

As Dave and I anticipated, there are quite a few people out for Covid-related illness, both students and staff. Either they tested positive and they're isolating or they're actively sick, though I haven't heard of anyone being seriously ill, knock on wood.

I found this very '60s-looking glass tray on the way home, sitting on a garden wall on Finchley Road next to a rubbish pile. How fantastic is that? I'm hesitant to even show it to you given my recent purchase of the zebra with a crown; I don't want you to think I have absolutely no taste. But of course I'm keeping it.

(Top photo: Croydon, a couple of weeks ago.)


  1. I love the tray. What a find.

  2. The tray is lovely. Beautiful colours.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm glad you think so! I like it too. It IS very retro but I don't think it's that old.

  4. Like the other three "Lou" Reed fans who have commented above, I also admire your latest find. It would be nice to learn more about it - such as where it was made.

    1. Yeah, it has no sticker or maker's mark that I can find, and I don't see anything exactly like it anywhere online. I found a similar item on eBay (same flowers, different color and shape) but it also had no ID. So it's a mystery!

  5. Just think about packing when you have to move again 🤣🥺

  6. The zebra gave me pause, but I love the tray. 60s retro methinks!

    1. Is it merely retro or is it authentic '60s? I can't tell. Probably too much to hope for that it's vintage.

  7. Another good find! Looks like a scarf frozen in glass. Cool!
    I like the colorful photo from Croydon. Is that how they decorate closed shops? Fancy!

    1. I think they're called handkerchief trays (or bowls or vases) for that exact reason.

      I saw several shopfronts like that in Croydon, so it must be a local street beautification effort!

  8. You would have been remiss not to bring that tray home. It would look lovely with a few candles burning on it or small plants rooting or...
    That top picture is a good one. London shops are certainly more creative in their window decorating than the ones around here.

    1. We could definitely use the tray for serving hors d'oeuvres (like we do that a lot, LOL).

  9. I actually like the glass tray. It would make a nice spoon rest. Jury's still out on Zach.

    1. I'll probably fill it up with random items collected on my walks! MY jury is in on Zack. :)

  10. I love that glass tray. It reminds me so much of one my mother had. Even the shape is the same although I think the pattern was a bit different. I also like the top photo. Fantastic composition.

    1. They were definitely in style back in the '60s and maybe '70s.

  11. Five out of thirteen kids in my youngest's class were out yesterday due to illness. I don't think any of them have been vaccinated except for my daughter who is also the only one that still wears a mask in class. I suspect at least some of them were Covid and so now I'm monitoring her for symptoms... again... so soon after the false alarm over Christmas.

    1. Ugh! We've had lots of kids out here, but sometimes they're just out for a day or two awaiting a confirming test which then shows them negative. It's all a mystery!

  12. The glass tray is a blast. I would have picked it up, too. I would also have picked up that shop front. I wish that would be done to all the closed shops around town. Great photo!

    1. It definitely livens up the streetscape! It's weirdly tropical for Croydon, though, which is hardly the type of environment where you'd find an orchid. LOL

  13. That glass tray is beautiful. It was out there just for you, Steve. The universe works in mysterious ways. Ask the crowned Zebra.

    1. I love to think that's true, Robin! I can't imagine it was there long. Who would pass that up?!

  14. Does Dave look at you suspiciously when you come home -- now what's he found? The tray is good though. I expect it will grow on him.

    1. Oh yeah. I think he grimaces in anticipation every time I come through the door. LOL

  15. Of course you are! Keeping the tray I mean, not being busy at work but of course you were.

    1. Yeah, I shouldn't be surprised by being busy, but I kind of was. It was just such a madhouse.

  16. I So Dig All Of Your Treasures - Keeping Busy Keeps Our Eyes Off The Clock - Hang Tough This Week As A Friday Martini Awaits You - Be Well


    1. That's true -- it's better to be busy than not. Who says I have to wait until Friday? LOL

  17. Inspiring! I finally got my camera out the other day and I'm dedicated to teaching myself how to use it. Have been waiting for a class to start but Covid interrupted that one.

    1. Excellent! Photography has kept me sane through all this crazy Covid. It really helps to have an activity I can do alone and outdoors with no mask.

  18. That tray is lovely! My life just got more complicated - I already knew that our director was retiring in May, but I just found out today that her #2 gave her two week notice yesterday. So there are about to be a LOT of changes and extra work around here. Which is why I'm reading blogs. Ha!

    1. Wow! That will be a big change! Will you be in interim control?!

    2. Oh no - I'm about third in line. Thank goodness!

  19. I think your new glass tray is beautiful. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

  20. We have one those trays but ours has a different design. we got it for wedding present in 1966!

    1. Well, exactly! I wonder if ours could be that old?!

  21. That tray was too good to throw away, could it have been stolen

    1. I mean, anything's possible, but why would someone steal it only to abandon it on the street? It was next to the bin bags, so I really think its owner just didn't want it but knew to leave it for someone else.

  22. What are the dimensions on the tray? (I need something in the photo to give me some perspective!)

    I'm really taken by the first photo. The composition with the person, the artwork in the background, and even the trashcan... it's all very satisfying to me.

    1. I'll have to measure it when I get home. I'm thinking it's about a foot on the long side.

  23. I'm seeing many former colleagues who are very careful and have been triple vaxxed getting Covid. I'm sure my time will come. Ugh.

    1. Yeah, this new variant seems very contagious regardless of vaccine status. (Though the vaccines supposedly help prevent serious illness.)

  24. You have impeccable taste! No matter what Dave says. 😁
    Good luck with staying clean. (of Omicron)

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence! If Dave gives me grief I'm going to tell him what you said. :)
