Tuesday, June 13, 2023

A Broken Orchid

The dog got me up at 4:45 a.m. today. Thanks, dog.

We've had a minor disaster with one of our orchids. Early in its blooming cycle, something bored a hole into a leaf and part of the flower stalk -- I assume some kind of insect, though I never saw one. It didn't seem to harm the plant, which went on to bloom just fine. Until, that is, the weight of the blooms became so heavy that the stalk broke at its weakened point. I found it lying on the windowsill, barely attached to the plant, the flowers wilting.

I put it in water so we can at least enjoy it for a while, though I don't think it will last as long as it would if still attached. We'll see.

In happier plant news, remember that geranium I severely pruned? I saved one of the cuttings and put it in soil, and it has taken root and even bloomed! The original plant has leafed out a bit too, but it's still looking pretty twiggy overall. Time will tell how well it recovers.

I had a busy weekend. Aside from walking Olga on Saturday, I planted all my sunflower and datura seedlings. I put most of the sunflowers in the ground (as above) and I put the daturas in bigger pots. My foxglove seedlings are still too small to move.

I also finished "The Magic Kingdom" -- FINALLY. I now have to catch up on several weeks of The New Yorker.

Speaking of which, this is the newest cover -- "The Look of Pride" by Sasha Velour. Don't you LOVE THAT? So energetic and colorful and contemporary for the legendarily staid magazine.

In other happy news (aside from the geranium), I think I may have fixed my big camera. I switched out the data card and cleaned the lens contact points with a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol, and they seem to work. Not sure how long this will last, but I'm eager to be able to use the camera again. I love the phone and its convenience, but there's no question the camera takes better pictures.

Today's our last full day of school with students. I have been feeling besieged lately -- there are people around me ALL THE TIME, kids demanding books and people asking me questions and hovering around my desk. I am desperately ready to retreat into summer vacation! Just gotta hold on a few more days!


  1. So wonderful to see that New Yorker cover. A shame about the orchid. I hope it gives you pleasure for a while. It's a beauty. As for work, isn't it always darkest before the dawn? At least that's what I've been told.

  2. Poor old Steve! Librarians should not have to deal with people! They should be left to sit quietly reading back copies of "The New Yorker" before leaving comments on their favourite blogs. Do teenage boys count as people? I'm not sure.

  3. Congratulations on your last day of school! I think in your next career you should be a professional gardener!

  4. The New Yorker cover is stunning. I would not want to commit but maybe I could read something from it online.
    Ah yes, the hunger for holidays as the final day approaches...you can do it.

  5. Sasha is a fabulous drag queen; one of my favorites!

  6. i always wanted to be a librarian, it seemed such a wonderful job. I love libraries, it feels like coming home to enter one, i was thinking about your friend Christopher, and your comment that you had not known his illness had returned. I think sometimes when you know you have something life threatening you just want to chat to a good friend as if everything was okay in you life as if you were the same friend from way back without all the impending doom,,,to hide it away and enjoy a normal conversation. Jean in winnipeg

  7. I just took a couple of days off of work because of feeling besieged by people all of May. It's exhausting! I'm ready for things to simmer down :)

  8. Hang in there, Steve! Soon you will have time and space to work on your own projects, to enjoy your garden and your camera. Now if you could just somehow manage to let Olga know that you do not need to get up at 4:45 a.m.!

  9. You certainly have a green thumb, Steve, and have the fabulous garden to prove it!
    You certainly will enjoy your summer break but it will fly by so make the most of it!
    I just had to rewatch the Sasha Velour lip sync for the crown in Season 9 of Drag Race. Goodness, that was great! Awesome New Yorker cover!

  10. What a great cover on the New Yorker. And, too bad about the orchid. I do hope the blooms last a few days so you can enjoy them. Summer vacation is within sight. That must be a great feeling.

  11. just too damn hot to do any gardening here now. I do like the cover on the New Yorker. I would be totally drained after a day like that.

  12. I just checked the sunrise time in London... 4:45 am! No wonder Olga is getting you up earlier. The day has begun.
    That New Yorker cover is so great. I love it.
    Hope all goes well with the orchids.

  13. I was just looking at my copy of that New Yorker thinking, Wow! The colors are incredible.

  14. I love Martha Washingtons but didn't find one this year. That's the problem with going plant shopping the weekend after Mothers' Day. I remember the overwhelmed feeling at the end of school and the relief afterward. I would usually feel at loose ends for a while though.

  15. Poor orchid! That New Yorker is next up in my queue of magazines to read. I've been marching though them because all of my Kindle fiction choices have been so awful.

  16. I have always thought the life of a teacher/librarian, with summers off, would be the best job ever. But the lead up to that summer off doesn't sound too pleasant.

  17. What a fun, vibrant cover on The New Yorker! My digital library offers magazines and I noticed it on the homepage of the app this week.

    Hang in there... you're crossing the finish line!

  18. Woohoo! Nearly to the end of the year! But I can't even imagine how hectic it is for you, trying to extract books from the kids and also giving them out.

    So funny to see that New Yorker cover (and yes, very cool it is) there on your post, as though I'm thinking, "But that's MY magazine." :o)

  19. That New Yorker cover is quite the departure for them, but I do love it!!

  20. I don't know why they let people into the library.

    Your orchid is stunning.

  21. Geraniums are tough and grow almost anywhere which is why my mum had a hedge of them in every place we ever lived. She just took a piece when we moved and planted it when we arrived.

  22. Vacation is on the way -- you can do this! I love geraniums. But so sorry about the orchid.

  23. Mitchell: Isn't it a great cover?! I love her picking her teeth with her nail. Looks like she's trying to get lipstick off her tooth. LOL

    YP: Amen to that! As we often say, "School would be great if it weren't for the students!"

    Michael: Yeah, but then again, when you take your hobby and make it a job, the joy goes out of it, doesn't it?!

    Bob: OK, I did not initially know that Sasha was an actual drag queen. But I have looked her up and now see that this is a self-portrait.

    Jean: I think you're right about Christopher. I think he just wanted to connect and not talk constantly about illness.

    Bug: "Simmer down" is such a good term. :)

    Ms Moon: This is something we've always struggled with. Olga is up at the first hint of daylight EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    Ellen D: I have never seen that! As I told Bob, I didn't even realize Sasha was a real drag queen. I thought it was just the name of the cover artist.

    Sharon: I hope so too. I have no idea how long I can expect them to last.

    Ellen: Oh, I remember that heat in the South in June. You just can't do any work outside after about 10 a.m.!

    Robin: That's exactly it. She responds to the first hint of sunlight.

    Colette: Aren't they?! And so un-New Yorker!

    Margaret: I just noticed my pruned Martha Washington is blooming, too. So now I have TWO of them! (I can mail you one!)

    Allison: Well, at least you're forced to stay focused on your magazines!

    Ed: Oh, like any job, I suppose it has its ups and downs. Being a school librarian is more chaotic than people think because there's such an element of "crowd control."

    Kelly: It definitely will be eye-catching on the newsstand!

    Marty: Ha! The miracle of the printing press!

    Jim: It's great when a publication does something daring, and this seems pretty daring.

    Caro: THAT'S HOW I FEEL! LOL! (Especially at this time of year.)

    River: I've never heard of a geranium hedge, but hey, why not?! We have several that have lived from year to year and yes, they ARE tough.

    Jeanie: I love them too. London is often too damp for them to really prosper but at the moment we're having ideal geranium weather!
