Saturday, June 10, 2023

Rogue's Gallery

When I ordered our replacement TV cable on Thursday, I tried something new. I didn't want it to sit outside our flat on the doorstep, so I had it delivered to an Amazon pick-up point at our local grocery store. Last night I walked to the high street and collected it, which was easy as pie. I think this will be my new delivery technique for Amazon. I'm not sure how Waitrose makes any money off it but I suppose there must be something in it for them.

Anyway, while I was on the high street I noticed that our new burger place is now open. It's certainly drawn a crowd. This is the place that promised "filthy rich food," if you remember.

Farther down the street there's a sort of retro-'70s themed bar with hanging plants perpetually on the brink of death and a collection of headshots on the wall, some of them autographed:

Who are all those people? I see Michael Caine, Marc Bolan, Dionne Warwick, John Travolta, Debby Harry, Twiggy and Olivia Newton-John...and I'm pretty sure that's David Cassidy at the far end.

Here's another shot, more reflective -- obviously I shot these through the window -- but perhaps a better angle. That's Leo Sayer at lower right, and Bo Derek above him. I think Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers are on the bottom to the left of the "open" sign, with Rod Stewart diagonally above them. Richard Kiel and Lynda Carter (as Wonder Woman) are at the top in the middle. And that's a very faded Cher and Sonny Bono above Michael Caine. Who have I missed?

Anyway, I've always been tempted to go to this bar just to check out their headshot gallery. But it's never open when I'm walking by -- or maybe it's open, but it's empty. I think it's more of a late-night place, and I'm in bed then.

Thank God it's the weekend! THANK GOD! I was running like crazy yesterday too. I know I've been absent from blogland but I'm going to try to catch up this weekend.

Last night I went out with some co-workers to celebrate my boss's retirement. But it turned out to be a rather hollow celebration, because she announced yesterday morning that she's staying on another year as a maternity replacement for one of our other librarians! The more things change, they more they stay the same, right?

Anyway, it was an excuse to have a few pints and chat, which is never a bad thing.


  1. I would imagine Amazon pay some rent to Waitrose, and who knows what someone there to pick up a parcel might decide to buy inside.

    The photo gallery would be great to examine.

  2. I would love to stand and study that wall.

  3. We too have taken advantage of those drop-off locations for deliveries (and not just from Amazon). It's a great idea. Your boss retire like my sister-in-law. She was a 2nd-grade teacher for 34 years. She continued working to fill in for long absences and ended up working full-time for another 3 years. After the first 1-1/2 years, she said she couldn't understand why people have such a hard time adjusting to retirement. Argh.

  4. RE photos: I think I see Twiggy and Olivia Newton-John over to the left in your second photo (three up from the bottom).

  5. That bar kinda looks like some cheesy restaurant in the 80s. I'd try the burger place, though.

  6. I agree with Bob- I get a real old cheesy restaurant vibe looking at that wall too. If you're ever up late and walking past, you should drop in and see what the deal is.
    I'm glad it's the weekend for you! I hope you're enjoying it.

  7. Wow, people are enjoying food outside and are wearing shorts and sleeveless shirts! It must be warm and sunny there. What is that like... this warmth and sunshine? We don't get it here on the north coast of California. LOL!
    Interesting wall of photos. I would love to see it and test my memory of the names that go with those faces.

  8. I bet if you've gone to a store for pickup, whatever waitrose is -- food? -- you'll pick up a few items since you're already there. Not bad for the store. Traffic.

    I wonder if the people who originally installed the wall of pictures still own the business?

  9. That is a great looking burger place. You to give us a review one of these days. I do love all those old photos on the wall of that place. That is quite a collection.
    So you are having actual cable problems and last night I started have cable TV problems. I was on the phone to the provider for 45 minutes and it's still not working. He said it's probably my cable box and I should get a new one however I'm thinking this might be the perfect time to cut the cable entirely. I never watch anything but PBS on it anyway and I can get that on line. We will see!

  10. I've never tasted truffles but since I don't like mushrooms, I've always figured I wouldn't like them. Even in my meat-eating days, I was never a fan of burgers. I preferred hotdogs.

  11. I'd be curious to try a truffle burger but don't know if I'd want to pay for it.

    That extra year for your boss sounds to me like a cheap way to have her "underlings" buy her a few pints!

  12. You could take on a summer job resurrecting half dead plants!

  13. I think I would enjoy a filthy rich burger. I'll have to keep it in mind if I ever make it to London. That's funny that your boss is staying on. I wonder if that will feel awkward for the new boss.

  14. I wonder if those people have actually eaten there!

  15. I love sitting and chatting over a pint or a coffee. However, I'm not a fan of hamburgers. (or most meat in general)
