Friday, January 25, 2008


I was walking in Chelsea a couple of weeks ago when I found this little stuffed duck on a subway grate. I bent down to take a photo, and as I was framing the shot a guy walked by and said, "You should HELP him, not photograph him!"

It was funny - this full-grown man wanting me to come to the rescue of a stuffed duck. Still, I left the duck to his own devices. I'm sure someone found him who appreciated him more than me.


  1. That's hysterical-- and so typical!

  2. Possibly the funnest thing I've EVER heard.

    I think the comment is at the core of photography. LIke the way you shoot grafiti -should you be cleaning it up instead?

  3. That is great. I wish I had said it.

  4. so you picked up the gum but left the duck? hmmmm.

  5. adorable! I am surprised you left him there.

    Steve, could you e mail me a photo of your portable hair dryer? I am collecting pics of them--also feel free to get creative with the pic .. or not.


  6. here is a link to some Graffiti from Brazil

  7. Anon: Exactly! Photographers get in trouble all the time for not intervening. But should we intervene? Or are we merely documenting?

    J$: Ha! Good point! I guess I thought someone might LIKE finding the duck, whereas the gum would just be a curse on anyone's day. :)

    PHD Girl: Portable hair dryer? Are you kidding? (See my photo.)
