Thursday, June 1, 2023

A Vibe, a Nonce and a Sexist Pub

I haven't done a post of random photos in a while, and I have some stacked up. So here goes.

First, this is the scene at a major intersection in Swiss Cottage that I cross on my walk to work. How on earth can construction people make sense of all those sidewalk notes?

I took this picture for my brother, who loves vintage '80s cars. This is a Honda Accord EX that is often parked around the corner from our flat. What year is it, JM?

A very springtime lost sock.

Wishful thinking in the struggle for a parking space.

I saw this while walking the dog. It seemed an upbeat message for a routine morning!

This peculiar sticker is on a pole in St. John's Wood. It bears the name of a couple of AIDS organizations along with a message, in Italian, saying: "But it wasn't just from the '80s." So I guess it's AIDS awareness? Or maybe specifically AIDS-related pneumonia, since it's an image of lungs?

Graffiti on a phone booth. "Nonce" is one of those British words that I never really saw in the United States. Basically, it means sex offender or pedophile.

I'm wondering what would make someone write a message slurring the father of any random stranger who happened to pass by?

This poster of a woman in wildly impractical clothing was in the men's loo at a pub where we stopped recently. It seems pretty retrograde -- and also Texan, or maybe Australian.

There was also a sign near the bar that said, "Men: No shirt, no shoes, no service. Women: No shirt, free drinks."

And finally, a horse chestnut tree near our flat in full bloom. It's hard to get a decent picture of it because there are always a lot of cars and signs and debris on that corner, but this isn't too bad.


  1. The image of the tiny pink sock among pink petals against the grey background is strangely charming, a combination of loveliness and loneliness. I find it quite striking.

    I'm thinking of breaking down and getting a smartphone, and one of the reasons is to have a decent camera capability. Your photos show they're pretty darn good quality.

  2. That Men's room picture is not Australian, the crown on the hat is too high, has to be Texan. I always thought nonce meant idiot.

  3. Oh that tree! Yeah, that would be my last time in that pub. Looks like the vibe is no longer alive. Those sidewalk notes look like a joke.

  4. I never thought about painting "Yes Parking" on a sign ....

  5. Great compilation of pix again. I thought a nonce meant a fool, like nonentity. Learned something.

  6. Perhaps someone was talking politely on the phone while writing their actual thoughts about the listener's father on the face of it.

  7. I agree with Mitchell, I wouldn't go into that bar again.
    An interesting collection - I like the pink sock best! Sweet!

  8. Seems to me that the British have no problem with graffiti-ing their thoughts and opinions. I guess it's the same here too. It's certainly not like I'm ever in a city to see what's going on.
    Those construction sidewalk notes make me wonder if the builders of the ancient Maya temples and pyramids and cities used such markings? What about the builders of cathedrals? The basilica?

  9. You take the best random photos, Steve. I love seeing the world there through your very observant eyes. Wonderful pics.

  10. You often spot weird stuff Steve. Does that make you weird too? Possibly.

  11. I'm going to guess that the sock was sucked out of someone's dryer and coughed into the atmosphere and landed on a London sidewalk. It certainly would explain a great deal, and the idea that my missing sock has ended up in some exotic place makes me feel much better about missing socks in general.

    Answer: An asshat.

    Observation: I always wonder why so much emphasis is put on 'decorative'. I myself would not be considered decorative, but I am functional.

  12. So many times I've seen those same markings on the street where construction is beginning. I've wondered the same thing, what on earth does it mean? Another great selection of random shots.
    I hope you are keeping the vibe alive!

  13. I love these posts and this is an interesting collection, as usual. I think the sock is my favorite. The composition is perfect! I'm not impressed with the bathroom decor.

  14. Love the sock. I, too, would not go to that pub again. I am old, and I am just sick to death of images like that.

  15. My first thought about the pub sign is they haven't seen me without a shirt - they might change their minds about giving me a free drink!

  16. At nearly 67 I'm sure they would rather I keep my clothes on-lol! Love the random shots; walking is such a great way to observe the minutiae of the world.

  17. I love good titles , but 5hus one is a doozie

  18. Jenny-O: I use mine for photos more than anything else! (Certainly more than making calls.)

    River: I would not have spotted the difference in hats!

    Mitchell: Actually, it wasn't a bad pub, aside from all the "lad culture" references.

    Bob: Probably not very effective! LOL

    Boud: Maybe the definition has expanded or broadened, but Oxford says, "a person convicted of a sexual offence, especially against a child." (Granted there are several definitions depending on usage.)

    Ed: Ha! Could be!

    Ellen D: I loved the way the sock and the petals matched.

    Ms Moon: I guess underground cables were scarce in those days. But the Romans had underground water pipes, right?

    Robin: Glad you liked them. :)

    YP: Oh, I freely admit it! LOL

    Debby: Good theory on the sock! More prosaically, I'm guessing it fell out of someone's stroller. :)

    Sharon: I think it's underground cabling and such, but how they make any sense of them (and how they can work around them) are mysteries to me.

    Kelly: Neither was I!

    Allison: I was actually surprised to see it. Cheesecake images like that are falling by the wayside, I think.

    Bug: I'm sure if anyone actually walked in there topless the first thing they'd do is call the police.

    Margaret: I do see so much when I walk. I take at least one picture every day.

    John: Ha! Not very creative, though, really -- just telling it like it is!

  19. That's a lovely tree, in full bloom. I have no luck with orchids but you apparently do. I am a little envious.

  20. It's obvious, it's all in the colours.

  21. Loads of fun ones this time. Yes, why on the gas pump, of all places?
